The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Nope, no enabling on this thread, lol!

Elegant, we need to write LM! I suppose a lip liner in a natural lip colour underneath of HB would make it last longer, but that's just too much effort for an effortless product!


Well-known member
I love SUVs, I imagine myself looking cool driving one, because it is higher than other cars. I don't have a car, I didn't know tires are expensive. What you said about the soft tires that come with the car sounds familiar, I think I've heard of it. One of the tricks to sell a car...
I used to hate SUV's and swore I would never buy one! They're not exactly the most environmentally friendly vehicles and when I drove a car, I would get so annoyed at my obstructed view when there were so many in front and around me! However... after I had kids, my opinion changed. So many people here own them, so I figured if you can't beat 'em, join 'em! Mine is a mid-size, handles like a car, has a great safety rating, is rather spacious inside and I must admit, the cargo space has been helpful on our trips. I still curse it everytime I have to fill up though! I'm not sure I look all that cool in it though, I'm so tiny in it, I look kinda funny!!!


Well-known member
Well, MissQQ - no photos of YSL today - Sephora sent me the wrong item
Seriously, I have had lost orders, missing items, late, wrong orders over & over

They reshipped with some nice freebies so maybe I'll have it Friday but I won't hold my breath.


Well-known member
Have any of you girls ever tried Naked Cosmetics? I think Shadowy Lady might have some.....I'm thinking of venturing into the line as they have some gorgeous colors, but the shipping costs are INSANE! I don't think they have free shipping codes, but I haven't researched it to any great extent. I was all ready to purchase a few items and then I saw the shipping and said, uh, I don't THINK so.

Anyway, just wanting to take a pulse to see if anyone has used them and has an opinion......


Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Haven't try Naked before, it is not available here. Too bad about the high shipping cost. Where is the brand from?

elegant - I look forward to your review and pics. Good thing they are reshipping with free gifts, they better be something nice and useful.

Nora - Yeah SUVs obstruct the view of others. Good that you join them! Yeah the inside is spacious, which is always a good thing.


Well-known member
Nora -- I can relate. Being so short, I need a boost so I can see over all of the other big cars! We got a Pacifica a few years ago -- which I think is somewhere in between.

Elegant -- can't wait to hear about your YSL goodies. How lame they sent the wrong stuff. That always makes me crazy. But yay for freebies!

Cheryl -- I haven't tried NAKED cosmetics yet. I am never a fan of expensive shipping, either. I try to avoid shipping at all costs!
Have any of you tried Julie Hewett lipsticks? I keep hearing about her lippies . . .

MissQQ -- you are lucky you don't have to deal with a car and the price of gas right now :) Ugggh, how expensive is it going to get?? It costs me around 70 USD to fill my car -- blah!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ I saw the pic of a Pacifica - looks gorgeous. Yeah gas is expensive, is it going up some more? It's very expensive to own a car here, we have to bid for a certificate of entitlement, whose price depends on the type of vehicle. For a car it costs more than US$40000! With that piece of paper, we then can buy a car and drive it. So it's not possible for me a get a car anytime soon. But not having a car does save me money, just that I have to squeeze, get pushed and trampled on in the public transport. I guess we can't win on all fronts. I'm upset that Chanel has increased the prices too, sometime this February or March. The price of the l/s and glosses remain, but quads, blushes and nail polishes increase.


Well-known member
^^ yes, unfortunately gas is supposed to continue to increase. And our home values continue to decrease. Not good! The public transport thing must get kinda hard. When we visited NYC, I was amazed at how well the public transport ran -- but yeah, the pushing and squeezing in with strangers isn't always so fun. I can't believe how much it costs to get a car where you are!!
That is a bummer that Chanel raised its prices again :/


Well-known member
Bloody hell, everyone's raising their prices!!! When I got the receipt for the Surf Baby haul my brother picked up for me, I was shocked at the price of l/s and e/s. They were $18 and $18.50, I think. And to think that my first MAC lipstick was $11.

The price of gas is really impacting my budget. I think the prices here are a bit more than the U.S., because of all the taxes that we pay. It's about $80 for me to fill up now, on our way home from our trip, we filled up for under $60 south of the border. That's huge considering I fill up every week. I have made a huge effort lately to bring lunch from home to counter some of that cost, it all adds up... a lot.

Michelle, loved the comment about a boost to drive! It's true! I can adjust the seat of my current car electronically, so I can raise it up enough, lol! Back in the day, I used to have a fairly thick pillow to raise me up, especially with my dad's car that had a bench seat in it!!!


Well-known member
Can I just scream? I got my Seychelles pumps today -- they are gorgeous and fit great. I look closer and there is a brown spot by the toe area. Really noticeable. And of course, the company is out of stock. Grrrrr. I did head over to Nordies online and ordered some (and they are down to like $44) -- however, as soon as I placed my order, I went back and it said they were out of stock. I am hoping I got the last pair. It ticks me off when they don't update their inventory on the site and find out they were really sold out. I'm crossing my fingers that I really get them!!

My husband thinks I am a nut that I can get so worked up over clothes, shoes, and makeup

Nora -- I haven't even checked out Surf Baby yet. So bizarre for me. I usually love their summer collections. What did you end up getting? They were sold out of everything I was interested in online -- bummer. I think my local MAC counter has sold out of a lot too.


Well-known member
My husband thinks I am a nut that I can get so worked up over clothes, shoes, and makeup
I babble on about that stuff so much I don't think he is really listening most of the time. He has had to listen to my constant rambling on of the Chanel Byzance red lipstick & blush every since I saw it
He did put the picture of it up on my desktop ;)

Ok, that really sucks about the shoes. boo


Well-known member
The price of gas is really impacting my budget. I think the prices here are a bit more than the U.S., because of all the taxes that we pay. It's about $80 for me to fill up now, on our way home from our trip, we filled up for under $60 south of the border. That's huge considering I fill up every week. I have made a huge effort lately to bring lunch from home to counter some of that cost, it all adds up... a lot.

Oh please, don't remind me about gas! I am so pissed at its price! In Spain is insanely expensive. I have just done the conversion euro to dolar and at the moment it is about 2 $ / litre. My car's deposit can hold 55 l, so that makes around 110$ for filling it up


Well-known member
Jenn, congratulations on all of your life's blessings!!! Your ring is beautiful! I am so happy for you, and glad you got to stop by to tell us the news!! I wish you every happiness!!
Thanks so much Shypo! :D

And now, off to do more work.... *sighs* at least only 3 days left of school for me for a little while! :D At least as the student, lol


Well-known member
I babble on about that stuff so much I don't think he is really listening most of the time. He has had to listen to my constant rambling on of the Chanel Byzance red lipstick & blush every since I saw it
He did put the picture of it up on my desktop ;)
How cute of him to put it as your desktop LOL You gotta get your daily fix!


Well-known member
I made him look at those picture often enough - "look how gorgeous those colors are, I have to have them"

Hey, I always thought that Seychelles had such cute shoes.


Well-known member
Elegant -- I am in love with Seychelles. Hopefully those Pot of Gold pumps make it to me! But I did get these also: (I got these in brown and black today)

My husband is going to just love that I got more shoes . . . .
But they were such a fabulous price!


Well-known member
Elegant -- I am in love with Seychelles. Hopefully those Pot of Gold pumps make it to me! But I did get these also: (I got these in brown and black today)

My husband is going to just love that I got more shoes . . . .
But they were such a fabulous price!

Michelle - those are adorable shoes!!!! And, that is a really great price. I'm so into the wedgies these days too.

Yeah, but wait until he sees how cute you look wearing them


Well-known member
to the Ratonas..

feels like forever since I posted anything and am glad that you all are still at it !

not in too much of a mood for yakking now but I came online in the hopes that mu and such will help me get out of the emotional ditch right now.

oh, one thing.. did anyone see a RCs called "Unique" ? I had not seen it either online or in person and Ramon brought me one from S.A. when he was up last month.. it's like Bonheur but darker and more full bodied.. like wine. lol. It is a beautiful colour has anyone else tried it?

I am also using different colour stains under the RCs -- pink under Romance, Coral under Sari/Monte Carlo, and Red under the red shades.. and magenta under Bonheur.. the colours are amazing and also give more variety as well as staying power/

hope everyone is well and enjoying the beauty of life.

oh, and don't fret about gas prices and the economy.. it will get worse before it gets better. It might take another 4 years before we get out of the recessionary period cause housing prices and demand have to rebound before they do and consumer confidence has to increase (it's being held back by the fear of losing jobs, rising costs, etc)

Jen! I just saw your news!! Congrats darlin and best of luck and love to you and Jerome! Beautifully gorgeous and tasteful ring!!

Mitchelle -- how lovely your sandals! And you are a scrapper when it comes to prices ! enjoy! I bought espadrilles too -- but no heels and in denim a few months ago. really comfy.

C! thank you for all !!


Well-known member
Thanks ladies -- I love the look of tall wedges! Your espadrilles sound adorable HG. And your new lippie. I love all things summery.

However, did I fail to mention that last week I was wearing 4" wedges and I slipped in Target? I fell right onto my knees (have bruises now) with a thud (I was holding a purse and a shopping basket that went flying). Oh the humiliation! That has never happened to me before LOL I can imagine that the peeps watching the security camera got a good chuckle . . .

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