The Chanel Ratonas Off-topic Thread


Well-known member
Oh no Michelle! I hope you are ok! We'll call you Grace

Elegant, I giggled at your comment that you are into wedgies........were you referring to that thong feeling?
I couldn't resist........


Well-known member
Oh no Michelle! I hope you are ok! We'll call you Grace

Elegant, I giggled at your comment that you are into wedgies........were you referring to that thong feeling?
I couldn't resist........
I actually snickered to myself when I typed it

In real life - I hate wedgies

I had so many comments I wanted to make on your 'briefs'....especially relating to the current news


Well-known member
Elegant, your husband is the sweetest! He may very well be one of the few men that understands you/us and our make-up habit, erm... addiction!

Almus, that is some expensive gas! And Miss QQ, am I understanding your correctly that someone has to pay $40000 just to be able to purchase a car? Ouch!


Well-known member
Elegant, your husband is the sweetest! He may very well be one of the few men that understands you/us and our make-up habit, erm... addiction!

Almus, that is some expensive gas! And Miss QQ, am I understanding your correctly that someone has to pay $40000 just to be able to purchase a car? Ouch!

:) well honestly - he really IS the understanding & nice in real life. I'm so blessed!

Hey, I am still contemplating that SB teal liner - what do you think of it on???



Well-known member
Cheryl -- it was rainy and there was water on the floor in Target -- I should have filed out a slip and fall and gotten a few bucks out of it! LOL But I just wanted to get out of the store after that! Super Graceful!!

Elegant -- what girl doesn't like a good wedgie . . . on her foot, that is. tee hee You do have a very sweet husband. My hubs knows if I'm happy, everyone else will be happy :)

Nora -- now I feel like I have missed out. Must make it over to MAC sometime this week!


Well-known member
I actually snickered to myself when I typed it

In real life - I hate wedgies

I had so many comments I wanted to make on your 'briefs'....especially relating to the current news
Too funny!!! I've been waiting for those comments!!
Particularly, as you point out, with everything going on with Mr. Weener....I mean Weiner.......


Well-known member
And I guess from his "enjoying life" pic.....he IS a weiner

What a dummy dumb dummy as I say - doh! Men should really stop thinking that there brain resides THERE!


Well-known member

He is a dummy dumb dummy.
More men behaving badly - wonder who will be next? I wonder if the bookies in Vegas run book on who will be the next one to get caught? Probably some serious dough in that if so.......

It's going to be hell hot here today - ugh. The weekend is supposed to be nice, though - thank goodness. Really crazy weather we've been having - especially with the flux in temps - just give me 75-80 every day and I'll be happy.

Happy Thursday everyone!! It's almost Friday!

Miss QQ

Well-known member
^^ Yup! Great that Friday is finally almost here.

Mac also increased their prices? So probably all the cosmetics brands are raising the prices.

Elegant, your husband is the sweetest! He may very well be one of the few men that understands you/us and our make-up habit, erm... addiction!

Almus, that is some expensive gas! And Miss QQ, am I understanding your correctly that someone has to pay $40000 just to be able to purchase a car? Ouch!
Yes, Nora. It's insane, right.


Well-known member
^^ I know, they are so high! Hopefully I don't take another tumble
When I told my husband about my fall, he was seriously cracking up and said "I wish I could have seen your face when you went down". LOL I need the extra height when I wear long maxi dresses, which I love for summer


Well-known member
Michelle, those shoes you ordered are so cute!! It's too bad your others arrived damaged - what a bummer. I hate when stuff like that happens!

I'm glad you're ok - wet floors are so dangerous! I slipped at Walgreens on some detergent that spilled and they didn't clean up properly - I didn't fall, but twisted my back. I filed a claim, but still have not been to the doctor - can't seem to find the time and coordination with the doctor's hours. It's insane how long you have to wait for an appt with specialists!!

Elegant, did your new Sephora order arrive? What were the freebies they gave you?


Well-known member
Yikes, Cheryl. How horrible that you hurt your back. I know what you mean about getting into the doctor -- why is it so hard??

I sent a bunch of stuff off to be altered today -- I can't wait to break into my new summer stuff. I have been a busy little bee scoping out all of the good deals. My husband asked me last night if he needed to stage an intervention for me (If he does, you are all invited!! haha) I told him I'm just biding my time with clothes until the Chanel Fall collection comes out . . .


Well-known member
Elegant, did your new Sephora order arrive? What were the freebies they gave you?

No, pfft...maybe friday or monday now. They sent that really nice Guerlain lipstick in I think a new color -120. Are those the lipsticks you got? Stila es in Kitten, Philosophy cleansing cloths & a Cartier perfume. All I care about is the ls :) The mistake product they sent me was some 120.00 value skin care set. I wasn't familiar with the name.

Yeah, I am SOOO hating this heat - can't take it.

Thats awful that you hurt yourself!!!! I've slipped due to store negligence & the fact that sometimes I forget how to walk

Wedgies are the easiest heels to walk in.


Well-known member
^^ Nice! If it's the Rouge Automatiques, yes, those are the new ones and ones that I have. They're quite nice! I have 4 of them now.

I always forget how to walk - my husband always says that I need to live in a bubble like Bubble Boy. I'm such a klutz.


Well-known member
Geesh, I hope your bruises go away quickly Michelle and your back feels better soon Cheryl. I can relate to both & have managed to twist my ankle (and break a bottle of red wine all over the garage floor) in the past by falling off a sandal that wasn't even more than an inch high...and that was without a wet floor or any obstacles! Needless to say I stay away from high heels altogether. I'm too tall and my feet are too big anyway...


Well-known member
C - Yes, I just checked the ship notice & it is the RA! I'm excited to try them - not like I need to collect ls from another line.

Winthrop - ouch on the twisted ankle! Did the wine stain the garage floor?

Even when I wear those little kitten heels - I get them caught in the cement cracks! I always feel like I dork when I do that, then I get bummed because it can tear up your heel

My other really bad thing that I do (sometimes it makes hubby laugh - sometimes) I drop & run into things when I'm shopping!!! One time Dillards had this metal frame with a poster in it sitting right in the middle of the walkway, & stupid me - some bauble caught my eye & I ended up running right into it & knocked it over. Can we say LOUD crashing noise or what
That embarrassment didn't cure me.

I am Soooo late on my deadline..gotta run. I spent most of the morning getting my hair done, you know, first things first


Specktra Bestie
No, pfft...maybe friday or monday now. They sent that really nice Guerlain lipstick in I think a new color -120. Are those the lipsticks you got? Stila es in Kitten, Philosophy cleansing cloths & a Cartier perfume. All I care about is the ls :) The mistake product they sent me was some 120.00 value skin care set. I wasn't familiar with the name.

Yeah, I am SOOO hating this heat - can't take it.

Thats awful that you hurt yourself!!!! I've slipped due to store negligence & the fact that sometimes I forget how to walk

Wedgies are the easiest heels to walk in.
I'm supposed to be getting "Kitten" as a freebie with my incoming Sephora order. Good luck figuring out when that'll get here, since there are random post office strikes throughout the country... I'm curious to try a Stila shadow, since the brand hasn't really been available here in Montreal. I finally saw my first counter display by them a couple of weeks back and got one of their new liquid eye liners.


Well-known member
I'm supposed to be getting "Kitten" as a freebie with my incoming Sephora order. Good luck figuring out when that'll get here, since there are random post office strikes throughout the country... I'm curious to try a Stila shadow, since the brand hasn't really been available here in Montreal. I finally saw my first counter display by them a couple of weeks back and got one of their new liquid eye liners.
I already have the large size Kitten - its pretty. Maybe not terribly unique, but pretty. My DIL will get the Kitten sample with a bunch of samples & doubles that I have. So what do you think of the liquid eye liner?

Wow, you guys are having PO strikes!? Yeah, that is never ever good.


Well-known member
are you guys referring to Kitten ES?.. it is pretty and works all over the face too.

Michelle.. ouch and glad you were able to slip and not hurt yourself.. if I did that I would wind up in hospital for a few days cause of my poor back.
bet the video guys got an eyefull... lol.

thank God for Spanx!


Specktra Bestie
I'll be curious to try out Kitten e/s more for the formula than anything.

I like the liner a lot- I got Curacao, the sparkling royal blue one. At first, I found the formula a little thin- it showed up, but it wasn't as intent as I wanted. Luckily, the applicator is super-easy to work with, so doing a second pass was pretty easy.

Here's a piccie:


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