The GREAT Importance of Moustache waxing...


Well-known member
I think a lot of women should see the importance of waxing their sideburns (if you have darker hair) it looks just as bad as a mustache.


Well-known member
it kills me when customers come in and they have crucial upper lip the point where it curls, and they wanna try on a lipglass

i need amoona to hold them down and wax them, lol

Miss World

Well-known member
I don't wax my mostache, I thread it.. I know not everyone can get it threaded and done with, but I live close to an Indian saloon and get it done there for something like 10Dhs (equvilant to 2-3$USD) hehe..


Well-known member
I don't wax it, I let it remove with light. I had my chin full of hairs, really a lot long hairs, so when I got threaded for those hairs she always threads my moustache!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHluvsMAC
it kills me when customers come in and they have crucial upper lip the point where it curls, and they wanna try on a lipglass

i need amoona to hold them down and wax them, lol

lmfao @ 'to the point that it curls'

I wax mine every few weeks. . . It's not too bad, but enough to where my boyfriend jokes about it occasionally (when it's been awhile since I've waxed) and it's dark brown eeeck. I told him I was gonna tie him down and do his eyebrows though if he was gonna say something about me waxing my 'stache. He. . . EVENTUALLY agreed lol (not too much though. . . just the area in the middle, he has naturally great brows)

I work retail though and probably 75% of the customers that come into my store are african-american and hispanic. . . a huge percentage women. It really shocked me the amount of females who have pretty thick black 'staches and don't do a thing about it. *shudder* It opened up my eyes! but then again, these women probably aren't as concerned about their appearance so they probably don't care. . . & I don't have the balls to ask them about it (it'd be rude, ya know? i'd take it very offensively if someone said something to me about mine.) *shrug*


Well-known member
This might just run in my family, but my mom told me to never shave my legs or anything and I listened (except underarms and girlier areas.) I'm 21 now and I don't have a touch of hair on my arms or legs. NOTHING. They are completely bare... Maybe I just got lucky because I don't think this would work for everyone because look at men.. They never shave but they still have hair.. Who knows.. I was blessed!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moppit
I waxed my stache last night so I'm silky smooth today.

I am feeling around my face while reading this thread. Gonna go get the strips from the bathroom. I do my own face but get my eyebrows done for my arches sake. I don't want to have to post in the crimes of makeup thread about me having to draw on my brows after some overzealous waxing.

In addition to the often neglected sideburns on women, don't forget that one loooonnnnnnggggg hair that seems to sprout out of the side of your face. It seems to run in my family. My aunt had long black hair and tells the story of the time she was at work, and one of her coworkers thought they were being helpful and pushed hair out of her face. Problem was that that hair was attached to her face! I personally check the cheeks on a regular basis for the renegade hairs.

(And to all the guys who may be on here to try and understand women, go away! This is our own personal place. You don't need to know this stuff)


Well-known member
I just own my mustache. Sorry ladies, I'm going to join a circus. Never waxed, and never had a lad refuse to kiss me.


Well-known member
I wax the moustache every other week. I'm Asian with fair skin so if let it go too long, then I will start seeing a dark shadow.

I don't have to worry about sideburns because I don't have them.


Well-known member
Whenever I see this thread I think of Victorian gentlemen with moustaches waxed with moustache wax to hold them in place (you can still buy the stuff from Kryolan)


Well-known member
I've seen some women who could rock a handlebar mustache with how much facial hear they have!


Well-known member
Those of you who wax yourselves, are you aestheticians? Or just laypeople (I'm afraid to wax myself for fear of getting stuble). Whats the best at-hom wax to use?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Those of you who wax yourselves, are you aestheticians? Or just laypeople (I'm afraid to wax myself for fear of getting stuble). Whats the best at-hom wax to use?

Layperson which is why I don't touch my eyebrows. Too much room for error which I would have to report in the Make UP Crimes thread.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
I wax my own mustache. I've been doing it so long now I only do it like once a month. It's cheaper and easier to do it yourself, just get the Sally Hansen face wax from Walgreens.

You have no idea how many of women I've held down and forced them to allow me to wax their mustache. It's gross and I'm sorry but EVER woman in this world has facial hair, just because you think you don't have a mustache doesn't mean you don't.

lol I just checked twice, but I don't have a mustache


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanne
lol I just checked twice, but I don't have a mustache

You look like you are in your early 20s judging from your avatar. Give it a couple of more years, my dear. A couple of more years:shedevil:

(I know that YMCA has nothing to do with anything. I just think they are cute)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Those of you who wax yourselves, are you aestheticians? Or just laypeople (I'm afraid to wax myself for fear of getting stuble). Whats the best at-hom wax to use?

I've been doing it on my own since I was 15. I just use the Sally Hansen facial wax and tear that bad boy off. I wont touch my own eyebrows I go to someone for that. But with your moustache you just slap it on and rip it off.

Be careful though, my moron cousin has burnt herself like 4 times because she will over heat the wax and then slap it on regardless. Make sure the wax is in more of a pasty (idk if thats the word) form before you slap it on your face.

You might bleed the first time ... no joke I did and my cousin did ... but your skin gets so used to it. The only problem is that it does cause dry spots around my lips but then I discovered Strobe Cream and problem solved.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I had mine LASERED off! Oh the wonders of modern science!

Or for the more masicistic, you can always get electralysis.


Where can I get hard wax i.e. wax that doesn't need strips, and you can just lift up a corner and take it off that way.


Well-known member
Well, I waxed my stache! I love the hair being gone, but I was really nervous/anxious while I waxed so... I over-waxed it, when I could have just plucked those few pesky hairs, and I irratated my skin.
It's kind of funny though, since it's only on one side of my face! Ah well, concealer is my friend.