Originally Posted by Moppit
I waxed my stache last night so I'm silky smooth today.
I am feeling around my face while reading this thread. Gonna go get the strips from the bathroom. I do my own face but get my eyebrows done for my arches sake. I don't want to have to post in the crimes of makeup thread about me having to draw on my brows after some overzealous waxing.
In addition to the often neglected sideburns on women, don't forget that one loooonnnnnnggggg hair that seems to sprout out of the side of your face. It seems to run in my family. My aunt had long black hair and tells the story of the time she was at work, and one of her coworkers thought they were being helpful and pushed hair out of her face. Problem was that that hair was attached to her face! I personally check the cheeks on a regular basis for the renegade hairs.
(And to all the guys who may be on here to try and understand women, go away! This is our own personal place. You don't need to know this stuff)