The GREAT Importance of Moustache waxing...


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I'd really love to try this, but the idea that I might have little black stubbly hairs growing out of my ghostly pale face terrifies me. Right now they're fairly light and not as noticeable.


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Originally Posted by Heideleena
Where can I get hard wax i.e. wax that doesn't need strips, and you can just lift up a corner and take it off that way.

Sally's may have hard wax. I've never really paid attention. If not, you can most likely find it at an online beauty supply store. Professional supply stores carry it, but require a license or cosmo school ID.


Active member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Those of you who wax yourselves, are you aestheticians? Or just laypeople (I'm afraid to wax myself for fear of getting stuble). Whats the best at-hom wax to use?

i was scared to do it myself also. but here's what works best for me. definitely use a "hard" wax. get yourself a wax warmer at sally's (the smaller one is fine, they're about $20) and buy some of those wooden popsicle sticks there, then order wax refills from wax-cellence (i get mine from

warm up the wax and go at it!

wax-cellence is the same stuff as bliss poetic wax. it's definitely the least painful wax out there, and it can get the tiniest hairs!


Active member
Meh. I *should* wax don't want to bother. Then again, I did finally start plucking my brows at 26 years of age, so maybe I *will* start the whole waxing thing...


Well-known member
I use tweezers to remove the "fuzz", it's not really dark though. I can see waxing being easier and less time consuming though.


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Originally Posted by Annie
I'd really love to try this, but the idea that I might have little black stubbly hairs growing out of my ghostly pale face terrifies me. Right now they're fairly light and not as noticeable.

There not gonna grow back suddenly dark just cuz yah waxed them. There going to have the same pigment as the hair currently growing there. And over time the hair should grow back thinner. Think how your eyebrows can grow back sparcer if you overpluck... same deal as waxing.

And even blonde hair is noticeable. Whenever I speak with someone I always notice their facial hair, especially when they talk, since i tend to focus on people's mouths when they speak.


Well-known member
Agh! I'm freaking out here.....I'm at work and glued to my pocket kirror...looking for fuzz...eek!

I'm going to sally's after work.


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Originally Posted by Katura
Agh! I'm freaking out here.....I'm at work and glued to my pocket kirror...looking for fuzz...eek!

I'm going to sally's after work.

OMG Kat, i think i see one *points* look everyone!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Kim.
I think a lot of women should see the importance of waxing their sideburns (if you have darker hair) it looks just as bad as a mustache.

*CK raises hand and nods head in shame* Yes I have gnarly sideburns. I hate them. Ok, that's it, I'm going to go get a wax first thing Monday! I would love to do it myself but shi, I can barely pull off a band-aid without yelping haha


Well-known member
Well, I wax my upper lip (sorry! I like being anatomically incorrect) and bleach other facial hair. Skin's super pale and I just think having any kind of slightly darker fuzz leaves a shadow.
Bleaching is REALLY easy and I don't think it has as funky a smell as depilatory.


I have very pale skin and slight dark hair on my upper lip. I have waxed before, yet it seems like the skin where I waxed is a permanent different shade than it was previousely. It never went away and I don't know what it is! Do any of you know what this could be? thanks!!


Well-known member
Hair is protection and it's possible the skin is lighter because it's protected from the sun.


Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
Hair is protection and it's possible the skin is lighter because it's protected from the sun.

thanks! DOes this happen to everyone, though. I only notice it on myself, yet everyone else says they do not notice it. I must be a worry wart! Are there any ways I can prevent this?


Well-known member
I avoid the sun and only wax my lip 2-3 times a year. I think I look like a clean-shaven man every time. So, I guess it's not just you...


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Originally Posted by Deirdre
I just own my mustache. Sorry ladies, I'm going to join a circus. Never waxed, and never had a lad refuse to kiss me.

You rock Deirdre!!!
My stash has been a bone of contention for me for a long time. Ladies this is going to sound completely insane but in my culture there's a saying that the most beautiful ladies have a mustache. That is not to say that one should KEEP it but that's the saying or the myth. So in some way for those of us that do, we aren't so hideous afterall

Anyway, I've finally come around to getting rid of it. Although right now I've been plucking away slowly - it friggin hurts btw. I'm thinking of getting it threaded instead of plucking or waxing. I have sensitive skin which is why I think if I wax my upper lip will probably get all red and bloody. What are your thoughts on threading? Any experience on that? Thx


Well-known member
On the same topic: I noticed a friend of mine has a lot of hair growing from her chin how do I politely mention that she should wax that s***


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I have a coworker with a large mole on the side of her head with huge hairs sticking out, I wanna say something, but not hurt her feelings :/


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Holly
I have a coworker with a large mole on the side of her head with huge hairs sticking out, I wanna say something, but not hurt her feelings :/

Yeah I would at least pluck the hairs if I had a mole like that,I mean come on it would be fun! Lol...

Yeah a woman I used to work with last month had the longest,thickest
chin hairs I haver ever seen. They were thick and grey she really did have a beard.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by EmbalmerBabe
Yeah I would at least pluck the hairs if I had a mole like that,I mean come on it would be fun! Lol...

Yeah a woman I used to work with last month had the longest,thickest
chin hairs I haver ever seen. They were thick and grey she really did have a beard.

I hate when I see that, too...The only thing is, Doctors tell ya not to fool around with moles like that...'Cause a mole can 'change' and turn malignant

I guess I'll have to find out the truth about that....It would seem you're damned if ya do, and damned if ya don't....I know *I* wouldn't want a huge, hairy mole sticking out of my face...I know people who have them, and they take away from any kind of beauty (IMO)...Ya know; you're standing there talking to someone, and ALL you keep looking at is the mole...(SNL, or one of those parody shows had a skit like that, where one of the characters had a huge, hairy mole on their face, and the person speaking with them said something like "Yeah, I mole what ya mean"...It was funny 'cause it was SOO true!!!)

I could imagine plucking hairs out of a mole would be indescribable pain...Good thing I don't have one...I don't have really any discernible facial hair...Thankfully

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