The Real Housewives of Atlanta


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BOOOOO. I just read on Sandra rose that the beef was a publicity stunt, but then again it is Sandra Rose.. yea, if you didn't kknow she is the usually full of crap, lol.

Despite news to the contrary, there is nothing but love between Lisa Wu Hartwell and Kim Kolciak of The Real Housewives of Atlanta.
“All that talk of infighting and threatening voicemails is just part of a publicity stunt to promote the reunion show,” said a source who knows both women intimately. “You know Bravo would have been all over that! Bravo had us sign so much sh*t! They would never let her release that!,” said the source who is involved with the show.
According to, Kim played a threatening voicemail left by Lisa. On the voicemail, Lisa can be heard saying “I am not the one — you need to call me. I might just be coming to your house.”
But the source said the voicemail, like most of the show, was scripted for maximum effect.
“Right now, the ATL Housewives has the highest ratings of all the Housewives shows and they’re just trying to capitalize on that,” said the source.
Shout out to industry veteran April Love for offering an opportunity to interview Lisa Wu, but here at, we don’t do prearranged interviews


Well-known member
Originally Posted by airplane_girl
she refuses to name anyone shes been with. I remember seeing her daughters father in one of the vids on you tube.
so Kim and Sheree are going to be in a movie with Demi Moore?

Lisa is eating up her words when she told Nene to be nice at the bar b q. that TMZ clip she just HAD to throw that in. It was like,
... "a movie with Demi Moore .....*thinks* *thinks* *thinks* and uh, David Duchovny" .... lolol

I mean, it wasn't even necessary that she say where she was. She could've just said, "on the set of a movie." But she had to throw in that last bit... haha Why the hell would they be in a movie?? Have they decided they're actors now? lol


Well-known member
Ofcourse it's all a stunt. The show stopped filming months ago. Why would they all of a sudden start beefing now?


Well-known member
The beef was suppossed to be before the show ended...But not publicized due to the show...But who knows...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TDoll that TMZ clip she just HAD to throw that in. It was like,
... "a movie with Demi Moore .....*thinks* *thinks* *thinks* and uh, David Duchovny" .... lolol

I mean, it wasn't even necessary that she say where she was. She could've just said, "on the set of a movie." But she had to throw in that last bit... haha Why the hell would they be in a movie?? Have they decided they're actors now? lol

lol ... oh yeah uhhh heres the voicemail. Her lawyer looks yummy with those glasses

Tiff you got some crazy socialites( i use that word losely) around your neck of the woods.


does anyone know the makeup Sheree has on in the latest episodes when she's doing her personal interviews...i wish i could find come screen shots to show


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Nahhh I'm pretty much bothered by everything she does....

lol lol toooo funnyy..... BUT TRUEEE


Well-known member
I love this show, especially the K-A-T chick! lmao

Oh and I'm watching an episode now and Deshawn's Makeup artist was totally using the Spiced Chocolate quad and the 224 on her cheeks! Nice!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by enrica325
does anyone know the makeup Sheree has on in the latest episodes when she's doing her personal interviews...i wish i could find come screen shots to show

No looking at her is not one of my favorite things to do....


Well-known member has interviews with all of the housewives up. - The Real Housewives of Atlanta But, these are my fav excerpts from Kim:

ESSENCE.COM: How is the music career going?
KIM ZOLCIAK: My first song, "Tight Rope," will be out the first week in January, but I'm not sure when the album will be coming out. [Dallas Austin] wrote and produced it. He originally sent me three but I fell in love with the beat and lyrics. The song is about walking a tight rope with somebody. It [speaks] to my personal life and my relationship and just life in general. It definitely applies to my life, but after seeing that footage on the show where it looks like I can't sing! I guess it makes for good television but it looked awful to me. People will just have to wait for my album to see the deal.

She is really serious and she thinks the TAPES were lying?

ESSENCE.COM: It seems like you and NeNe may never be friends again. Have things gotten better between you two?
ZOLCIAK: No. We are definitely not friends. You know she really hurt my feelings singing that song about me in the limo. Although it is fun and entertaining, it was still at my expense. Lisa was the one who told me that NeNe has sang that song about me. Sheree had told me but Sheree wasn't there in the car. I found out about NeNe singing about me about a month after we started filming so I knew even before I started becoming friends with Sheree. People are looking at this footage and thinking I turned my back on NeNe and became best friends with Sheree. Lisa is the one who told me the whole thing. I was just devastated. I was loyal to NeNe and a good friend. Plus, Lisa is running around saying she didn't say anything but that's how I found out. DeShawn is not into gossip. She's sweet and I really like her. She's just this even-keeled person. Lisa is still trying to deny that she told me, but I have phone records that prove that I spoke to her. She's been saying, oh, I never talked to you that day and I was like, damn, bitch, here's the phone record. This whole deal is nothing but drama.

Who said Lisa was the snitch? I figured as much too.

I guess I'll read the rest of the articles since I don't feel like doing any real work at the moment.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru has interviews with all of the housewives up. - The Real Housewives of Atlanta But, these are my fav excerpts from Kim:

She is really serious and she thinks the TAPES were lying?

Who said Lisa was the snitch? I figured as much too.

I guess I'll read the rest of the articles since I don't feel like doing any real work at the moment.

i just automatically assumed it was lisa because she was the only one who knew who nene was talking about from the beginning to the end. deshawn just thought it was a funny song.
it sucks because lisa is always talking this shit about how she wants everyone to be friends but damn bitch!!! your gossiping is making the gap wider!!! on the reunion show she's all BFF with nene but she goes to lunch with sharee and kim to find out why they didn't show to the bbq and is freakin laughing her ass off when kim is talking shit about nene and calling her a drag queen. seriously??!! lisa can't fool me. she just seems sneaky anyway (i think tish said that earlier) like, she's so focused on everyone being friends but so quick to go back tell everyone what the other said about them.
deshawn is the only sweet one on there. nene, i don't think she's so bad. she's definitely not polished but then again neither are the rest of them. nene just needs her hair done and let go of the wigs and go get some therapy. i do think she's got some jealousy issues and is very prone to hating but she isn't as bad as the others make her out to be. imo........


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
nene just needs her hair done and let go of the wigs and go get some therapy.

And a bra. A GOOD bra. I think the fund has already been started, so just tell me where do I send my donation?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
And a bra. A GOOD bra. I think the fund has already been started, so just tell me where do I send my donation?

: lmaoo:

her shit is ALWAYS hanging below the belt!


Well-known member
Lisa talks SOOO much about everyone being friends, but she is a HUGEE GOSSIP!!!

Ok, i cant believe im actually asking this, but what kind of hair does DeShawn use??

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