The Real Housewives of Atlanta

d n d

Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I am starting to really like Lisa too...Especially how she can swim, get her hair all wet, 1 minute later it's dry and her makeup is still in perfect tact, that is mad skills ya'll....The wonders of TV

LOL! When I saw that part I just couldn't believe how lame it was. Who swims...stops to get their hair wet...swims 2 more seconds....gets their hair wet some more and kazaaam, the phone just happens to ring. Lisa gets out the pool like a Sports Illustrated model, freshly made up and hair perfectly hanging over her glistening body. Give me a break!

Lisa seems alright but she may have a sneaky side. No one ever discussed if Lisa was the one who ran and told about the song NeNe was singing. Lisa is always talking about unification but all that tattle telling keeps sum stuff going too. So immature for a bunch of "refined" women.


Well-known member
This show is my guilty pleasure! LOL! My favorite by far is NeNe because she's real. That's sad about her dad situation


ALL I can say is hot-mess! -- I think Kim is the worst
- she just seems to drink an smoke and spend someone elses money. What is she teaching her daughters --- find a rich man etc... ugh. I can't wait until the OC Housewives are back!!

** has anyone read that big poppa - might be clive davis???


Well-known member
i JUST saw this weeks episode...
That was hilarious when Lisa and DeShawn were shopping at Blue Genes!! I've been in there several times and it's right outside the mall that I usually shop at! And the park with the ducks and the pretty white gazebo with the columns that it shows during the cut scenes or transitions or whatever is Piedmont Park where my husband and I had our engagement pics taken! So funny! It's so funny to see these places on tv! I think a few weeks ago Kim and someone else went to lunch at Stoney River which is my FAVORITE restaurant. I go there every year for my b-day and the fam goes for mothers day every year! lol

ANYWAY... as ridiculous as the show's getting more and more interesting!


Well-known member
hahha this show is the bestt!!! i love to sit here and read you ladies' posts!!!! lol Yeahhh my opinion is i really dont like nene i think theres just something not right with her!! always talkin about someone lolll Deshawan and Lisa i think is her name lol the nfl and nba wifes are the nicest they are really nice!!! ok is anyone else bothered by the way kim yells..... BIG POPPPAA lol lol it makes my skin crawl!! and her singning with dash in thta booth i almost pissed myself when i saw her face during the replayyy


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I am starting to really like Lisa too...Especially how she can swim, get her hair all wet, 1 minute later it's dry and her makeup is still in perfect tact, that is mad skills ya'll....The wonders of TV

Dont forget that crochet swim dress.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beauty_marked
Dont forget that crochet swim dress.

LOL...I know. I was like, "what the hell is that??" haha
Lisa is so gorgeous though.


Well-known member
i thought it was funny in the preview for next week when sheree met with michael knight (from project runway) and he was like, "no offense, but i've met some athlete's wives who think they can start a line just because they have money.." something along those lines.. it was funny. sheree gets on my nerves. (not as much as kim does though)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephy171
ok is anyone else bothered by the way kim yells..... BIG POPPPAA lol lol it makes my skin crawl!! and her singning with dash in thta booth i almost pissed myself when i saw her face during the replayyy

Nahhh I'm pretty much bothered by everything she does....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TDoll
LOL...I know. I was like, "what the hell is that??" haha
Lisa is so gorgeous though.

She is drop dead with a body to match...Not sure what the knit get up was about!! But I am still Lovin NeNe!! She is so sweet when she wants to be but I know she will cut you if you step to her the wrong way!!

Ok and how about her friend getting the pedicure...He adores his own feet...But hell they did look better than mine...and sex 3 times a day everyday..Oh the visual, because I know he is dressed to kill the whole time and looking in the mirror...I love himl!!!

What do you call a fashion show without fashion Ahhh Nothing!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by d n d

Lisa seems alright but she may have a sneaky side. No one ever discussed if Lisa was the one who ran and told about the song NeNe was singing. Lisa is always talking about unification but all that tattle telling keeps sum stuff going too. So immature for a bunch of "refined" women.

i will bet money that lisa told. i think deshawn just thought the song was funny as hell and had no idea who nene was talking about. lisa knew nene was talking about kim from the beginning and i bet she told. she does seem to have a sneaky side about her. like, whenever there's gossip, she listens TOO well; like "let me make sure i get the story right before i go run my mouth"
on the flipside. nene was f*cked up for making fun of kim. i agree, kim does suck as far as her singing career goes but all the extra stuff like saying she looks extra old and all the other stuff, that was messed up since kim is her alleged bestfriend.

kim wears a wig doesn't she??? just an observation but i'm always staring at how short her part is and then it just disappears.
i knew she had extensions but damn...... and it's so synthetic like. like, really sheen like barbie doll hair

deshawn is so BALD! OMG! when nene was putting her big hats benefit together and shawn had her hair brush back off her face she was so BALD!! no edges!!!


Well-known member
^^ Oh no doubt Lisa told Sheree...But she told her in confidence...Because Sheree started her sentence off with the person that told me this told me in the strictest of confidence...OK well why you flapping your gums...She was probably just telling her how their night out went..Not thinking "Ms I'm gonna keep up S**T" was gonna run right back and tell and make a big deal about it....

Bestfriend or not...The truth is the truth...she does look old...Maybe she shouldn't have voiced it..But she wasn't lying..Which I would prefer my bf never do to me...Just tell me not everyone else.


Well-known member
What was up with Kim and her lovefest for Sheree? If I was Sheree, I would have been freaked out. Like for real I'm naked getting a massage please do not be discussing my beauty and all my black oils, fall back please!!! But being the attention whore that Sheree is she was bathing in the compliments even if the were coming from someone who jacked HANNAH MONTANA's Wig, yes I'm not over that wig just yet.

When they went to Deshawn's gala why did Sheree part her lips to say that Kim brings her A game in the fashion dept. She looked a plum fool in that glitter gown, and why does Kim always have a glass in her hand, even while driving! I thought drinking and driving was illegal. She needs to stop, seriously I can't wait to the OC series starts again, that's my fav.


Well-known member
Did anyone else find it amusing that during the Big Hat Brunch Nene kept saying "I want people to look at me. Look at me!" instead of "I want to inspire other women in similar situations" which is what she meant? I know her heart is in the right place, but I was cracking up at that (especially b/c she would not stop saying it the ENTIRE SEGMENT).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
What was up with Kim and her lovefest for Sheree? If I was Sheree, I would have been freaked out. Like for real I'm naked getting a massage please do not be discussing my beauty and all my black oils, fall back please!!! But being the attention whore that Sheree is she was bathing in the compliments even if the were coming from someone who jacked HANNAH MONTANA's Wig, yes I'm not over that wig just yet.

I can't stop looking at her hair when ever she is on screen. It's like a train wreck. You don't want to look but you can't pull your eyes away.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by couturesista
What was up with Kim and her lovefest for Sheree? If I was Sheree, I would have been freaked out. Like for real I'm naked getting a massage please do not be discussing my beauty and all my black oils, fall back please!!! But being the attention whore that Sheree is she was bathing in the compliments even if the were coming from someone who jacked HANNAH MONTANA's Wig, yes I'm not over that wig just yet.

Girl I don't think SherIt ever gets tired of hearing how beautiful she is...I'm sure her favorite line during sex is "Tell me how beautiful I am" Ugghh Her infatuation with herself is just insane to say the least! She is good looking but all I see is nose when I first look at her....And when she had all that airbrushed makeup off before the Not So Fashion Show...she looked like she had been hit in the face with the ugly stick. But she was Hot afterwards!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beauty_marked
^^^ ugh yes. PAW-PAAAAAA

Lol. Why did I read this and immediately start thinking of B. Scott and his "hit 'em with the paw paw" song and dance?
Clearly, that is not what you were referring to.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
Did anyone else find it amusing that during the Big Hat Brunch Nene kept saying "I want people to look at me. Look at me!" instead of "I want to inspire other women in similar situations" which is what she meant? I know her heart is in the right place, but I was cracking up at that (especially b/c she would not stop saying it the ENTIRE SEGMENT).

omg! that's all she WANTS is attention! when her and kim went to sharee's b-day party all nene kept talking about was how she wanted everything to be "poppin" and "all eyes on me" when she walked in. that's why it was so funny she got turned away. LMAO!!! and she had the nerve to have her "makeup artist" do that botched smokey eye. lol!! every single one of us specktra ladies coulda done WAY better than that. especially for something that formal!
nene is just a big ass hater. period. she begs for attention and the more she begs the less she gets.

whats funny to me is sharee when people give her compliments and while she NEVER says thank you she just sits there smiling like "yes bitch i know this but go on... tell me more about myself". lol!!! i would pick up on that shit real quick and NEVER compliment her. be modest and humble when people compliment you but say THANK YOU! geez! i swear those two words are not in her vocab.

and yea, the truth hurts but nene being her friend should have told her that the song sucked ass to her. not gone back and talked major shit about the girl. the other stuff she was saying in her drunken song had nothing to do with the fact that kim can't sing. she got way too personal and low with that. if kim told nene she's 29 (which we know is more than likely a lie) then as outspoken as nene is just call her out on it. but don't call this girl your bf and talk shit on it. it would have been way diff if nene just said "i know she's not 29" but she started singing about how she looks like she's 69. lol! then mocked her relationship with "big papa" and everything else! if i didn't know any better, i would think nene really doens't know how to be friends with people because she's too busy hating and being jealous of others. it's sad.

who is sharee's ex-hubby???

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