The Real Housewives of Atlanta


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Kim must be on crack. I had to cover my face up when I heard her singing. Did you hear that nut case say she was a nurse she can't even spell. What the hell is she going to do when big poppa leaves her. I can tell you one thing she won't be nursing. Does she have a drinking problem? Every time I see her she has a drink in her hand. She must keep the wine and the wine glasses in the trunk of her car. Who the hell can function drinking like that. That must be why she thinks she can sing and big poppa is going to marry her. Honey please you and Sheree come back down to earth with the rest of us because neither of you has the sense god gave you. Not to mention neither of you look like beauty queens!!!!!!!!!


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Oh I forgot is DeShawn dim? She had to know that the tacky heffa hung up on her. There is no way in hell I would have called back.


Well-known member
OMG...Sheree did not pick Thomas aka Luscious as one of her male models ...I will not even tell ya'll how I know him but I almost spit up my water when I saw it...I knew him when he lived in TN...He is about the oldest stripper in history...But he is Fine ya'll!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
OMG...Sheree did not pick Thomas aka Luscious as one of her male models ...I will not even tell ya'll how I know him but I almost spit up my water when I saw it...I knew him when he lived in TN...He is about the oldest stripper in history...But he is Fine ya'll!!



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Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
OMG! Sheree's ex could scan the whole room without moving his head.

I know right!! They look so mismatched!

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I <3 Nene too. There's something "hood" about her but she's still a lady and has one hell of a personality.

That episode with the Tarot reading was crazy though. I was LIVID when her aunt was saying how she needs to be sending them money instead of buying designer stuff, etc WTF bitch she doesn't even know you like that. "Oh hai, yer dad iz not ur dad, don't buy Louis, give us moneyz instead" LOL


Well-known member
I am starting to really like Lisa too...Especially how she can swim, get her hair all wet, 1 minute later it's dry and her makeup is still in perfect tact, that is mad skills ya'll....The wonders of TV


Well-known member
Well, I can see why Sheree and Kim are friends. They both think that all you need to do to break into an industry is throw money at it.

If you're throwing a fashion show, and you want to really wow people, and it's your first showing ever, and you have no brand name standing behind you and no reputation in the fashion industry whatsoever... what kind of complete DUMBASS has their final product delivered on the freakin' DAY of the showing, when there is no time left to fix errors? What kind of DUMBASS lets the seamstress do the whole design of the entire line without checking on it even once to make sure it's coming along properly?

And THEN Sheree kept talking about how hard it was because she worked so hard on this line, but uh... did you guys ever see her actually doing the work? 'Cause I didn't. I mostly saw her bossing people around, leaving them to do her work for her completely unmanaged and unobserved, and then bitching when (surprise!) things went awry. She hired someone to do the sketches for her and just sat there and told her what to do. She hired someone to locate and coax the buyers in for the first showing night and then just sent them on their way. She hired someone to sew the damn things, apparently without checking their portfolio or knowing the first thing about hiring a seamstress and the terms thereof. I'm suspicious of if Sheree even picked the damn fabrics herself or just had someone else do THAT, too.

So, other than paying for shit and calling people she hired to do the work for her, what work did Sheree ACTUALLY do? It's just like Kim's "singing," but with less smoking. -_-

(My best friend made me watch this trainwreck with her, so now I have to complain SOMEwhere. And what better place than here?)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
Well, I can see why Sheree and Kim are friends. They both think that all you need to do to break into an industry is throw money at it.

If you're throwing a fashion show, and you want to really wow people, and it's your first showing ever, and you have no brand name standing behind you and no reputation in the fashion industry whatsoever... what kind of complete DUMBASS has their final product delivered on the freakin' DAY of the showing, when there is no time left to fix errors? What kind of DUMBASS lets the seamstress do the whole design of the entire line without checking on it even once to make sure it's coming along properly?

And THEN Sheree kept talking about how hard it was because she worked so hard on this line, but uh... did you guys ever see her actually doing the work? 'Cause I didn't. I mostly saw her bossing people around, leaving them to do her work for her completely unmanaged and unobserved, and then bitching when (surprise!) things went awry. She hired someone to do the sketches for her and just sat there and told her what to do. She hired someone to locate and coax the buyers in for the first showing night and then just sent them on their way. She hired someone to sew the damn things, apparently without checking their portfolio or knowing the first thing about hiring a seamstress and the terms thereof. I'm suspicious of if Sheree even picked the damn fabrics herself or just had someone else do THAT, too.

So, other than paying for shit and calling people she hired to do the work for her, what work did Sheree ACTUALLY do? It's just like Kim's "singing," but with less smoking. -_-

(My best friend made me watch this trainwreck with her, so now I have to complain SOMEwhere. And what better place than here?)

Now come on Fullwroth...You know writing those checks and bragging about how much you are spending is hard work....Are you friggin kidding with this logic...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I am starting to really like Lisa too...Especially how she can swim, get her hair all wet, 1 minute later it's dry and her makeup is still in perfect tact, that is mad skills ya'll....The wonders of TV

LMAO!! I saw that too! How are you gonna be in the pool and then get out with not ONE drop on you to answer the phone? What was the point? I was like if this isn't the fakest set up scene, I don't know what is....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
Well, I can see why Sheree and Kim are friends. They both think that all you need to do to break into an industry is throw money at it.

If you're throwing a fashion show, and you want to really wow people, and it's your first showing ever, and you have no brand name standing behind you and no reputation in the fashion industry whatsoever... what kind of complete DUMBASS has their final product delivered on the freakin' DAY of the showing, when there is no time left to fix errors? What kind of DUMBASS lets the seamstress do the whole design of the entire line without checking on it even once to make sure it's coming along properly?


I would have been soooooooo embarrassed if I was her. Then again, I wouldn't have been her b/c I have sense enough to hire people that I know can do the work and to make sure they are doing it the way I want. I loved how she said "They gave me the good speech and I always fall for that. Always". Like duh dumbass, if you know you always fall for it, why wouldn't you try to counteract that by I don't know.. checking some references, looking at their portfolios, staying on top of the progress, etc?

And I was super mad at Kim and Sheree for not even calling to say they weren't coming to the bbq. That was super rude and childish.


Well-known member

Thank you ^^ for making that comment that this is like a grown up version of "My Super Sweet 16". I've been a fan of the Housewives series (loved both OC (except for that cougar that came later)) and NY (women were much classier). I cringe when I watch Atlanta. This is mostly due to Kim. She "money drops"...which I know that its part of the show, but something's a little fake about how she does it. Like, I feel like she purposely tries to "act snobby" or like a "rich bitch" to appear rich if that makes any sense. She made a big fuss about the cake knife, which I honestly feel like she didn't care but was purposely trying to make a scene as if to prove she's a rich diva. This is far different than the NY Housewives episode when that Countess questioned why that chick who's a chef greeted the driver---cause right or wrong-I really think that's how she is.

Also, Kim has this annoying look in her face/eyes. It reminds me of Lisa Marie she's high or something. It's as if her wig is too heavy for her, causing her not to be able to look up. She's just straight trash, from Atlanta, with a rich dood.


Well-known member
the only thing i really can't stand about this show is the one lady, Nene? is that how you spell her name, anyway..she REALLY needs to wear a bra. I have some big knockers too and i would never be caught dead without a bra on in


Well-known member
Originally Posted by carandru
And I was super mad at Kim and Sheree for not even calling to say they weren't coming to the bbq. That was super rude and childish.

I thought that was freakin' hilarious in its irony. They like to think they're *socialites* but they don't know the first thing about the proper etiquette for attending (and not attending) a *social* engagement? REALLY?

And here they call themselves the Atlanta "elite." Oh, ladies. Rich =/= socialite. Money is just what socialites happen to have a lot of, not what defines them.

But you'd have to have graduated mentally from high school to understand basic things like that. -_-

Also, I about died when Kim not only didn't know what guacamole was but had no idea what a mortar and pestle was AND thought they just grabbed a random rock off the street and crushed it in that, and therefore it's unsanitary. Oh honey, your white trash roots are showing. I could forgive the mortar and pestle thing - although a freakin' SOCIALITE should be better-educated than that - but WHO THE HELL DOESN'T KNOW WHAT GUACAMOLE IS? Someone who spells cat with a K, I guess.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
I could forgive the mortar and pestle thing - although a freakin' SOCIALITE should be better-educated than that - but WHO THE HELL DOESN'T KNOW WHAT GUACAMOLE IS? Someone who spells cat with a K, I guess.

I could, too, if she hadn't told Sheree that she had a nursing school degree.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I could, too, if she hadn't told Sheree that she had a nursing school degree.

I think maybe she has a NAUGHTY Nursing Degree, from Naughty Nurse U, complete with vinyl uniform.

It would explain a lot.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
I think maybe she has a NAUGHTY Nursing Degree, from Naughty Nurse U, complete with vinyl uniform.

It would explain a lot.


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