
Well-known member
When everyone you know (including your computer illiterate mother) knows you are always on specktra

When you type s into your url box and specktra automatically pops up.

When you consider a productive day to be spending the time to reorganize your train case.

When you dream of specktra and/or MAC

When you met your best friend on specktra


Well-known member use make-up abbreviations in NON-MAKE-UP conversation.

I don't usually say these things verbally, but I do use them, accidentally, when talking online to non-make-up friends... such as CP, HG and LE. I'm not a big acronym user online at all, but I find myself using the ones I do use on Specktra (IMO, HTF, PLMK, HTH, etc.) slipping into my other online correspondence. :p


Well-known member
When you've read every post, revisted your favorite threads to see if there is anything new, and found nothing else new to feel completely down and feel like there is nothing else left to do on the internet!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mariecinder
When you've read every post, revisted your favorite threads to see if there is anything new, and found nothing else new to feel completely down and feel like there is nothing else left to do on the internet!

That's me! haha


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mariecinder
When you've read every post, revisted your favorite threads to see if there is anything new, and found nothing else new to feel completely down and feel like there is nothing else left to do on the internet!

OMG YES! haha. All I ever do on the internet is go on Specktra or read beauty blogs and watch makeup tuts on youtube. lol.


Well-known member
When you suddenly find yourself on the mac website adding stuff to your basket after looking at everyones hauls. (or is it just me that does this)


Well-known member
when i leave this site... i find myself getting lonely with no one to chat with!! so i immediately return within a couple minutes


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
When you suddenly find yourself on the mac website adding stuff to your basket after looking at everyones hauls. (or is it just me that does this)

i do this too lol


Well-known member
great replies all!!!

Totally agree with so many of these, specifically, the having multiple screens open, using abbreviations for make up like MSF (like other people, I went to mac and said i want an msf and got a look - but i swear that I thought it was a common terminology!!! hehe).

Also when you name drop specktra in everyday conversation like "ah thats really pretty someone on specktra has something similar" or, "omg, someone on specktra went through the same issue!".


Well-known member
I realize there are so many beautiful, intelligent, indepent, interesting and funny women on this forum - it makes it so hard to stay away from Spectkra!

sometimes I think about some of the members when I'm not logged onto Specktra...hehe
sound a little creepy?!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
I realize there are so many beautiful, intelligent, indepent, interesting and funny women on this forum - it makes it so hard to stay away from Spectkra!

sometimes I think about some of the members when I'm not logged onto Specktra...hehe
sound a little creepy?!

so do i. Weird?? I think not!


Well-known member

I know I'm addicted to Specktra cos of the following:

**When anything happens... I'll be like oooh, I'll "ask someone/tell/find a post abt" on Specktra - MU or nonMU related!

**I cant buy any beauty product without having searched for every single post on it on specktra

**I wonder how many US ppl are logging on as I am logging off here in the UK at night- lol

**When I say I really should get to bed, but still want to see what a 'New Post' click will bring up... again n again!

**I use American words in conversation like Haul! lol...

**I am so with the comment abt the Thanks button... what a genius idea!
BTW, I would love a ITA button too!

**Mention the word specktra to all MAC colleagues at least 6 times in a day...

Oh dear...!! What are we like!


Well-known member
when you read a thread with no new replies all over again! And watch the traincase pics you have seen already over and over again.

when the pc at work is sooo slow but you still sneak and run specktra and then clean clean clean cookies


Well-known member
OMG....I've only been on here a couple of months and I so relate
here are mine....

  • when you try your hardest to hurry up and make 20 posts so you can see the wonder that is the clearance bin
  • when you have to seriously think about the tutorial contest candidates before making a decision
  • when you have any makeup issue that you can't figure out.....and you turn to specktra for the answer
  • when your whole life you've been happy with makeup thrown in a bag....but now you dream of the ultimate traincase and vanity to store goodies
  • when one of your biggest reasons for buying makeup has turned into wanting to have an awesome haul pic
  • when you play in makeup every night trying to find that perfect 1st FOTD shot (still haven't found mine)
whew, can you say....addiction? lmao


Well-known member
If at anytime during this post you've answered yes or smiled while reading, you are addicted to SPEKTRA, and it is OK !!
By the way I answered yes to all of the post.


Well-known member
-when you get fired from your job for being on it too much

i won't be making that mistake again though. after nearly 3 months of not working, i've learned my lesson!

*did i win?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennifer.
-when you get fired from your job for being on it too much

i won't be making that mistake again though. after nearly 3 months of not working, i've learned my lesson!

no way, what happened? I'm so scared of that happening to me, (with the office job)!


Well-known member
totally agree with everyone... and speaking of which i'm at work rite now

oh yeah and **when you've just introduced ur friend to paintpot, after you buy it, u admire it at the foodcourt and find that it won't open, so u smack the top a little bit on top of the table and then it opens, ur friend looks at you in amazement, and you say oh yeah that's how u open it, i looked it up on SPECKTRA!!!**



Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennifer.
-when you get fired from your job for being on it too much

i won't be making that mistake again though. after nearly 3 months of not working, i've learned my lesson!

*did i win?

You win girl! LOL