Theme Makeup with a Purpose


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My Antoinette RC is supposed to be coming tomorrow as well.
That's perfect! I can't wait to hear what you think of Antoinette. I need more HE nudes!!!


Well-known member
Ah okay. Thanks for letting me know. I think I'm still going to get it, you know, for science lol. Our angel saved me one but I have to make up my mind lol.
I don't regret getting it Shars. It's just a lot more subtle than most of my other highlighters and you know---
sometimes there's an occasion for subtle. I'm sure I'lll get a lot of use out of it.


Well-known member
I don't regret getting it Shars. It's just a lot more subtle than most of my other highlighters and you know---
sometimes there's an occasion for subtle. I'm sure I'lll get a lot of use out of it.
That is true! I call it sophisticated glow lol.


Well-known member
Well. I used all the shades in Chanel's Tisse Vénitien today. I forgot I was supposed to copy MrsBaines' look and went HAM on a wing instead lol Also used my new Cargo HD pressed powder, MAC Ample Pink lipglass and a MAC mascara sample (meh).
EDIT I wore MAC Richer, Lusher Creemsheen glass last week and decided to check my lipglasses so I could finally throw them out instead of holding onto them sentimentally. I wore Fabulously Fabi lipglass with Armani's Shadow eye tint last week and today I used AP lipglass, both over balm, and had no real issues.
They used to feel so tacky and a weird line used to develop along my inner lips... I'm still going to try 'em and toss 'em, though, because they're old.


Well-known member
Hello ladies, sorry for being MIA for so long! I was sick with the flu that I just read silently for ages! You did so many beautiful looks! In conclusion I haven't worn as much Makeup as I'd liked and haven't made much progress with my palettes! At least I did a Saint Patrick's mani today!


Well-known member
   :haha:  [COLOR=0000FF] That's perfect!  I can't wait to hear what you think of Antoinette.  I need more HE nudes!!![/COLOR]
Not sure how I feel about Toni yet, Medgal. It may be 'like', but not 'love'. Julia looks intriguing but I'm not sure I want to try her because she. .. it lol might be pinky on me. I'm not sure I'll bother with Dior Paname if it's close to Beige Felin. Hmmmmm


Well-known member
Hello ladies, sorry for being MIA for so long! I was sick with the flu that I just read silently for ages! You did so many beautiful looks! In conclusion I haven't worn as much Makeup as I'd liked and haven't made much progress with my palettes! At least I did a Saint Patrick's mani today!
Ooooh, fancy!


Well-known member
So pretty! What did you use to do the swirl/marble effect? I really like the gold flecks too. Hope you're feeling better and make a full recovery soon!
Thank you Shars! You start by painting a base colour on a piece of clingfilm or something similar. Then paint a Vertical line in another color and a horizontal line in a third color over the wet polish and swirl a toothstick through it in a circular motion. Let it dry for about an hour, lift it with your tweezers and place the whole thing on your nail. Cut of excess pieces and clean up around your cuticles with a brush dipped in acetone. Put some topcoat over it and You're done!


Well-known member
i forgot it was st patrick's day today! so no green...

but, i did wear an eyeshadow palette - smash box photo op trio in 'litho'. it was my first foray into smashbox for a long time. previously i had tried a gel liner and was allergic, but that was years ago...
i was quite impressed with the trio - the shadows are very pigmented and stayed put all day!

i like everybody's green looks...thanks for posting the how-to on the manicure anneri - i never realized it was that simple! it turned out nicely!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]   Lovely look for St Patricks DAY AWS!!!!!![/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]   Beautiful mani Anneri!!!!  I hope you're feeling better!!![/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF] Oh wow.[/COLOR] :shock: [COLOR=0000FF] I thought she was promising!   The hunt goes on.[/COLOR]
Thank you very much [@]Medgal07[/@]! I really enjoyed the look today. Hubby, too lol I think Antoinette will grow on me, perhaps I was expecting a little more terracotta type shade. The formula was very good! Going by online images and so few (if any) WoC swatches can be hard. What look did you do today?


Well-known member
St Patrick's Day Makeup
I'd like to do this look again because I abbreviated it a bit because I had a dental cleaning this afternoon.
I used an eyeshadow palette that I've had for nearly two months, but never used before, and I LOVE it.

UDPP Anti Aging Formula
MAC Paint Pot, Quite natural

Guerlain Écrin 4 Couleurs Les Précieux 504 Palette ( I only used 3 of the shadows)
Deep Olive Green to lids
Mid-toned Bronze to crease, lower lash line and sheered through transition
Pale Yellow to highlight brow
MAC Blacktrack to line upper lash line
Chanel Eyeliner Khaki Précieux (Khaki with Bronze Tint) to waterline


Chanel, Soleil Tan De Chanel Bronzing Makeup Base
YSL Touche Éclat’ Radiant Touch Luminous Praline in small triangle below eyes, set w/Ben Nye Powder, Banana Visage
Tom Ford Shade & Illuminate Duo Intensity #2, shade portion only.
Estée Lauder Illum. Powder Gelée, Heat Wave (Pale Gold Champagne) to facial high planes
Dior Blush Cannage Edition, My Lady Palette Blush 007 (Peach)
Guerlain Terracotta Joli Teint Powder Duo, Brunette Natural 03 to set
Skindinavia Makeup setting spray

Chanel Hydra Beauty Nourishing Lip Care
MAC Entertain Me (Bright Orange) Lip Liner

MAC Fashion City (Neutral coral with pink, Sheen Supreme)

Chanel Alchimie (Golden Khaki) 591


Well-known member
[COLOR=006400]St Patrick's Day Makeup[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]I'd like to do this look again because I abbreviated it a bit because I had a dental cleaning this afternoon.[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]I used an eyeshadow palette that I've had for nearly two months, but never used before, and I LOVE it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818] [/COLOR][COLOR=006400]EYES:[COLOR=181818] [/COLOR] UDPP Anti Aging Formula [COLOR=181818] [/COLOR] MAC Paint Pot, Quite natural[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]Guerlain Écrin 4 Couleurs Les Précieux 504 Palette ( I only used 3 of the shadows)[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]             Deep Olive Green to lids      [/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]             Mid-toned Bronze to crease, lower lash line and sheered through transition[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]             Pale Yellow to highlight brow       [/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]MAC Blacktrack to line upper lash line        [/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]Chanel Eyeliner Khaki Précieux  (Khaki with Bronze Tint) to waterline[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]  [COLOR=181818] [/COLOR]FACE:[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]Chanel, Soleil Tan De Chanel Bronzing Makeup Base[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]YSL Touche Éclat’ Radiant Touch Luminous Praline in small triangle below eyes, set w/Ben Nye Powder, Banana Visage[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]Tom Ford Shade & Illuminate Duo Intensity #2, shade portion only.[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]Estée Lauder Illum. Powder Gelée, Heat Wave (Pale Gold Champagne) to facial high planes[/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]Dior Blush Cannage Edition, My Lady Palette Blush 007 (Peach) [/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]Guerlain Terracotta Joli Teint Powder Duo, Brunette Natural 03 to set[COLOR=181818] [/COLOR]Skindinavia Makeup setting spray[COLOR=181818] [/COLOR][COLOR=181818] [/COLOR]LIPS:[COLOR=181818] [/COLOR] Chanel Hydra Beauty Nourishing Lip Care[COLOR=181818] [/COLOR] MAC Entertain Me (Bright Orange) Lip Liner  [/COLOR] [COLOR=006400]MAC Fashion City (Neutral coral with pink, Sheen Supreme)      [COLOR=181818]NAILS:[/COLOR] Chanel Alchimie (Golden Khaki) 591[/COLOR]
Ooh, olive, bronze, gold, sounds lovely!


Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by Prettypackages

Monday. LOVED it, I ended up using two palettes.

Ex1 mineral powder
MUD brown (orange/red corrector)
Ex1 d300 concealer
set with NARS LRP
Blush: I don't remeber, but I need a fleshtone colored blush, any suggestions? I bet peach would have looked good too. I might try it again to see.
Eyes: Nars St Paul De-Vence and Maya Mia. I wore the left side of the Nars palette on my lid (light peachy color) and the brown color in the crease. So then I put deep brown from Maya Mia in the corner, and Sienna in the crease.
Lips: Nars Liguira. I think it's a great woc nude. It's not a my lip but better but it is the same color of my skin, so it's a monotone look.

If anyone has any rec's for a nude tone blush lemme know.

I'm frustrated, mid applying for a job, I press submit to go to the next screen, and it was empty, nothing. Now the job is no longer listed. UGH...

ok I was so excited to show you all pics from this look, but they are not saturated enough. Katred, you have to tell me your tricks of taking good makeup selfies... I tried all last week to get this post in, but was having some computer issues. I just logged off and didn't come back. LOL I had a nasty malware that I had to figure out how to go in and remove b/c nothing else was working. I thought I uninstalled it, and it was still popping up. Ok here are the pics for now.
I have no idea how to turn them right side up. As you can see, you can't really see anything. LOL But I loved the look regardless. Totally missed green today, but I have new glasses that are like the Tiffany blue and black and someone said it's green, so it counts.(not really the doc doesn't know his colors) LOL I also had on a green shirt, totally by accident. No, for real. Ok, I'm off to get caught up. Medgal,loving, the olive, gold bronze... loving it! Anneri, I'm glad you are feeling better!! the flu sucks! I love that mani. Did you marble it yourself? OK, saw the instructions.. that's pretty cool.


Well-known member
Monday. LOVED it, I ended up using two palettes.


Ex1 mineral powder
MUD brown (orange/red corrector)

Ex1 d300 concealer
set with NARS LRP
Blush: I don't remeber, but I need a fleshtone colored blush, any suggestions? I bet peach would have looked good too. I might try it again to see.
Eyes: Nars St Paul De-Vence and Maya Mia. I wore the left side of the Nars palette on my lid (light peachy color) and the brown color in the crease. So then I put deep brown from Maya Mia in the corner, and Sienna in the crease.
Lips: Nars Liguira. I think it's a great woc nude. It's not a my lip but better but it is the same color of my skin, so it's a monotone look.

If anyone has any rec's for a nude tone blush lemme know.

I'm frustrated, mid applying for a job, I press submit to go to the next screen, and it was empty, nothing. Now the job is no longer listed. UGH...

ok I was so excited to show you all pics from this look, but they are not saturated enough. Katred, you have to tell me your tricks of taking good makeup selfies...

I tried all last week to get this post in, but was having some computer issues. I just logged off and didn't come back. LOL I had a nasty malware that I had to figure out how to go in and remove b/c nothing else was working. I thought I uninstalled it, and it was still popping up.

Ok here are the pics for now.

I have no idea how to turn them right side up. As you can see, you can't really see anything. LOL But I loved the look regardless.

Totally missed green today, but I have new glasses that are like the Tiffany blue and black and someone said it's green, so it counts.(not really the doc doesn't know his colors) LOL I also had on a green shirt, totally by accident. No, for real.

Ok, I'm off to get caught up.

Medgal,loving, the olive, gold bronze... loving it!
Anneri, I'm glad you are feeling better!! the flu sucks! I love that mani. Did you marble it yourself? OK, saw the instructions.. that's pretty cool.
looks nice! is it the look you did with the new nars stuff?

your photos look very crisp. i wouldn't mind knowing everybody's photo tips...i usually take mine with my phone or laptop, and they are usually quite fuzzy!

my sephora order arrived today, and i love all four lipsticks that i purchased, including gothica, the one i forgot to take out of my basket before checking out! actually i like it best out of the four.

it's very flattering, which i'm glad because i was searching high and low for woc swatches of this particular shade. i saw one - charisma's blog, but i don't think it photographs well. it's a very yellow copper-bronze, with silver glitter. if not for the huge amount of glitter i could almost wear it to work.

can we wear green tomorrow too, so that i can catch up with you ladies?


Well-known member
looks nice! is it the look you did with the new nars stuff?

your photos look very crisp. i wouldn't mind knowing everybody's photo tips...i usually take mine with my phone or laptop, and they are usually quite fuzzy!

my sephora order arrived today, and i love all four lipsticks that i purchased, including gothica, the one i forgot to take out of my basket before checking out! actually i like it best out of the four.

it's very flattering, which i'm glad because i was searching high and low for woc swatches of this particular shade. i saw one - charisma's blog, but i don't think it photographs well. it's a very yellow copper-bronze, with silver glitter. if not for the huge amount of glitter i could almost wear it to work.

can we wear green tomorrow too, so that i can catch up with you ladies?
Of course! I could wear green eyeshadow everyday lol.

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