Theme Makeup with a Purpose


Well-known member
For my eye look today, I chose my beloved Bare Minerals Ready Eyeshadow quad called "The Wild Thing". I used the lime greenish/chartreuse colour called "Icon" in the centre of my lid and then the iridescent baby blue/green colour called "Sensational" in the first third of my eye. I wanted a deep green to contour my outer V and as a crease colour and first tried a dark green from my Lorac Little Lace Palette called Ravish but it wasn't dark enough. So I then grabbed a LE Sleek palette I have called Sparkle 2 and the green there did the job. I then darkened it slightly with a random black eyeshadow from another palette. I really liked the look. I lined my upper water line with the Kat Von D black Tattoo Liner and the bottom with a Marc Jacobs Highliner Gel Crayon in O(vert). I also opened a sample sized mascara by Benefit - the "They're Real" one and it was okay.

For face, I've been using and loving this Revlon ColorStay Mineral Mousse foundation in Deepest. It has SPF20 and gives me medium coverage but can be buildable. It also stays matte longer than any other foundation I have. They don't seem to be make it any more but I've found a seller on Amazon and will buy another 2 tubes for sure.

For lips, I used MAC's Mac Red which I have not used in the longest while but still love and pulled together everything with MAC's Seduced at Sea Extra Dimension Blush because it's a very subtle blush and I didn't want too much else going on with the bright lips and eyes. I took some selfies but I am so not trained in selfie-ism. I couldn't catch the eyeshadow colours - granted I was sneaking trying to take selfies at my desk without anyone noticing.

Hope everyone had a great and lucky St. Paddy's today!


Well-known member
Monday. LOVED it, I ended up using two palettes.


Ex1 mineral powder
MUD brown (orange/red corrector)

Ex1 d300 concealer
set with NARS LRP
Blush: I don't remeber, but I need a fleshtone colored blush, any suggestions? I bet peach would have looked good too. I might try it again to see.
Eyes: Nars St Paul De-Vence and Maya Mia. I wore the left side of the Nars palette on my lid (light peachy color) and the brown color in the crease. So then I put deep brown from Maya Mia in the corner, and Sienna in the crease.
Lips: Nars Liguira. I think it's a great woc nude. It's not a my lip but better but it is the same color of my skin, so it's a monotone look.

If anyone has any rec's for a nude tone blush lemme know.

I'm frustrated, mid applying for a job, I press submit to go to the next screen, and it was empty, nothing. Now the job is no longer listed. UGH...

ok I was so excited to show you all pics from this look, but they are not saturated enough. Katred, you have to tell me your tricks of taking good makeup selfies...

I tried all last week to get this post in, but was having some computer issues. I just logged off and didn't come back. LOL I had a nasty malware that I had to figure out how to go in and remove b/c nothing else was working. I thought I uninstalled it, and it was still popping up.

Ok here are the pics for now.

I have no idea how to turn them right side up. As you can see, you can't really see anything. LOL But I loved the look regardless.

Totally missed green today, but I have new glasses that are like the Tiffany blue and black and someone said it's green, so it counts.(not really the doc doesn't know his colors) LOL I also had on a green shirt, totally by accident. No, for real.

Ok, I'm off to get caught up.

Medgal,loving, the olive, gold bronze... loving it!
Anneri, I'm glad you are feeling better!! the flu sucks! I love that mani. Did you marble it yourself? OK, saw the instructions.. that's pretty cool.
Thanks Pretty. I used an E?S palette to which T gave an F and I love this freaking palette. I'm just glad I used my own instincts about it. If I listened to her I would
have missed out on it.

I love, love love the softness of the look you constructed, and the lipstick is PERFECT!!!! Your eyes look sultry---LOVE the look!!!!


Well-known member
For my eye look today, I chose my beloved Bare Minerals Ready Eyeshadow quad called "The Wild Thing". I used the lime greenish/chartreuse colour called "Icon" in the centre of my lid and then the iridescent baby blue/green colour called "Sensational" in the first third of my eye. I wanted a deep green to contour my outer V and as a crease colour and first tried a dark green from my Lorac Little Lace Palette called Ravish but it wasn't dark enough. So I then grabbed a LE Sleek palette I have called Sparkle 2 and the green there did the job. I then darkened it slightly with a random black eyeshadow from another palette. I really liked the look. I lined my upper water line with the Kat Von D black Tattoo Liner and the bottom with a Marc Jacobs Highliner Gel Crayon in O(vert). I also opened a sample sized mascara by Benefit - the "They're Real" one and it was okay.

For face, I've been using and loving this Revlon ColorStay Mineral Mousse foundation in Deepest. It has SPF20 and gives me medium coverage but can be buildable. It also stays matte longer than any other foundation I have. They don't seem to be make it any more but I've found a seller on Amazon and will buy another 2 tubes for sure.

For lips, I used MAC's Mac Red which I have not used in the longest while but still love and pulled together everything with MAC's Seduced at Sea Extra Dimension Blush because it's a very subtle blush and I didn't want too much else going on with the bright lips and eyes. I took some selfies but I am so not trained in selfie-ism. I couldn't catch the eyeshadow colours - granted I was sneaking trying to take selfies at my desk without anyone noticing.

Hope everyone had a great and lucky St. Paddy's today!
Your look sounds AMAZING Shars!!!


Well-known member
Thanks Pretty. I used an E?S palette to which T gave an F and I love this freaking palette. I'm just glad I used my own instincts about it. If I listened to her I would
have missed out on it.

I love, love love the softness of the look you constructed, and the lipstick is PERFECT!!!! Your eyes look sultry---LOVE the look!!!!
Awww thank you! I loved it so much, I can't wait to wear it again.
I also ignore T now. ALWAYS. I look at swatches, but don't pay attn to reviews. I would've missed so much stuff based on her dark/light skin recs. You're no artist, you don't know what's going to work.

This past weekend I ended up wearing Fix on Drama all weekend. I didn't mind, this is freaking gorgeous. But I didn't put together my looks and had to use what I had when I was out and about.


Well-known member
This LM Eye basic in Tawny is my new favorite thing. It is like a matte nude brown on my lid. Perfect for a nude look when I haven't planned out anything. I put this on the lid and a dark brown (or any color really) in the crease and I'm good to go.
So I wore this with FOD on Saturday. I wore FOD on Friday with the Lorac Vintage palette.

You can also use it as primer. Works well as that too.

Tawny is the reason why I'm probably going to end up with all of the Armani eye tints. I forgot brushes one morning and had to improvise which is easy to do when you have products like these. One swipe, blend with finger and you're done.


Well-known member
Monday. LOVED it, I ended up using two palettes.


Ex1 mineral powder
MUD brown (orange/red corrector)

Ex1 d300 concealer
set with NARS LRP
Blush: I don't remeber, but I need a fleshtone colored blush, any suggestions? I bet peach would have looked good too. I might try it again to see.
Eyes: Nars St Paul De-Vence and Maya Mia. I wore the left side of the Nars palette on my lid (light peachy color) and the brown color in the crease. So then I put deep brown from Maya Mia in the corner, and Sienna in the crease.
Lips: Nars Liguira. I think it's a great woc nude. It's not a my lip but better but it is the same color of my skin, so it's a monotone look.

If anyone has any rec's for a nude tone blush lemme know.

I'm frustrated, mid applying for a job, I press submit to go to the next screen, and it was empty, nothing. Now the job is no longer listed. UGH...

ok I was so excited to show you all pics from this look, but they are not saturated enough. Katred, you have to tell me your tricks of taking good makeup selfies...

I tried all last week to get this post in, but was having some computer issues. I just logged off and didn't come back. LOL I had a nasty malware that I had to figure out how to go in and remove b/c nothing else was working. I thought I uninstalled it, and it was still popping up.

Ok here are the pics for now.

I have no idea how to turn them right side up. As you can see, you can't really see anything. LOL But I loved the look regardless.

Totally missed green today, but I have new glasses that are like the Tiffany blue and black and someone said it's green, so it counts.(not really the doc doesn't know his colors) LOL I also had on a green shirt, totally by accident. No, for real.

Ok, I'm off to get caught up.

Medgal,loving, the olive, gold bronze... loving it!
Anneri, I'm glad you are feeling better!! the flu sucks! I love that mani. Did you marble it yourself? OK, saw the instructions.. that's pretty cool.
I really like the lip colour! It's a pretty nude on you for sure.


Well-known member
This LM Eye basic in Tawny is my new favorite thing. It is like a matte nude brown on my lid. Perfect for a nude look when I haven't planned out anything. I put this on the lid and a dark brown (or any color really) in the crease and I'm good to go.
So I wore this with FOD on Saturday. I wore FOD on Friday with the Lorac Vintage palette.

You can also use it as primer. Works well as that too.

Tawny is the reason why I'm probably going to end up with all of the Armani eye tints. I forgot brushes one morning and had to improvise which is easy to do when you have products like these. One swipe, blend with finger and you're done.
I love those eye tints!!!!!


Well-known member
[@]Prettypackages[/@], your skin looks so good. And what a nice, soft nude look. [@]aradhana[/@] Wish I had seen your post earlier! I'm using a particular palette today just so I can use GA Shadow eye tint again lol [@]Medgal07[/@] I can imagine how good it looked on you! The themes really help me to use eyeshadow more as practice!


Well-known member
I used the Cargo HD pressed powder, GA Shadow eye tint ♡, and two shades from the Dior Silver Glow 3 couleurs palette with Givenchy's Rose d'Exception lipstick. Will put on mascara later. I'm loving this eye tint lol


Well-known member
I used the Cargo HD pressed powder, GA Shadow eye tint ♡, and two shades from the Dior Silver Glow 3 couleurs palette with Givenchy's Rose d'Exception lipstick. Will put on mascara later. I'm loving this eye tint lol
this look is stunning awickedshape u making me want to pick up a eye tint sooner then later Stunning


Well-known member
[COLOR=181818][COLOR=0000FF]It feels good to be back in full makeup again!!![/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=181818][COLOR=0000FF]EYES:[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=181818][COLOR=0000FF]UDPPAnti Aging Formula [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Tom Ford e/s Duo, Ripe Plum:[/COLOR] [COLOR=181818][COLOR=0000FF]    Iridescent Opal (pink) to inner 2/3 lid[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]              [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]    Burgundy Brown to lower lash line  outer 1/3 lid & crease, sheered through transition[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]    EL Crystal Baby Powder Gelée to highlight brow [/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE][COLOR=0000FF]FACE:[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=181818][COLOR=0000FF]Chanel, Soleil Tan De Chanel Bronzing Makeup Base[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=181818][COLOR=0000FF]Guerlain Terracotta Joli Teint Healthy Glow Fluid Foundation, Meyon[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]YSL Touche Éclat’ Radiant Touch [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Luminous Praline[/COLOR][COLOR=FF8C00] [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]in small triangle below eyes, set w/Ben Nye Powder, [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Banana Visage[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Tom Ford [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]Shade & Illuminate Duo Intensity #2, shade portion only.[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Estée Lauder[/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF] Illum. Powder Gelee, Crystal Baby (pale white pink) to facial high planes[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Dior Blush Cannage Edition, My Lady Pink Harmony 002[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Guerlain Terracotta Joli Teint Powder Duo, Brunette Natural 03[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE][COLOR=0000FF]Skindinavia Makeup setting spray[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE][COLOR=0000FF]LIPS:[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=181818][COLOR=0000FF]Chanel Hydra Beauty Nourishing Lip Care[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=181818] [COLOR=0000FF]Chanel Sonic Pink, Le Crayon Lèvres Precision Lip Definer, 70[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Dior Rouge Dior, Deauville (Pink) 671[/COLOR]   [COLOR=0000FF]NAILS:[/COLOR] [/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]Dior Darling (pink) 653[/COLOR]
medgal u are stunningly beautiful beautiful I loveeeeee this look
Hello ladies, sorry for being MIA for so long! I was sick with the flu that I just read silently for ages! You did so many beautiful looks! In conclusion I haven't worn as much Makeup as I'd liked and haven't made much progress with my palettes! At least I did a Saint Patrick's mani today!


Well-known member
this look is stunning awickedshape u making me want to pick up a eye tint sooner then later Stunning
Thank you! You're too sweet :) I can't even get a pic to really show the nuance of Shadow eye tint. Barring any allergies, I definitely think they're worth checking out! Edit I'm glad I didn't pay retail for Dior Silver Glow because Shadow will outshine that and perhaps even Nudestix Smoke eye pencil. I can probably give away SG tomorrow lol


Well-known member
My makeup today:

D&G Perfect Luminous Liquid Foundation 78
Nars Creamy Concealer Chantilly
MAC Light Boost
Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre 20
D&G Tan
MAC Summer Opal
MAC Pink Sprinkles
Lancome Moonlight Rose

MAC Let's skate paint pot on the whole lid
Chanel Poesie - 1st colour in the crease; the darkest one in the outer 1/3; the pink in the middle of the lid; the lightest one under the brow
CT Dark Pearl on the lower eyelid
Chanel Le Volume

MAC Royal Ball


Well-known member
My makeup today:

D&G Perfect Luminous Liquid Foundation 78
Nars Creamy Concealer Chantilly
MAC Light Boost
Chanel Poudre Universelle Libre 20
D&G Tan
MAC Summer Opal
MAC Pink Sprinkles
Lancome Moonlight Rose

MAC Let's skate paint pot on the whole lid
Chanel Poesie - 1st colour in the crease; the darkest one in the outer 1/3; the pink in the middle of the lid; the lightest one under the brow
CT Dark Pearl on the lower eyelid
Chanel Le Volume

MAC Royal Ball
Love the look you created w/Chanel Poésie. I need to try it---it sounds amazing!!!

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