Tinkee Belles FOTD... Solar Bits


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hotpink1326
You are very pretty
The close up shots seem kinda dark though... i wish i could see them better. It looks like you used a flash & i find that it shows up to the true color with natural light much better. Enjoy playing with the new camera!!!

Thanks!!!! It was hard to get a good natural light shot because it was raining yesterday!! Maybe ill try again if the sun ever decides to come out !! (unlikely

Ive never been told I look like Audrina.. it was always Britney (when I was blonde) but i prefer Audrina lol


Well-known member
I have the same camera. I love it. The best I've been able to do is turn off the flash and try to use a lot of direct sunlight to my face. Let me know if you find a better method.