To Depot or Not to Depot - That is the Question


Well-known member I'm totally going to try this depotting thing. Our first PRO store has the empty palettes (who knew?! after i ignored it for the last few months it's been open). I thought I'd do the 15 e/s palette, but I don't think I'd have that many so I thought I'd start with quads and have them by this category:
neutrals (e/s base color like bisque, brule etc.), purples, blues, browns, and highlight. I kinda want to keep some in a Pot b/c sometimes when I go to my bf's house and take a nap my e/s come off so I need to touch up and I don't want to carry the 15 e/s palette all the time so I thought the quad would be better or have a double in a pot. hee hee..i'm so excited with this!