To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happened?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BenefitAddict
I work at this store called Brookstone, which specializes in technology for things that make you feel good, like memory foam slippers and massage chairs.

This one woman picked up one of our massagers (intended for soothing aching muscles, pedicures, and to stimulate the liver) and proceeds to place it in between her legs on her crotch.
She sits back in the memory foam sofa and doesn't seem to notice the confused stares from other customers.

Suddenly many people start to leave. I ambush her and tell her that that massager is being used incorrectly and may cause damage to her pubic bone or whatever.
I calmly show her to the personal hand-held massager we offer.

Seriously, what's wrong with manners?

Hey, maybe she just wanted and orgasm in a room full of people? LOL Seriously though that is gross as hell!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia
Also, another story. Not really gross, but I felt it was...inappropriate. Now, I'm not a mom. But my mother did teach me a few things when I was younger. I had younger siblings and my mom would never "feed" my siblings in public (especially when breast feeding!) Maybe that was just her call, but I've always found this situation a bit...odd.

I work in the art/museum industry. Right now I'm just a student hoping to go into museum curating, but from what I've learned some art museums can be "posh" places. Especially when they throw opening night/special art collection balls. I was attending one of these opening galas and there was a woman in a gorgeous dress with a very well behaved baby. The baby never even cried! So, I thought "What a great mother! She has such a cute well behaved baby!" But, before I knew it, she had pulled her dress strap down in front of everyone and started to breast feed her baby! I felt very uncomfortable about the whole situation, as did lots of people around me. Mostly because we were all dressed up for an event and she had pulled her dress down and exposed her breasts. No one said anything to her, because feeding a baby has to happen sometime, but we figured she should have found a more private room without all the people walking around in suits and ball gowns. Or, do what my mom did. Pumped breast milk into a bottle before going out. Course some people say I'm just a snobbish prude with out a full understanding of kids and the natural beauty of public breastfeeding...

I'll try not to rant, but I HATE when people say 'have they never heard of a breast pump?' when talking about women breast feeding in public. Pumping can be extremely uncomfortable, take a long time, and breast milk doesn't keep long.

I agree there is no need for someone to stand in the middle of a crowded room and breast feed, but people need to get over their problem with women doing it in public.

And then some people say they should go and do it in the restroom - what mother would feed their child in a restroom?!


Well-known member
I work at the front desk of a hotel, and we have some computers that are free for guests to use.

Two weeks ago one of the guests came up to the desk and said that he was checking his email on the computer and there was a porn site up, "like a black man would look at." So he closed it out and went about his business. Then he put his hand in something wet on the keyboard and smelled it and it was semen.

So someone had gone in there and made sweet love to our keyboard and not even cleaned it up. Also, this was at 2:00 in the afternoon. Broad daylight.

I'm not sure what's grosser, some perv whacking it where people could easily see, or the concept of recognizing semen by scent.

And I'm still not sure what that guy meant by something "a black man would look at."


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mabelle
There was one woman that came in often that was mentally retarded. She was nice. Never said much, juts looked around. After a wide she started looking kind of rough... very tired, head shaved... Anyway, One of my co workers was working one day and the woman came up to her as say "Can i ask you something?" My friend said sure. "Well, i just gave a guy in the parking lot a blow job and he didnt pay me. What should i do?"

That's so sad


Well-known member
Originally Posted by 27dots
I'll try not to rant, but I HATE when people say 'have they never heard of a breast pump?' when talking about women breast feeding in public. Pumping can be extremely uncomfortable, take a long time, and breast milk doesn't keep long.

I agree there is no need for someone to stand in the middle of a crowded room and breast feed, but people need to get over their problem with women doing it in public.

And then some people say they should go and do it in the restroom - what mother would feed their child in a restroom?!

I think the real issue is whipping your breast out in public, weither it be to feed a child or just because you wanted to catch a breeze, if one isn't legal the other shouldn't be either, nudity is nudity after all.

Now on subject, thankfully the grossest things I've had to deal with thus far was a little girl going around sneezing on everything in the store. Anything an employee or customer would have to touch she sneezed on. I also had to deal with a whole family who came into the store I work at (where you build yourself an animal) all carrying half melted ice cream in some for or another. They left a trail of ice cream everywhere and got it on a bunch of items. They ended up buying nothing and in fact, one of the kids finished their ice cream, went and bought another, then came back just to eat the melting treat over our items.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sonnebutti
whats the deal with people peeing/pooing in clothes store's??? I never even heard of that.. how is that possible?
and ruining clothes just to pee on them? lol... theres a lot of crazy people out there I realize that now, now everytime I go to the mall i'll be very careful with everyone.. very suspicious

Yeah... Manager from one of the stores (I work in the same store, different location), called to tell us her story... someone pooped in the pile of clothes (in the fitting room), it was diarrhea too... And on top of that, because of the company's rules, she couldn't just throw it out, she had to clean it and damage it out... (And then we send those damaged items somewhere... LMAO)

I had a customer who wanted to return something... she had a receipt with her, she used it to pick up her dog's poop with it, and she put it in the zip lock bag (the receipt, that is... not the whole thing, thank God). I really don't understand if she knew she was going to need that receipt but still used it for poop, or she had to go diggin' to find it later...
No words.


Well-known member
I've already had to move an entire off-topic discussion about breastfeeding out of this thread; I'd rather not have to do it again.

Please keep on topic.


Well-known member
This was definitely one of the funniesy (and saddest) threads I have ever read. I can't believe that some people can be so utterly disgusting.


Well-known member
After reading all this, I'm not sure if I will be able to bring myself to leave the house again.
If I do, from now on I will be washing ALL new clothes with Hygeine Rinse before wearing.
I will be bookmarking this thread so that whenever I need to diet, I will have something to take away my appetite. Yet, inexplicably, I have devoured all 5 pages of posts, practically seizuring with laughter (and reading aloud to my boyfriend- the sweet thing is pretending not to be annoyed) and hungry for more.


Well-known member
To whoever had a customer ask for a "heroin chic" look- next time she comes, sit her down and do this:

-apply pale foundation, blending a little bit of white on the forehead, cheeks and chin
-Apply a bit of blue and mauve greasepaint (or substitute) under eyes and around nostrils.
-Apply brown shadow in the corners of eyes for an aging effect. Also use it to hollow out the temples and under the cheekbones.
-Blend a dark grey-brown shadow under the eyes to make dark shadows.
-Apply a red paint (toned down on back of hand)/cream/shadow from the eyelash line blended out on the lids, and also under the bottom lashes and around the nostrils. Blend some on the cheekbones too.
-Place a little blue on the lips. Use a darker colour to emphasise the natural lines in the lips with a fine brush so they look like cracks.
-Powder to set.

Then, take her arm.

-Dot purple greasepaint (or maybe cream shadow) on either side of a vein on the inner arm with your finger. Fade it so it looks lighter away from the vein.
- Use a darker purplish black along the vein.
-Make maroon patchy areas around the veins.
-Mix in yellow so it looks bruised.
-Make puncture marks with a crimson colour.
-Use a felt-tip eyeliner pen to place tiny black dots on top of the red needle marks, making some fainter than others.
-Set with fix+

..She may not ask you again.
Plus, it will discourage people from taking drugs, hopefully.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by armi
I think that the Heroin chic-customer wanted that 90's-Kate Moss-look.. not the actual drug addict-look.

Heroin chic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

...I was joking (mostly)... and the "heroin chic" look was like a drug addict look... minus the track marks (maybe).

So she wanted dark circles under her eyes...? Then shouldn't she just skip the makeup?


Yeah I got you were mostly joking

I think heroin chic-look can be quite cool if it fits for the person. Like matte, flawless natural skin with a bit smudgy e/s and liner... and nude lips. Not like in over-exaggerated or too realistic way, more like mild and pretty way!


Active member
Luckily, I don't have any horror stories from my stint in retail but my boyfriend is a supervisor in a cinema here in the UK and he's had to clear up shit countless times in the toilets but that's not even the worst of it. One time, there were a couple having sex in one of the toilet stalls. They took forever to actually come out of the stalls once they'd been caught and when they were threatened with being removed from the cinema, they had the audacity to say that they had paid for their ticket and they could do whatever they wanted! Unbelievable but hey there's enough crazies and arrogant pricks out there...


Well-known member
ouhh... gross stories. not as bad as the previous poo stories, but when i was 18 i worked on weekends at a mcdonalds as a cleaner in the public area (tables, parking lot, etc.) and of course had to check and clean the bathrooms regularly. that one saturday i arrived, made my first round, went to the ladies bathroom and one of it was sprinkled with poo. interestingly not the toilet seat itself or the floor around it, but there were dozens of small sprinkles up to armheight on the backwall. that were dried already. i dont know what happened, but obviously the person had at least had the courtesy to wipe the toilet seat clean.

still, how does poo sprinkle up half a meter over the toilet seat?

now im working at lush parttime to pay for life at university and there was once this older customer, who grossed us out pretty often until we finally kicked him out for good. he usually would come up to one of the pretty sales assistants and bother them with boring stories, ask them questions about products just to show how uninterested he was in the answers, blah. an annoying customer in short. once, he bought a rabbit-shaped soap we had over easter. five minutes later he came in and showed us, that he had bitten of a bit and wanted to let us know, it tasted good. (what the f*ck? its soap!!!
and then once i had the joy of meeting him, didnt know him before and nobody had the time to warn me. so he pulls off the normal "whats this and this? this doesnt smell good, blahblah" route, and i continue showing him different products trying to get an idea what the heck he wants... then suddenly, while holding up to him a soap to sniff he grabs my hand turns it halfway around and kisses it. i just stood there dumbfounded, asking him what that was and he replied he thought i wanted that. i kept halfway calm, told him that i didnt and that i expect an apology, he said "sorry" and then left. i went to the office to scrub my hands for what seemed like an eternity. next time he was entering our store, our manager banned him.

oh, and recently one of my colleagues had a customer who started a new insider. we have these jelly-soaps, that wiggle, and we have two big ones out on display for the customer to play with them (and for tiny childish puberty-girls to stick their fingers in them and ruin them. no, the holes dont look nice, missy.) so this guy stands in front of them, touches and stares interested and my colleague walks over, asking him, if she could offer him any advise or assistance. he turns to her and seriously states: "if id buy one of these... id never need a woman again, right?" ... my colleague kept her cool, looked him straight in the eye and replied: "ok. this is how this will go from here: i will go away for a sec, you will forget what you just said, i will forget what you just said, and then ill come back and we start anew." walked away a meter, turned around, came back and asked him again if she could be of any assistance.

and then there was the boy in christmastime looking for a gift for his girlfriend who intently stared in the decollete of my colleague while she tried to advise him until he stopped her and asked, if she new where he could buy lingerie.

those are the highlights i remember. other than that we have the occasional customer interested in vagina soap, soap that wont pull your pubes (old granny wanted that), whips for the hot asses of his wife, ... and of course the regular bitemarks in some of the products/testers.

oh the joy of working in retail...


Well-known member
so many stories about pooping and peeing...i have never experienced anything even close to being that gross!


Well-known member
I'm not sure if I can top any of the other stories but...

One time I was working on a hot day at the counter and a two women come up to one of my coworkers and starting picking out colors while I'm working with another customer. All of a sudden, one of the ladies drops to the floor and passes out while the counter is crammed with people. We call security to aid her with water and a pillow but then she wakes back up and tries to stand on her own.

She seems okay for a second and then SPEWS VOMIT ALL OVER THE VANITY AND EVERYONE NEAR IT! It gets all over my customer and looks like COTTAGE CHEESE BTW while everyone else just stands there dumbfounded.

I tried to help clean as best I can but talk about a sales transaction gone wrong. My customer left to clean up and luckily came back later in the day and the lady was fine after vomiting but boy, that was a day at work!


New member
Someone just came into my counter with Swine Flu today.....

Had to take all the testers off the lipglasses and make brand new ones.
