To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happened?


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Originally Posted by BenefitAddict
What the hell man! Are you sure you aren't lying? I mean, if it happened ONCE, it would be believable. But seriously, SEVERAL TIMES???

Was there ever something wrong with your bathrooms???

LOL- I have to laugh, I have a friend that works in a department store in NYC. Now, if you've never been to NYC, trust me, finding a public bathroom is almost impossible.. You have a better chance of winning the mega-millions lottery 3 times in a row. Even the fastfood restaurants seem to always have "out of order" signs on the bathroom doors. But they don't want people coming in off the street to use them either.. So both customers AND gen public are out of luck.. anyway.. She tells me stories about people who #1/#2 in the oddest places in the stores...


This thread is hilarious. People are the weirdest creatures on the planet!

One thing I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT UNDERSTAND is JUST HOW people can take a SHIT ON THE WALLS! Seriously? How does that happen? You have to take a dump really find a bathroom...and as you pull your pants down, you take aim at the wall/ceiling/sink and Mt. Saint Helens explodes out your ass?? Give me a break!! Aim for the toilet!!!!

Anyways, I'm not a MA, but I used to work customer service at a "big box" store. You get a lot of returns, and my store takes back everything. So this guy comes up with a GAP bag (I didn't work at the GAP) - those dark blue ones you can't see through, and says, "I'd like to return this, please."
I undo the top of the bag, reach in WITH MY BARE HAND, and pull out this USED TOILET SEAT!!! Then he says, "I have the receipt. It cracked."
I just stared at him, and dropped the toilet seat on the counter, and was like, "I'll be right back," and RAN upstairs to the employee's washroom and cleaned my hands for like 5 minutes with bleach and soap. LOL. Then I went back downstairs and completed the return - while wearing latex gloves from the janitorial closet
The best part is, he really did have his receipt, and it was dated 11 months from the day he returned it. Who keeps receipts for toilet seats?? LOLZ!


Well-known member
After reading these horror tales, I am not too sure I dream of being a MUA
any more.
Well, maybe

Sorry these disgusting things happen to people, to artists, to people in retail, to anyone! :shudders:
I pray you have mainly positive experiences, in clean environments with hygienic customers. Next time I see a MUA who looks unhappy, I will think about why he/she might be feeling sad....

Thanks for all your comic relief. Surely these things happen in other countries, too?
America's name becomes increasingly sullied...

lol CF



Well-known member
I used to work at a grocery store (as a cashier) and I have many disgusting stories...two come to mind, although the first one isn't really "gross", it was just...creepy.

There was this man who used to come in who would always have his wallet conveniently stuck in his ass pocket. After making a huge spectacle over how stuck it was, he'd be like, "oh, it's stuck and I can't get it out, will you get it out for me?" The first time I looked over at my supervisor to see if I actually had to, and she just kinda shrugged and was like, "I dunno, I've never seen anything like this before. But he can't pay unless you get it out." So I assumed that meant I was obligated to dig it out. I went around the cash, and let me tell you that thing was JAMMED. I'm pretty sure he had the jean pockets sewn around his wallet. I had to dig my finger in there too to get it out, because it was in there pretty deep. After that, he would come to my cash every single time he came in, even if it was the longest line, and his wallet was ALWAYS stuck. Once I said, "Did you ever think of maybe putting your wallet somewhere else, since it always gets stuck back there?" and he replied with, "Yeah, good idea. I'll put it up front next time." AAAAAAH! Me and my big mouth

And the really crazy story now, and I swear I am NOT making this up because this is probably going to seem fake or at least really exaggerated:

Also, there was this man who came in (and this is gonna sound mean, but it's true) who was already really disgusting to begin with. You could smell him at the cashes when he walked through the front door (which were like, 50 feet away and behind a glass barrier thing) because he clearly never bathed and very obviously peed his pants frequently and didn't change them. He also occasionally had what appeared to be dried vomit stuck to the front of his shirt. Another dude who always seemed to come to my line, lucky me. I felt kinda bad actually, I couldn't even talk to him most of the time because I was concentrating on not adding more vomit to the collection on the front of his shirt. Anywho, one day I finished ringing up his order and managed to squeak out the total amount. He looked down at his wallet to get his money out, and as soon as he bent his head, his sinuses emptied completely in a waterfall of disgustingness onto the front of his shirt (I am literally gagging typing this story!). At first he didn't notice, but then wiped his nose with his hand and gave me the money with that hand! I didn't take it, and asked him to put it on the counter. I instantly sprayed it with sanitizer (which was probably mean, but COME ON!) and dried it with the anti-bacterial paper towel stuff we had. He looked at me accusingly and was like, "Yeah, it's because I have a fragrance allergy", as though this was MY fault for maintaining a certain level of personal hygeine. Which was actually a load of crap because I use unscented everything because my dad has a severe fragrance allergy. You could still smell him for literally about 20 minutes after he left too, that's how strong his stench was.

All in all, GLAD I don't work there anymore. You get all kinds of stuff, everyone has to eat, right?


Well-known member
Oh dear sweet jesus. Here we go.

When I worked at Kohl's I had a guy who would come in, grab some little girl clothes or junior's clothes, and then walk right into the men's fitting room and jerk off on them. Leaving the mess for us. Long story short, he did this for about ten months, and for legal reasons we could not call the cops on him (don't ask me why, I have no clue). So one day, a new girl I was training decided she was going to go clean the fitting rooms in the men's side while I was on lunch. This guy apparently didn't lock the door, because I could hear my trainee's scream all the way to the lunch room. I ran out and found her and she was actually hiding in the women's bathroom, almost in tears (she was only 16 and very sheltered). Of course her parents made her quit and we called the cops on the man for indecent exposure to a minor, and he got arrested.

Similar thing when I worked at Old Navy, a man did this for months but I quit before we ever caught him.

Oh god... Victoria's Secret, Victoria's Secret. I could write a book on the most disgusting things that would happen there. I would get "CODE RED" returns (you can guess what that means), and gross stained returns, and then have to damage them out constantly. I was also the only beauty specialist on the floor and would have to clean the testers that obviously were not cleaned the night before, and sometimes I would find "surprises" on them. Like snot or some weird looking fungus, naturally I would throw them away, and it made me sad that my co-workers didn't do anything to help in the beauty section.

I have had squat and sprays, women who would actually lift their skirts and spray right on their private areas, naturally while going commando, so I would always get a lovely peek!

I once had a man propose to me, seriously, infront of my co-workers during regular business hours. I also had a few males give me their numbers, while also being in their late forties and fifties. (I'm only 20 and I was 18 while working there). I have seen people use the Q-tips as earswabs and then stick them into my testers as if THEY were the garbage. Kids put their fingers in our testers and put it all over their faces after eating pretzels and chips and whatever else, while the parent is watching and laughing.

We have also had to remove 11-16 year old teenagers from our stores because they would come in, try on clothes with their friends in the fitting rooms, take pictures and send them to their boyfriends or whatever. But it's two things against our rules, being in the fitting rooms together, and taking photos in the store. We also once had a lady go into the fitting room, leave her old lingerie on the floor and pee on them before leaving. The stench was unbearable.

Oh yeah, and I once had a lady do the earswab q-tip thing, and then put the Q-tip in her MOUTH! And walked out.

OH one more. Lol, I keep remembering them, but this is my boyfriend's story since he's reading over my shoulder.
He used to work at Target, and once was told by his manager if he cleaned the bathroom walls he would get a free CD. So he decided to do it, and found out that someone had taken an explosive diharrea on the wall... and the ceiling. Don't ask how it got up there, we have NO clue.


Well-known member
these are the craziest stories on earth..I just spit out some coffee on my keyboard reading that last!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sloan
This thread is hilarious. People are the weirdest creatures on the planet!

One thing I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT UNDERSTAND is JUST HOW people can take a SHIT ON THE WALLS! Seriously? How does that happen? You have to take a dump really find a bathroom...and as you pull your pants down, you take aim at the wall/ceiling/sink and Mt. Saint Helens explodes out your ass?? Give me a break!! Aim for the toilet!!!!!

Originally Posted by BloodMittens
Oh dear sweet jesus. Here we go.

OH one more. Lol, I keep remembering them, but this is my boyfriend's story since he's reading over my shoulder.
He used to work at Target, and once was told by his manager if he cleaned the bathroom walls he would get a free CD. So he decided to do it, and found out that someone had taken an explosive diharrea on the wall... and the ceiling. Don't ask how it got up there, we have NO clue.

lol you guys i have the answer to that mystery :p you know people who have certain diseases and have to have parts of their intestines removed? and then they have a little bag sticking out of their abdomen where their body waste goes? (im not making this up!!!). well some of these people are obviously not very intelligent and "forget" to empty their bag often enough. then they get gassy so theres air in the plastic bag, and when they go to the bathroom to empty it theres pressure because of the air, and the bag just explodes. I have so many friends working in retail or in restaurants or gas station places who this has happent to! lol and thats what i tell them everytime... how else could it have happent right??

lol i didnt know i would start such a popular trend
people are gross


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jennyfee
lol you guys i have the answer to that mystery :p you know people who have certain diseases and have to have parts of their intestines removed? and then they have a little bag sticking out of their abdomen where their body waste goes? (im not making this up!!!). well some of these people are obviously not very intelligent and "forget" to empty their bag often enough. then they get gassy so theres air in the plastic bag, and when they go to the bathroom to empty it theres pressure because of the air, and the bag just explodes. I have so many friends working in retail or in restaurants or gas station places who this has happent to! lol and thats what i tell them everytime... how else could it have happent right??

lol i didnt know i would start such a popular trend
people are gross

Ahhhhh! So they are not doing handstands in the stall. OK. That's gotta suuuuuuck.

Oh, and what do you know. I was walking back to work the other day and guess what was in the main aisle? A trail of poo.


Well-known member
What ever happened to the good ol' toilet?
It actually makes me a bit angry to know that people can be so disrespectful and disgusting (and some other dis-word i don't know... lol Dane Cook).


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Divinity
: wtf: People are just nasty...and I do mean NASTY. These stories take me back to my days as a Hall Director Assistant for a campus dorm. There were students that would just trash their rooms before leaving for whatever stupid reason. One guy took all his shit and then threw the housing furniture in the room everywhere, THEN proceeded to pee on everything. Hope his parents asked him 'What the hell?' when they got the cleaning bill...

Ugh, dorms are DISGUSTING. Most of the ones on my campus are co-ed, but there is a Girl-only freshman dorm that I lived in. I wasn't happy about it at the time, but OH MY GOD, the other dormitories smelled so bad because drunk people (and a few nasty sober people I'm sure) would piss and sh*t in the elevators, the stairwells, the showers, wherever. We had several hall-assessed fines because of this. They would also leave half-eaten food on the top of the ceilings of the elevator shafts and leave it until it was rotting and the stench was ungodly.
There was one incident I remember clearly where someone rubbed, shall we say, fecal matter, all over the toilet seats and stalls of one bathroom in this all-girl dormitory. Seriously, do you have no sense of common decency? I don't get how rooting around with stool could ever be considered funny, I don't care how drunk you are. Disgusting. The custodial staff (very rightly) refused to clean it and a hall fee was assessed for all of us because no one came forward to admit guilt. I'm sorry, but I feel so ashamed for these people. Do you not realize that someone else is going to have to clean up your bodily waste because you are a spoiled brat who thinks that it's funny? I assume that they do know this and get some sick elitist thrill from it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BunnyBunnyBunny
Since I work at MAC in Macy's, I've seen my share of crazies.

Once I was working with someone else and a woman proceeds to come to the counter and sit her very young child onto one of the chairs and hover near the eyeshadows. The girl working with me approaches her and asks if she's finding everything okay, if she needs any help, etc. The woman proceeds to tell us, "No, I'm fine. I'm just going to change my son.
" We were like, "WHAT?! Bathroom is on the second floor," and sent her away from our counter. Change her son?? Really? And I bet she was planning on putting the diaper in our garbage! Serious grode!!

When I worked in the Women's Shoe Dept, I saw a lady change her child's poopy diaper on one of our chairs. And it was the Holidays, so it was busy with a lot of people in the department. The women's restroom with the changing table is literally right down the aisle from our department, too.

The sales manager was working that day and as it was happening, I told her. I also told her that the minute they walked away I was going to look and if that dirty diaper was there, no matter how gross, I was getting a bunch of plastic bags as protection and picking it up and chasing them down the aisle so I could tell them they "forgot something." Fortunately, they packed the diaper up with them when they left. But the story would have been so much better the other way... might not have had a job though!! LOL.

Macy's as well!

We also had quite a few people pee on the chairs in the show Dept.

The Mad Sh*tter story.

So there was always this lady that was pretty scungey look and smelled. We thought she might be homeless.

One day, the Lancome guy smells something horrific. He walks out of his bay and see the lady (whom we now refer to as the Mad Sh*tter) walking through the cosmetic department with feces falling out the bottom of her pants. She continued walking back to the restroom and the feces kept falling.

Meanwhile, a manager that has no clue that this has just happened (the feces stopped falling out before M.S. got to the bathroom). She walks into the restroom and sees the M.S. standing, pantless, drying her underwear under the hand dryer.

The Why Does the Fitting Room Smell Weird Story.

So the fitting room in I believe it was Intimates smelled funny. They looked everywhere and it didn't look as though anyone had peed or pooped on the floor lately (although someone just peed in the fitting room again last night... a customer came out and told the Sales Associate because she heard the other customer doing it). They couldn't figure it out. So the cleaning lady decided to give everything a REALLY good cleaning. And under neath one of the little stools they put in the fitting rooms found...

an old used sanitary napkin stuck on the bottom of the stool!!! Come on, a sanitary napkin is not gum.


Well-known member
I don't work at a makeup counter, I actually work at the zoo in the gift shop, but your sick stories reminded me of some my co-workers have told me.
My supervisor was telling me a few weeks ago that on her way down to the aquarium gift shop (we have 3 different gift shops) there were some people standing maybe 20-25 feet away from the building (aka the BATHROOM.) She saw this lady pulling up her son's pants and thought the kid had just pulled down his pants, being bad or something. Then she notices this huge puddle where they're standing, and realized that they let their kid pee in the middle of a crazy busy zoo, 20 feet away from a freaking restroom! The worst part is, the whole family was laughing because apparently being disgusting and obscene is hilarious.


Well-known member
2 words, cigarette breath. I'm sorry, but if you smoke it's not secret that they smell. If you're going to make somebody stand a foot away from you and do you the favor of applying your makeup, please do them the favor of investing in tic tacs.

Also the people who just pick up lipstick testers and go to town with them before they've been sanitized. Thats like going to a public restroom& puttin' your bare butt on the toilet seat. Germs people... don't be gross!

Oh and the people who are obviously sick.. like; they mention to you that they just had blood work done to see if they have mono, those people. Yes, makeup artists are completly immune to your illness, so I would love to risk a week or two of work and school so I can figure out which foundation gives you the best coverage.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
I had a customer come in with open sores on her face and insisted that we do her makeup. She complained to management and we HAD to do it..but we used cotton swabs and sponges to do everything. There is no way we were going to use any brushes on her skin. It looked like popped blisters and they were oozing.

I can't even believe management would make you do that. We completely refuse makeovers on people with open sores on their skin. My manager ended up getting shingles from a lady because of that (and she got it REALLY bad).

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by BenefitAddict
I work at this store called Brookstone, which specializes in technology for things that make you feel good, like memory foam slippers and massage chairs.

This one woman picked up one of our massagers (intended for soothing aching muscles, pedicures, and to stimulate the liver) and proceeds to place it in between her legs on her crotch.
She sits back in the memory foam sofa and doesn't seem to notice the confused stares from other customers.

Suddenly many people start to leave. I ambush her and tell her that that massager is being used incorrectly and may cause damage to her pubic bone or whatever.
I calmly show her to the personal hand-held massager we offer.

Seriously, what's wrong with manners?

First of all, HILARIOUS story.

Second of all, AWESOME signature.

Well-known member
haha these stories are so disgusting! and funny!

I work in retail and one night my co-worker was like, "Oh, you should go look in the fitting rooms." So I went and looked, thinking nothing of it. I opened our "handicap" fitting room door and OMG... theres POOP! on the little chair thingy!! It was SOO disgusting! and to top it all off, they wiped their butt with one of our new shirts! EW!

and my manager told me this story. She got a call one day telling her to go to the fitting rooms in the mens area because these guys were doing something in the fitting rooms and our fitting rooms have like little diagonal slits so you can KINDA see what they're doing inside and my manager saw 2 guys DOING IT! hahahahahah and she knocked on the door and yelled "If you don't get out of here right now Im calling the police!"


Well-known member
OH! I just remembered two stories!!

1. I used to work at American Eagle. There was a strict policy about 1 person per cabin. Obvious reason; prevents some theft. Not so obvious reason, when the store first opened they caught a few couples having sex in them.

The golden story;

I worked at Smart Set (women's clothing) in a mall. I had worked there for a year, so i knew the regulars. There was one woman that came in often that was mentally retarded. She was nice. Never said much, juts looked around. After a wide she started looking kind of rough... very tired, head shaved... Anyway, One of my co workers was working one day and the woman came up to her as say "Can i ask you something?" My friend said sure. "Well, i just gave a guy in the parking lot a blow job and he didnt pay me. What should i do?" My friend didnt know what to say or do, so she walked away.
A Couple weeks after that the woman came in again. She was acting really bizzare. My friend asked if she was ok, and she told her that she was really drunk and didnt feel well, so my friend called security. They escorted her out, and she peed all over the chairs in front of our store.
About 2 weeks After this i went to work for AE and mentioned the story to my ass. man (because the woman was banned from the mall). He knew exactly who i was talking about because something similar happened there. He was walking to the back of the store, where she was standing at the sales rounders, and he stepped in a puddle. A puddle of her pee!!!! He had to mop it all up. She left too quickly for him to do anything.

I saw her around the mall a couple times after that, and felt bad for her. She obviously needs help.
Anyway, tahts my weird/gross story.


Well-known member
I just read this entire thread and have been laughing pretty much non-stop! But I figure I'll throw in a few good ones too! I've worked in retail and/or restaurants since I was 15, so I've had my fair share of experiences.

At my very first job EVER, a little boy was in the fitting room with his mom. I heard him say before going in that he really needed to pee, but his mom made him go into the room anyway with her. After a few minutes of screaming about needing to pee, I heard the mom say "Okay, okay, just go right there." I looked down the hallway and saw a pile of shirts wadded up in the corner of the fitting room with a trail of urine streaming right on top! I called my manager, who came over and made the woman leave with her kid. The woman didn't even apologize!

Fast-forward a few years to restaurants....I've seen people change diapers right at the table where they're about to eat, vomit in their laps from drinking too much, vomit on the walls because they thought they were lying on the bathroom floor, and I've definitely cleaned up my fair share of bathrooms with stuff EVERYWHERE. I really do wonder though, unless you have a colostomy bag, HOW in the HELL do you get SHIT ON THE CEILING?!

Now that I'm a manager in retail though, things have gotten much more interesting. I've found pads and tampons in fitting rooms, the worst of which was the tampon that fell in my hair from the top ledge of a fitting room door. I haven't experienced any pooing accidents, though just about a month ago someone decided to drop USED baby wipes all over my store - we're talking actual PIECES stuck to the wipes, which were just laying open on the ground. I also enjoy finding gum and lollipops stuck to brand new shirts.

Seriously, the stories I could tell! I'll just leave you all with one of my favorites:

Summer of 2007, I was working for Hollister. We would frequently get people asking if they could use our bathrooms, but since those were in the employee-only area of the store, they weren't for public use. Luckily, most people could make it to the public restrooms that were just down the hall, but every once in a while someone would pee on the hardwood floors or in the fake potted plants throughout the store (and because of that, that particular store ALWAYS smelled like the "Jake" cologne since we sprayed it so much!).

Well, one day, this teenage girl was at the store with her mom and younger sister. I was coming from the back stock room and was practically run over by this teenage girl on her way to the bathroom. I thought it was one of my employees, so I knocked on the door to see if she was okay. She didn't answer, but I could hear heaves and whatnot, so I went back to the floor and decided to check on the employee in a bit. The employee at the fitting room said to me "I hope it's okay that I let her use our bathroom." I asked him what he was talking about, and he told me that this teenage girl was waiting in line with her mom and sister and kept complaining about her stomach bothering her. The mom told her that they would go to the bathroom once she was done purchasing a whole bunch of things. Right after the mom says this, the girl puked ALL OVER one of the armchairs and the plant and rug in the store's "lounge" area, right in front of the registers! The fitting room guy let the girl use our bathroom, which was fine by me seeing as how this girl was puking all over our store. He also told me that the mom and younger sister were getting rung up currently, so I went over to the registers to get the mom's take on the matter. She asked me "Are you the manager?" After I said yes, she goes on to say "My daughter has the flu, and I think all the shopping today was just too much for her. Thanks for letting her use the restroom." Two seconds later, she's handed her receipt and her bag, and then her teenage daughter comes out of the back room, looking pasty white and sweaty. The mom asked "Feeling better?" then walked out of the store. Which left me going "WTF?!" because suddenly I was stuck cleaning up the vomit. I'm not saying this woman should have cleaned up her daughter's vomit, but she couldn't have said "Sorry my daughter ruined your chair" or at least offered to help with the clean-up?

Here's the kicker though.....we didn't have upholstery cleaner! I had to visit a lot of stores in our wing of the mall to find one with upholstery cleaner we could borrow. I spent HOURS scrubbing that stuff up, it was absolutely disgusting!


Well-known member
Re: To MUAs: Gross stuff ever happent?

Originally Posted by erine1881
people take the qtips and clean their ears right there at the counter.

hello!?!? that's what you're supposed to do in your own home, not out in public at a makeup counter!

haha, kind of like the ones that pop their zits in front of our mirrors.

it's funny that we're all from different places, but our customers all do the same weirddd things.