To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
Hey girls,

I am so sad cause I have to give my NARS Orgasm Multiple Stick away.
It was SO HARD to get it here in Germany (no NARS to shop around my town, and no MAC either, I always have to order or drive about 80 miles... grgs)
and now that I got it a few weeks before I've been so happy, but... it only shows up chunky glitter on my cheeks, aaaw :-(
I look like someone slapped my face and had tons of glitter on his hands, lol. I'm so disappointed. It wasn't cheap either but it looks cheap on me. Hrm.
Did anyone of you have that problem, too?


Well-known member
Nunu!!!! Im Sorry, Your Right, Its Actually The Salmon Colored One. I Dont Know Why I Was Thinking Green (that Is For Lighter Complexions)

You Use The Orangey One, The One Farthest To The Right To Neutralize The Color. The Two Darkest Shades In The Palette, I Dont Even Touch Because They Are Toooo Dark For Me. Im Sorry Babe!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sisa
Hey girls,

I am so sad cause I have to give my NARS Orgasm Multiple Stick away.
It was SO HARD to get it here in Germany (no NARS to shop around my town, and no MAC either, I always have to order or drive about 80 miles... grgs)
and now that I got it a few weeks before I've been so happy, but... it only shows up chunky glitter on my cheeks, aaaw :-(
I look like someone slapped my face and had tons of glitter on his hands, lol. I'm so disappointed. It wasn't cheap either but it looks cheap on me. Hrm.
Did anyone of you have that problem, too?

Hey Sisa! I know orgasm multiple stick is a very sheer pink with glitter in it. Some like it and some dont. That's just how it is. I do like's not that bad. Try putting another powder blush on top of it and just use it as a base for your blush. I also love South Beach's more of a sheer bronzy colour. If you want something pink with more colour and pigmentation....try Nars Portifino or Riviera multiples!

Thanks for the mascara tip ndn-ista!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya

BTW if any of you lovely ladies are on fb and would like to stalk me (LOL) feel free to add away, I just found the specktra FB group and added Nunu and Adina <3
here's the link: Login | Facebook

where is the specktra fb group.. whats the name of it there? cant find it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
Hey Sisa! I know orgasm multiple stick is a very sheer pink with glitter in it. Some like it and some dont. That's just how it is. I do like's not that bad. Try putting another powder blush on top of it and just use it as a base for your blush. I also love South Beach's more of a sheer bronzy colour. If you want something pink with more colour and pigmentation....try Nars Portifino or Riviera multiples!

Thanks for the mascara tip ndn-ista!

Yay, I saw that Orgasm Multiple Stick on one of your tutorials and it looked so pretty on you, so I decided to must-have-it.
But I finally gave it away now. It ist not comfortable, because I have the feeling the glitter makes the little blemishes I have on my cheeks more visible.
I may try a NARS Powder Blush, maybe Torrid?! Don't know. Actually I like my MAC Grand Duos.

By the way, Zerin, I'll have hair consultation today and I will try the hair combination you had before you coloured your hair darker. Damn, I sound like a creepy groupie
I don't wanna copyyou or someting, but I really like this colour.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ndn-ista
Nunu!!!! Im Sorry, Your Right, Its Actually The Salmon Colored One. I Dont Know Why I Was Thinking Green (that Is For Lighter Complexions)

You Use The Orangey One, The One Farthest To The Right To Neutralize The Color. The Two Darkest Shades In The Palette, I Dont Even Touch Because They Are Toooo Dark For Me. Im Sorry Babe!!!!

Thank you so much

I'll try it out

Originally Posted by starryskies
where is the specktra fb group.. whats the name of it there? cant find it!

Here you go
Login | Facebook


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
^Thank you so much for the tips!!

Looks like i bought the wrong concealer pallete! Mine doesn't have the green one, instead it has the salmon one ....woops!

Mine doesn't either...since I bought it, I've been playing mostly only with the orange color...but yesterday I put the greeny yellow color in the middle on on top of the orange on my under eye was a little too dark but the overall effect was pretty nice! I'd say since it has a green tint, I might mix it with a lighter yellow based concealor and use that for redness and zits...

Thats a sh#$ load of work though, SIGH...

OMG ndn-ista I want this MSF dupe! I miss MSF's I look at my Brunette on my vanity and cry...can you give me the exact title of the thing so I can go hunt it down? Thanks a ton!! I use second from left on the MUFE palette for contouring sometimes...try a 188 or the ziya ghetto way: yo finga's!
WE TOTALLY NEED TO MEET UP! we all live SO far away from each other..
you guys are awesome, like, people that I actually would want to
hang with

Zerin- awwww I really wanted Ms. Dynamite...
lmao oh well..I hope Baby sparks doesn't look milky on my lips...Did you go back to the lighter hair color yet? I know you were thinking about that...not that you asked my opinion, but I'm going to give it anyway
I LOVE your blonde highlights with the violet and whatever underneath! Its so original and it really suits you...
But I'm a little biased, being a blonde myself...


Well-known member
That's sounds great Sisa ! You should definitely colour your hair that. It's unique!
It's NOT copying

haha ziya!

I miss my original hair colour too!
My hair is lighter now lol...I got caramel highlights on top of this violetish hair but I don't like it as much as before because it's not the exact same
and I didn't take any recent pics either so I never got to post them. I'm gonna wait a while before trying to get back my original hair colour. =( Oh god I miss it so much...*tear*


Well-known member
Hey zerin!

I finally made hair consultation.

I haven't as much highlights as you and they are very toned down (but I think it will wash out fastly). I might get more next time. I really like it but I think it's way darker than you had.

I hope to see a pic of your new dark hair with that caramel highlights? I'm really interested what it looks like... even If u don't like it, lol

Did the red/violet color work on your natural hair color or did you have to bleach it before?


Well-known member
The red/violet is quite dark at first and then it starts getting lighter as it washes out and kinda chocolately lol....I didn't bleach my base colour...only for the highlights they had to bleach it. It gets lighter as you keep washing your hair. I'm sure yours is still very pretty and will get lighter in time.


can u lovelies pls tell me if lavender whip would look good on nc 42 skin? im so frustrated with the lippies i have tried , i bought amorous last week & honestly i look like a wh... after half an hour!thnx dears


Well-known member
Originally Posted by guddu
can u lovelies pls tell me if lavender whip would look good on nc 42 skin? im so frustrated with the lippies i have tried , i bought amorous last week & honestly i look like a wh... after half an hour!thnx dears

I am nc42.. lavender whip is the sexiest thing ever lol.. Its my favourite lipstick.. u know its an awesome feeling when u try on something and u think it looks gorgeous on u compared to th XXX number of lippies u have tried on lavender whip is my HG.. my mom is fairer than I am and it looked washed out n bad on her- she hated it. It suits NC 42 skintones.. Check out my swatches in the creme team for lavender whip..


Well-known member
Hi Guys, Hows everything going? Anybody get to check out the rose romance collection up close and personal yet. I only ordered 4 things from that collection. The lipstick in rose romance, magnetique lipglass, of summer e/s and mutiny pigment. I am going to get the quad today. I saw the blushes and its not worth looking into at all. The face charts are nice though, its been a while since they released um.


Well-known member
zerin - I just caved and ordered outlaw online O__o my first sephora online purchase. I also went a head and bought toas to. Did you happen to pick any up?


Well-known member
Sisa - Yeh...I'll do some FOTDs soon and you can check my hair then. It does look similar to what I had before.
The red/violet did show up on my natural hair and I didn't have to bleach it. Only the blonde highlights were bleached.

Guddu - Glad you enjoyed my tutorials.

I agree with Moonlit...Lavender Whip is amazing on NC 42 skintones. I LOVE IT! I wonder why Mac never released this kinda colour earlier and they should have this particular shade in the permanent line too. Too bad it isn't.
I love putting on a sheer pink lipgloss on top.

noload - Aww...thnx hun!

highonmac - I'm not really feeling the Rose Romanc Collection much. I might just get the magnetique lipgloss and maybe a lipstick but not sure and probably 2 sample Yeh...those blushes are too sheer point in getting them. That's finally got to order those blushes! WooHOO! I love both Outlaw and Taos. Taos is like Mac's Merrily Mineralize Blush so I returned it and I have Outlaw.
I only picked up Gilda Blush from Holt Renfrew. I wasn't in the mood to get Dolce Vita at that time.....I might grab it in the next sephora sale lol.

Smashbox has this eyeshadow primer out...I wonder if it's as good as UDPP. I realized I have to put more product on my eyelids when I use TFSI (if I dont' I crease like crazy) and with UDPP I only use a little bit and it works so WELL!

Sephora: Smashbox Photo Finish Lid Primer: Concealer/Shadow Base

Have any of you tried this out?


Well-known member
zerin - O its it? Hmm...i recently did a swap and I wonder if I choose that one or gleeful. If so I might ask the girl to switch it. Hmmm...Thanks for the heads. How many do you have now? Where do you get pigment samples. The mac near my house does not give samples, it sucks. So, my collection of pigments it getting bigger....and I know its really a waste since I won't finish it

Do you guys think lavender whip would go good with an nc45, i am very hesitant and plus i can't really find it. Lol

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