To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Active member
Originally Posted by DirtyPlum
Try Dervish, Soar, Pink Treat, or Cedar. Good luck!

I found Dervish quite frosty, but a pretty light pink.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
Angel lipstick is amazing. Honest! Just use a lipliner that's close to your skintone....a neutral shade would do ok.

Shaista - Even if you're the same or lighter than should be fine. Maybe, you're not used to it. If you still have the it for Faux or Brave lipstick or the suggestions DirtyPlum mentioned lol.... it's a pretty nude pink and it's not so light as angel. (I love Faux lipstick better) Try them on in the store.

So yeh...I got my makeup done again at the Mac counter but his time it was SO SHITTY! I hated it. I had bad luck and I ended up with a bad MA. She did it so quick like in 15minutes WTF?'s suppose to take longer to do a better job with everything...she has worse skills than She put very little foundation too...the friend I went with ended up with a nice MA and she took like 40minutes on her at least and did an AWESOME JOB. (She did a Hello Kitty Orange look) I was so jealous! lol I did this silverish smokey eyes with Rose Romance's Silverthorn eyeshadow and print and was pretty but it wasn't all that good as how my last makeup at Mac was done. I shouldve asked for the same MA as before....oh well. So I got Silverthorn eyeshadow (unique silver blue shade-veluxe pearl) and Magnetique lipglass and 2 sample pigments (Mutiny & Circa Plum).

Aww, i am sorry you ended up with a MUA who didn't do her job well

Next time just book it with the MUA that you prefer.

Is Silverthorn a must?? The greys i have are silver ring, electra and Knight Divine..

Originally Posted by Glitterati*
Hi Ladies,

Can you tell me what is the difference between liplass, dazzleglass, plushglass and lustreglass, aren't they all lip glosses or is it a marketing pitch? Never really been into gloss as I find it sticky and feels funny on the lips but ever since I tried Instant Gold (thanks Ziya) I am liking it alot more.


Dazzleglass: Has a lot of glitter in it which makes your lips look really glittery.

Plushglass: Is like a lip plumper, when you apply it to your lips, you would feel a tingly feeling and it doesn't smell like the normal vanilla scent in other lipglasses.

Lusterglass: The first difference is that it's applicater is like a brush, it is not a doe foot like lipglass. It provides a lustery finish.

Read the description in the MAC website for more info, i am not sure if i covered everything

Lipglass: M·A·C Cosmetics | Tinted Lipglass

Dazzleglass: M·A·C Cosmetics | Dazzleglass

Plushglass: M·A·C Cosmetics | Plushglass

Lusterglass: M·A·C Cosmetics | Lustreglass


Well-known member
Originally Posted by zerin
DirtyPlum - I'm thinking of getting the new Prep n Prime Powder or should I get the Pro invisible powder instead? I heard the old one may look ashy on darker skintones? and the old one contains more amount of product too....Do these two have the same function?

What would you like the powder for, what use and what do you already have?

The Pro Set Powders are just that, setting powders and they have talc in them which, if not applied in moderation, can look ashy. Its great for freelancing kits cos you dont have to carry around different shades of setting powders.

The Prep n Prime Transparent Finishing powder is far superior IMO. It contains silica (oil absorbing), and mica (creates blurring effect) feels divine and looks invisible on the skin. Its kinda like a HD powder which fixes MU and has the science behind it to create a soft-focus look.

Originally Posted by Glitterati*
Hi Ladies,

Can you tell me what is the difference between liplass, dazzleglass, plushglass and lustreglass, aren't they all lip glosses or is it a marketing pitch? Never really been into gloss as I find it sticky and feels funny on the lips but ever since I tried Instant Gold (thanks Ziya) I am liking it alot more.


Nunu explained it well and the decriptions on the website should do the rest. I think if you are new to lipgloss then go for the lipgelees first as they arent as sticky and more sheer in colour.

Originally Posted by nunu
Is Silverthorn a must?? The greys i have are silver ring, electra and Knight Divine..

How often do you wear silvers and greys? I'm not a huge fan of silvers on desi skintones and think the ones you have are pretty much great for the odd dalliance

The only one I would say is missing is Scene eyeshadow, its a real grey that makes a lush matte semi-smokey eye.

The Rose Romance must haves are the cheek gel blush and maybe lip stains. The lipglosses are worth checking out too. BUT...

Save your money for SWarriors, Naked Honey, Double Dazzle, and Colour Craft. These will most certainly excite us. TRUST ME!!!
This is prolly the most exciting set of collections I have seen in a while.


Well-known member
is the MAC prep + prime line filler supposed to be used before or after foundation? or both?

i have hugely obvious prominent smile lines
and i am hoping this product will help as whenevr i apply makeup the foundation always messes up at those lines - wedges right into the lines, making them even more obvious


Well-known member
Thanks DirtyPlum! I will get the Prep&Prime Powder eventually.

Glitterati: I think you should wait til the summer collections for the MSFs because you will have more variety. I find MSFs do a better job in getting that "glow" than Nars Albatross. If you ever find Warmed MSF get it! It's really pretty and gives you a beautiful warm glow without any chunky glitter.

Shaista: I bought the line filler but still didn't get the chance to use But I heard you should apply it before foundation. I think DirtyPlum would know the right answer to this one...


Active member
Thanks Dirty Plum, Zerin and Nunu!

Highlighter - I ended up getting the Refined MSF, I got the MUA to try it on my face and she did a good job of applying it. She also told me if I want a more metallic look to use fix plus to wet the 187 brush and apply. I used it last night for a party it gave a nice neutral glow to my face. I asked the MUA to get me one with more peach veining and she did! I will probably still buy another one during the summer though, depending of course how they look.

I also asked her about Warmed and how I would like to get it and she told me that Gold Deposit is the same, she tried that on my face but I was not crazy about it. Do any of you find that it is similar to Warmed?

Concealer - In my never ending quest for concealer I came across a MUFE counter at the Bay and tried the full cover but like Zerin mentioned in one of her earlier posts the 10 was too light and the 12 was too dark. The MUA tried to sell me on the 12 by telling me to go home and apply my foundation over it but it looked too orangey on my skintone. She also told me to try the Este Lauder double coverage concealer.

Blush - So finally I got myself Torrid! You guys are very convincing. I tried Orgasm, Gilda and Gina as well. Gilda was peachy and not as sparkly so I might get it for more daytime work looks. The Torrid is really nice for evening and with the Refined MSF it looked great!

Lipstick - In one of my other posts I mentioned that Dervish was pink and frosty but when I actually looked at my lipstick it was Delish! Delish is very frosty but I used it with the instant gold over top and it toned down quite nicely.

Are any of you ladies getting the Rose Romance Lipsticks, I swatched them in the store and they look really nice for summer.

Thanks everyone for your help, you've enabled me to go out and buy more stuff. I find when I'm having a down day or just blah it helps to go out and buy one item of makeup to cheer me up!


Well-known member
Glitterati! - Yeh...the MA said the same thing to me when she tested Refined MSF...I loved it actually. I didn't find it chalky on me and too glittery like some MSFs. Gold Deposit does look similar to Warmed but I think it's a bit more glittery. Warmed doesnt have glitter to me. I heard So Ceylon is in the perm line but it is darker than Warmed. I think you should be fine with Refined right now and than wait til July for the other MSFs.

Check this blog for swatch comparisions: Fafinettex3: MSF Swatches

Yeh...#12 is too dark and #10 was too light so I just use MAC NW 35 Select Coverup Concealer and MUFE #10 and it works fine for me. I like this combo and the texture of it. MUFE liquid full cover concealer is so pigmented and dries up quickly too so it doesn't get into the lines as much as you pat it in.

I love Torrid blush...It's my MOST USED one!!

Rose Romance lipsticks seemed like I had similar colours already and these were lustres too..I'm trying to stay away from lustres right I have enough of those but then again some lustres are really pretty. I love the new vivaglam lipstick even though it's a's AMAZING!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Glitterati*
I also asked her about Warmed and how I would like to get it and she told me that Gold Deposit is the same, she tried that on my face but I was not crazy about it. Do any of you find that it is similar to Warmed?

No, they are not really similar. GD is more bornzey gold whereas Warmed is a more mellow lighter gold. GD is also more shimmery and therefore doesnt apply as well as Warmed. I'm not a fan of it and generally find the mineralize line a lot more yellow and the msfs quite frosty.

Try Nars Luster, Sertao and Albatross as good blendable highlighters. Otherwise Mac Vanilla pigment is great, as are some of the CCBs.

Guerlain are great for bronzers and highlighters too.


Active member
Hi Ladies,

Have a chance to buy some Mac makeup with a discount, just wanted your advice on must have items, colors of shadow etc so I can compile my list. This is what I currently have:

Eyeshadow - Embark, carbon, knight divine, deep truth, freshwater, woodwinked, goldmine, juxt, humid, aquadisiac, ricepaper, satellite dreams, expensive pink, star violet, naked luch, amber lights

Blush and MSF - Petticoat, Refined no Mac blush just Nars Torrid, could use a rec. on a peach blush. What color should I get for a MSF all over color I'm an NC40?

Lipstick - hug me, twig, midimauve, VG6, VG6SE, Verve, Instant Gold gloss

What other shadows and products do I absolutely need, this is a one time shot so want to make sure I take advantage of it! I could use some lipsticks, Thanks!


Well-known member
You are missing:

Violet pigment, all that glitters e/s, da bling e/s, satin taupe e/s, twinks e/s, antiqued e/s and bronze e/s

Peaches, fleur power, peachykeen, dame, cantaloupe blushers

Kinda sexy, spirit, cherish, freckletone, syrup, plumful, mocha, faux, brave, vg5, half n half, ravishing, fanfare, creme de la femme lipsticks

missy and bare slimshines

lust, ample pink, love nectar, and vg5 lipglass


Well-known member
All so to add to the blush list is gingerly and so ceylon msf if you can still find it.

Eyeshadows: fig. 1 or noctunelle, saddle, and cork.

Lipstick: up the amp for some colour, and magnetique from rose romance

Other than that dirtyplum covered most of it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by animacani
Is viva glam VISE the new lipstick? I bought it the other day and I just freakin LOVE IT!

OMG i totallly agree. This is my absolute new favourite lipstick. Its such a nice soft pink! Can you guys recommend any workable pinks. Nothing to harsh like fushia or tooo light. I tried angel and it was a bit too light. I am an nc45 so it didn't work out.


Well-known member
I love the VivaGlam VISE lipstick too!

HighonMac - Since you don't want such bright pinks...why not try...Brave/ Faux (Nude Pinks) or Cosmo lipsticks and then Fastplay (a bit darker). Try Cosmo first! Cosmo is kinda similar to the new vivaglam lippie but it's in amplified finish. Faux is lighter than Cosmo though but a pretty pink. Try them on at the store as well and see what you like best.

Check out some swatches here... XinaRox's Cosmo-Diva Blog!: My Lipstick Collection with Swatches


Well-known member
Hi Guys. I need serious help! I have a party to go to tommorow and I have no clue how to wear my makeup. I will drop by tomorrow to pick up a few things based on the recommendations you present to me if I do not have it. HELP!
My Dress is a cream 60's/70's inspired dress. I bought it from forever21 Monday however it is not on the website. The style is similar to this dress on the website but, this was is a little ugly, mine is much cuter I swear! LOL The waist sits under the bust and has a cute bow on the top. me=12x12%5Fdresses&product%5Fid=2056538646&Page=1

The shoes are the only sort of colour I have in the outfit. The are cobalt blue

SteveMadden - TRINITIE BLU SDE women's dress high platform

Please I need your help



Active member
im nc42...everytime i work with any greys or eyes end up looking so i doing something wrong???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac4less
im nc42...everytime i work with any greys or eyes end up looking so i doing something wrong???

I find the same thing too. I can never do an actualy "smoky eye" with black on the entire lid or even a silver smoky eye. It makes me look I don't know drugged. Personally, I think grey doesn't look that great on desi skin because of the yellow


Hi ladies,

My name is Rupa and I'm new to this forum. I'm punjabi nc35-nc37ish from toronto. I have been on a new buy since the mac warehouse sale on march 28th. After spending wayyyy too much $ my boyfriend dared me that I couldn't buy any makeup till my birthday....... and I have succeeded!!!! Yayness

My birthday is this weekend and he is taking me to the pro store downtown!!!! I have never been and am super excited!!!
My question to you ladies is what to buy? If you guys have any recommendations on blushes and creme blushes, I would be very grateful.
I don't like alot of shimmer on my face so any matte or less shimmery blushes would be great.

My mac blush collection includes:
peachykeen, prism, ablaze, blush baby and ladyblush (creme)

I also wanna get 2 nars blushes. I only have orgasm and it doesn't show up well on my skin... should have gotten something darker but oh well. if you have any recs

OMG im sooo excited to shop again yay!!

Thanks guys


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