To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Well-known member
Glitterati - I don't have honesty eyeshadow but I love All that Glitters as a lid colour.

Thanks Dopista and Lushious_lips. My skin isn't the best to be honest. I don't even do my regular skincare routine dailyI get real lazy at times..but I tend to break out if I don't do it in 3 days. lol

My main problems are my uneven skintones and undereye area. lol I'll try to do a foundation tutorial someday but I'm not brave enough to go entirely bare on cam.
It's scary!

Anyways Ladies.....I'm SO OVERWHELMED with all these new upcoming mac collections. It's crazy!

I'm still lemming for the CC and dazzlecream products.


Active member
Hi lovely ladies !

I am so glad n excited to have found this thread !!
Its so awesome to hear the advice/info coming from professionals n Make up addicts of Indian skin tones.

A bit about myself...I 'm married n staying in the lovely bay area of California. I'm a homemaker n now turning into a total Mac addict....Thanks to you Lovely Ladies !!!
My husband gets pretty overwhelmed nowadays when I download onto him all the info that I keep reading on this forum ....Poor guy !!!

I'm pretty picky when it comes to buying eye shadows/lipsticks/lip glosses etc. as I have found so many a times after buying the products that they are not going well on my skin tone. What a total waste of time n money!

Having said that, I have no idea about my skin tone color as I had once bought Mac foundation in NW35 on a rep's recommendation which later on I realized was darker than my skin tone so that's just another wasted item lying in my drawer. Finally, I have managed to find a foundation in MUFE which matches my skin tone (although it ends up looking ashy in the pics which I haven't been able to figure out why) but it doesn't have any no mentioned on the bottle so I am completely clueless
. However, I am currently using a Mac NW 30 Concealer, if that can be of any help in giving any idea about my skin tone.

I recently ended up ordering some stuff in the SUMO sale -

Refined Golden Bronzer ( not sure whether it will suit me or not, ordered after seeing the recommendations in this blog. I hope its a better choice than Nars Laguna)
Pro Palette Eye Shadow X 15
Coppering e/s
239 Brush
Gold Rebel l/g
Lovechild l/g
Rubenseque Paintpot

n I am still waiting for the package to arrive

Zerin - I love your videos, tutorials...girl you are awesome n look absolutely stunning!! You are such a great inspiration especially to all the ladies of our skin tone. Keep up the good work girl !

Ziya - You are very pretty n I envy you having that Nariyal-paani

Dirty Plum - Look forward to your professional advice
On the basis of your list for lipsticks/lipglasses for Indian Skin tones, I ended up ordering the above items. Hope they suit me else girl/s you all have had it.
...Just Kiddin !! RELAX !!!

Hugs !!


Well-known member
HI ladies! Welcome nids! I think the items you ordered are good choices IMO According to Zerin, Lovechild l/g is really pretty and I too want to buy that lipglass. I am running out of room for all my makeup and I just got a new vanity!


Well-known member
Im sorry if I am asking too many questions about Dubai but does anyone know when the duty free at the airport close? My flight will go 00:55 AM so I am afraid the duty free will be closed at that time =( Also does anyone know if you can get OPI / essie nailpolishes there? TIA!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nids
Hi lovely ladies !

I am so glad n excited to have found this thread !!
Its so awesome to hear the advice/info coming from professionals n Make up addicts of Indian skin tones.
Refined Golden Bronzer ( not sure whether it will suit me or not, ordered after seeing the recommendations in this blog. I hope its a better choice than Nars Laguna)
Pro Palette Eye Shadow X 15
Coppering e/s
239 Brush
Gold Rebel l/g
Lovechild l/g
Rubenseque Paintpot
Dirty Plum - Look forward to your professional advice
On the basis of your list for lipsticks/lipglasses for Indian Skin tones, I ended up ordering the above items. Hope they suit me else girl/s you all have had it.
...Just Kiddin !! RELAX !!!

Hugs !!

Hey hey! Welcome to the thread and welcome to a MAC addiction!!

You will not be disappointed with any of the above. They are typical intro products for most MAC virgins so hope you rock em! Let us know how you get on xxxx


Well-known member
nids - Welcome to the addictive world of Mac!
And thanx hun...I'm glad my tutorials are helpful and inspiring.
You got some great products from the sale. I like the Refined Golden Bronzer better than Nars Laguna. Laguna tends to look muddy if you end up putting too much. Only drawback is refined golden has alotta shimmer/glitter in it but it doesn't bug me too much. Solar Riche bronzer works just as well with a lil less shimmer. You also got Rubenesque paintpot...that was my first ever PP! lol And...Lovechild lipgloss is amazingly gorgeous! LOVE IT!

guddu - I havn't gone to the mac store in but I know I'll just be getting Via Veneto dazzleglass. I gotta save up for Colour Craft collection!
Naked Paris lipstick does seem like a pretty shade from the swatches online. I'm actually trying to stay away from lustres right I have tons.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by guddu
girlies, any thoughts on the shade 'naked paris' from euristocrat collection for nc 42?
thanks lovelies!!

Naked Paris is a nice sheer colour on us...super wearable! Patisserie is nice too.. MLBB and super flattering on my NC 43 skin. Both are worth checking out!

I was pretty surprised at how much I liked this collection! Despite the Lustre and (one) Frost finish, the colors were all stunning!

1) Cockney (such an INCREDIBLE red my skin looked glowy! but I have WAYY to many red lippies..)

2) Patisserie (soft mauvey corally pink, really pretty color)

3) Sweet Thing (punchy pink)

4) Naked Paris (warm nude)

5) London Life (berry wine but veryyyy wearable)

6) Milan Mode (warmed yellower pink) looked kinda similar to Sweet Thing on my pigmented lips but nonetheless very flattering.

7) Costa Chic (FUCKING hawt. this looks like Peaches blush was made into a lipstick..on my tan skin it was very bold looking. I almost bought it, but you guys know my gripe with frost lippies so didn't happen lol.)

8) Saint Germain ( soo creamy! it looked barbie pinky white on me..definitely rock it with some lip liner and gloss ladies! Just wasn't my cup of tea. So, only lippie I didn't like was this one! )

Definitely, check this collection out in person ladies! lots of versatile and gorgeus colors

Meanwhile, I did some hauling despite F&F damage
I got four new Cremesheen lippies ( I might go back for some Euristrocrats
) and two full size pigments. The pigments are: Chocolate Brown and Blonde's Gold both are must have's for desi girls IMO. They should go well with other colors I have like Tan, Naked and Melon. The SA was nice enough to give me three pigment samples in Blue Brown, Deep Blue Green and Green Brown.
All three are duo chrome and effing amazing!

The lippies are ( top to bottom) On Hold, Ravishing(ty Zerin!), Party Line, and Speak Louder.

PS thanks for all your nice comments ladies! I will post a proper fotd soon! I feel more confident now, thanks to you guys
btw the drink was served in a plastic coconut lol I'm not a big fan of naryal pani


Well-known member
lol@ plastic coconut!

Thanks for the review Ziya!'re making me want Costa Chic lipstick even though I'm not such a fan of frost lipsticks but you mentioned that it was bold and I love bold lippies!
I haven't gone yet to swatch them but I only had plans on getting Vie Veneto dazzleglass. I guess I may change my mind.

I love Blonde's Gold pigment too and I'm glad you got Ravishing's GORGEOUS! It's a much better long-lasting version of Missy Slimshine.

I'll definitely check out your new lipsticks too!

I'm super excited about the Colour Craft collection. OMG! Y'all know how I'm such a cheeky person. I narrowed my list down....
-Porcelain Pink MSF, Cheeky Bronze MSF
-Daft Pink Mineralize Blush, Fab-dabulous Mineralize Blush (I think this might be similar to Gleeful blush which is one of my FAVOURITE mac blushes and I've used it up quite alot)
-Eclectic Edge Lipgloss (Purple Shade like Up The Amp lipstick) and I might get another lipgloss/lipstick.
-Natural Flare Mineralize Eyeshadow <OMG! These golden-orangey colours are just too gorgeous to pass...Very vibrant and bold! Totally DESI! I concluded that I would not buy any of the eyeshadows but after seeing the swatch pictures...I gave in!
I can't wait for the release date.


Well-known member
OMG guys...I think I have to back to mac for Cockney...F$%^ lmao I decided last night that my life is incomplete without


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
OMG guys...I think I have to back to mac for Cockney...F$%^ lmao I decided last night that my life is incomplete without

LOL... Meee tooo... I went I saw it last night at the mall, and at the time, I didn't really think too much of it... and then I thought about it when I came home, had a dream about it, woking up thinking about it, and then decided in HAD to have it...LOL... So I went to eaton centre today and got it... It's soooooooo nice on


Well-known member guys are tempting me even more!!! lol I will get it too.
Probably get it at Eatons or Yorkdale tomorrow.


Well-known member
HOLY CRAP thank god! someone else is like me
I thought wtf is wrong with me I never get so caught up over something....:p
Zerin you will lovvveee this lippie....
You are so cute the way your lemming Color Craft


Well-known member
I had gone to a local mall called Yorkdale and I just bought the Via Veneto dazzleglass. It's just gorgeous! (I'm building my lavender/purple lippie collection) I saw cockney lipstick and it's a pretty red but I thought of the other similar reds I had at home like New York Apple and I don't wear reds that often either I just passed on it. I really wanted Costa Chic lipstick even more since it was coral bold lipstick....but guess what? They were sold out! They didn't even have the tester out to at least swatch it.
I even went to the Bay Mac counter (in the same mall) and they said Eurocrats collection is only sold at the free standing mac stores exclusive.

So I guess maybe this is a "sign".....

Don't buy any MAC until Colour Craft collection releases!

Maybe, I'll try another Mac store or see if they have it again when I buy the CC products.
It's all good. Everything happens for a reason and now I'm seeing some gorgeous lipgloss swatches on specktra from the CC collection. Now I'm lemming 3 lipglosses.


Zerin- eaton centre had costa chic in stock today ... i think they had a few left and sq1 had some on saturday
.... in case ur still lemming it lol

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