To my Desi/South Asian sisters out there! And everyone else too, actually! :)


Active member
Thx ladies for the warm welcome !!!

Highonmac - At the rate my collection is growing very soon I too will need a bigger vanity

Dirtyplum - Thx for your recommendations n assurance n girl you were absolutely right. Finally my Mac package arrived yesterday
and I love all the items especially Twig.....I am in love
(with twig)... Such a pretty color...the perfect shade that I have been looking for all my life. Where had you been???

Rubensque PP - Such an awesome shade. Now my eye shadows look super sexy. However,I find the application a little difficult. It doesn't spread very easily. Since this is my first pp, I have no idea whether all pp's are like this or my pp is on the drier side or am I doing something wrong.
Any advice girls???

Zerin - I 'm actually worried about the shimmer in refined Golden Bronzer as my face did look very shimmery in the sun when I had tried it out earlier in the store. I am yet to try it out again in the sun. I wish I had known about Solar Riche being less shimmery, might have opted for that.
Well let's see how it goes now since the damage is already done. Yes, rubensque is my first pp too now and I love it. I like cashflow too now after seeing your FOTD's.....Do you think eyeshadows look very different on Cashflow pp in comparison to rubensque pp? I love Lovechild too, it's such a lovely color.

Ziya - Plastic .... n u had us all drooling over it

Girl, you are lucky to have been given 3 pigment samples. Recently, I had bought $250 worth of stuff from MAC n when I requested for 2 pigment samples, the rep turned me down by giving me the same crappy shit about people selling samples on ebay ...u guys know the story What utter nonsense !! n when I complained to the Manager about this she finally agreed to give me one pigment sample reluctantly which later on I saw was not even enough for one eye application....Disgusting !!!
....well their loss....they lost a good customer as I ain't going back to that store.

Thx girls for such wonderful recommendations which means all of you are now safe


Well-known member
bahahahah! omg nids you r too cute
I know eh? I've been lucky...I always find pro store MA's a lot nicer. Did you read the thread about the girl who got a "brush fall out" sized sample?


Well-known member
Hey Nids! Glad you're lovin your new haul. Try applying the paintpot with your fingers. The warmth of your fingers will make the pp go on smoother and paintpots can start to get a lil dry after a while. Remember to close it tightly.

Cashflow pp and rubenesque pp shades differ of course. One is a sheer peachy gold and other is like a khaki gold shade. Both are gorgeous...but I guess when it comes to putting eyeshadow on top of these shouldn't make too much of a difference in terms of colour.

For Refined Golden bronzer, after taking some product with a brush, you can tap the brush to take away any excess shimmer. I'm not sure if it will make a big difference though. I use the bronzer as a contour as well. Also, check out Golden bronzer if you have a fairer skintone.

Alotta Mac stores are cheap and don't want to give out any pigment samples. It totally sux! I've experienced this a few times with some MAs. Either they say no and make up an excuse about selling on Ebay or they will just give an amount that's not even enough for one eyelid. lol That's why like Ziya, I find the pro stores to be real nice and willing to give. I always make my major hauls from there and get some nice mac pigment samples.

Also, Happy CANADA DAY to all my Canadian ladiez on here!

Too bad.... I am stuck at home working on my essay.


Well-known member
awwww hunny! <big hug> what's the essay on?
Happy Canada day!! we have such great weather here today in's the East coast?


Well-known member
It's been rainy all week.
Very gloomy

Essay is on a boring topic...employment equity...I think I'll look into immigrants facing equity problems...yes, it's quite boring! lol


Well-known member
what a good idea! good luck on your essay hun...

Apparently, my F&F is here! yay finally..I just have to go pick it up took MAC 2 weeks to ship here..
I miss Roshni(aka ndn-ista) guys! where are you Roshni!!!


Well-known member
I "inherited" some MAC yesterday from my aunt who is having a makeup clear out.

I have to go and pick up the following this weekend:

Smoke and Diamonds x 3
Satellite Dreams
Stars and Rockets
Knight Divine
Blue Flame
Shimmermoss (super excited about this one)
Plum Dressing (the only red eyeshadow which doesn't make me look like I have bleeding eyelids).

I cannot wait to get these eyeshadows..she has a few lipsticks which she has kept for my other cousin so I may swap Smoke and Diamonds for one. I LOVE LOVE LOVE S&D, used it once when wearing a greyish desi outfit and it didn't go that horrible greeny colour after a while


Well-known member
That's crazy Ziya....2 weeks! whoa! but hurry go...pick it up and enjoy those goodies!
Yah...I wonder where Roshni is... I miss her too.

You have a cool aunt! I don't really have much aunties owning mac products. lol They mainly own the "mac matte lipsticks" or some compact powder.

OH yEH! Smokes and Diamonds is D BOMB!


Well-known member
Guys, Cantaloupe is being DC'ed and they had NONE at my pro store..its still on the pro website..but how do you order from there? sorry if it's a dumb question..


Well-known member
I think you'll need a procard to order from the pro site. Check if there's a number you can call and make an order by telephone. That's how alotta people order pro products when they don't have a pro store near them. So your pro store is not getting them at all anymore?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
Guys, Cantaloupe is being DC'ed and they had NONE at my pro store..its still on the pro website..but how do you order from there? sorry if it's a dumb question..

Ziya alotta ppl order from pro stores without having the pro card , apparently there is a 1-800 nbr that you call and order stuff .. HTH !!

cant wait for color craft collection ..


Well-known member
I will try that Thank you soo much!
my pro store doesn't knwo yet, I will call them this week to find out if they will get another shipment..I hope so coz I don't want to pay for shipping..


Well-known member
I think Melba is close to Cantaloupe blush but has some pink in it and melba is matte while cantaloupe is satin. (I think) I'll check out Cantaloupe tomorrow.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ziya
Lucky you!
that's so exciting..I can't wait for the Smoke and Diamonds repromote :p

I was never into MAC when it was released and I was gutted that I had missed out, I'm going to pick it up tomorrow, I couldn't wait until the weekend

Originally Posted by zerin
That's crazy Ziya....2 weeks! whoa! but hurry go...pick it up and enjoy those goodies!
Yah...I wonder where Roshni is... I miss her too.

You have a cool aunt! I don't really have much aunties owning mac products. lol They mainly own the "mac matte lipsticks" or some compact powder.

OH yEH! Smokes and Diamonds is D BOMB!

My aunt is too funny, she has TONNES of high end makeup and we have quite a good relationship so we swap quite a bit of makeup which is good. She has a massive cupboard which she has been meaning to clear for ages and now she is keeping just the bare basics so me and my cousins benefit. She gave me a BB neutral palette at Xmas because she didn't like the colours in it and I've used that to death because they're so easy to blend. She buys mainly high end stuff but funnily enough her everyday makeup kit is drugstore


lovelies,, what is in your wishlist
from the colorcraft collection,
me- havent checked out the swatches yet!


Well-known member
Whoa I have been out of the loop for a while ladies! Okay lets see if I can catch up lol.

Redribbon: OMG your aunts have makeup lol. My aunties...are..well...old...O__o and wrinkly. I don't think they know what makeup is other than cheap lipstick in bright fushia or red! I'm going to go as far as to say my cousins don't even wear makeup....I don't think they know what MAC is!!!

Nids: I must try twig now! I agree that rubanesque in particular has a different texture than some of the other pp but like Zerin said, you need to warm it up with your fingers. Its designed to stay put so act fast!

Zerin: No offence hun, but your right, the essay does sound boring! LOL. Oh geez homefully you can get through it. Are you doing summer school? I swear school is done haha. I know I'll be doing a bajillion essays too so I shouldn't make fun..

Ziya: Cantaloup is one of my favourite blushes! But its true, gingerly is very very close to it. I have both and gingerly is a bit more brown and cantaloupe is more peachy but still two stunning colors!

Guddu: I am thinking about going CRAZY for the colour craft. OMG did you guys see the new brush!?!? I am soo getting that. Okay, just cause you asked for it, here's my list lol.

Mineralize Skinfinish: (All LE) - $27.00USD
Three of these are the regular MSF design and three are "striped" with three different complimentary colours.

  • Sunny by Nature- Rich bronze with pink pearl pigment
  • Cheeky Bronze - Soft golden coral wth bronze pear
  • Triple Fusion - Left: Soft champagne gold / Center: Soft golden peach / Right: Rose pink with gold nuances
  • Smooth Merge - Left: Soft champange pink / Center: Deep rose / Right: Pale cool pink

Mineralize Eyeshadows: (All LE) - $19.00USD
These are a "pinwheel" design that incorporate 4 shades into one pan.
  • Natural Flare - Copper / Yellow orange / Mid-tone brown / Rich gold
Mineralize Blush: (All LE) $21.00USD
  • Fab-dabulous - Mid-tone burnt coral with yellow gold veining
  • Cheek & Cheerful - Mid-tone bronzy brown with yellow gold veining
  • Style Demon - Mid-tone brick red with copper veining

  • #131 Brush - Flat tapered face brush with short natural hairs and long synthetic fibres (LE)

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