Tom Cruise on Scientology (video)


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Originally Posted by glamdoll
There were rumors that said that Suri was not Toms, but Chris Kleins (is that his name?) baby.

Does anyone know why Nicole n Tom were unable to have children? I had heard one of them was sterile, but Nicole is pregnant now, and he had a child.. so I dunno.

All sorts of rumors out there; one is that she impregnated with LRH's sperm.

I believe Nicole has now spoken about miscarriages early in her marriage to Tom which is when they decided to adopt, but I'm too lazy to look for resources to back up my memory right now.
OK, so I had to come edit this because I felt bad being lazy, so here's the first reference I found: Nicole Kidman Reveals Miscarriage - Keith Urban, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise :


Well-known member
Cobi, I noticed that Kidman's new husband resembles Cruise at a glance in that picture at the bottom of that article. At one point, Cruise had his hair fixed in the same style. And, Cuise replaced Kidman with a woman built similiar to her.


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Maybe it's just me but I find Keith Urban way cuter than pyscho Tom. A lot of my friends have run into Keith and Nicole around here (Nashville) and say they are so friendly. When they are in town they go to Starbucks and the Cheesecake Factory a lot. My daughter-in-law has seen Nicole at a little place she goes for lunch in that area and she said Nicole is always smiling and she's never seen or heard anyone say that Nicole has ever acted all uppity and snotty like some celebs around here. I think they make a cute couple. I like her way better now than when she was with Tom. I think he kept her in his shadow and now she has really blossomed as an actress. When she was with Tom it didn't seem like she had a personality, well kind of like Katie is becoming now. But Nicole now seems to glow with happiness.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shadowaddict
The thing about mormonism is that there have been over 3,900 changes to the Book of Mormon over the years and that most of the members do not know what the true doctrine is. The prophet/president of the church at the present time can change everything basically. His words are considered scripture. If you research each president they have contradicted each other over and over. There are several documents that are locked in a vault that they do not want the public to see. It's a lot to get into here but there are some great books out there with proven documentation that most people would be shocked to know. But most of the general members are good family people with high morals. When you read about what really goes on in the temple ceremonies it's pretty weird and scary. A member can't even enter unless deamed worthy and you are not worthy if you are not tithing at least 10% of your gross income. If you look back to when Joseph Smith ran for president and through the Brigham Young years they clearly state they want to take over America and then all of the world basically. Joseph Smith more or less copied the Masonic beliefs. He did not even have a revelation about the temple ceremonies until after he became a member of the Masons and saw their rituals. When you look back at it and compare them he basically changed names of places, the angel, and other things and created a religion. Over the years when different things such as symbols that were on the church and even statues in Salt Lake City in Temple Square was brought out to the public these items were promtly removed and never seen again.

They believe that any man can become a god of his own world/planet and his wife a goddess (a woman can still not enter the highest level of heaven unless she is married and her husband pulls her through the "veil") and that before we were born we were spirit children waiting for a body to come to earth. That is why especially in the split off fundamentalist groups a woman is suppose to have a baby once a year and as many as she can to give bodies to those spirit children. We are supposedly the spirit children of God and one of his wives and that God was once a man and He and Mary had physical sexual intercourse and that Jesus and Satan are brothers. They have really been trying to push the idea of them being christians now days to be accepted but they do not consider themselves to be. They call Christians and Jews "Gentiles" which is odd. They believe they are God's true chosen ones. They also believe that black people are the descendants of Cain and that they have been punished with darker skin. And until 1978 a black man could not hold the priesthood (which boys become in their teens) and then of course the president had a revelation that they then could just as Brigham Young's revelation to end plural marriage just happened to be at the time when unless they denounced it Utah could not become a state.

I am 45 now but when I was 16 I dated a mormon and dated him for three years. I got sucked right in and was even baptized in the Mormon church. I was raised Southern Baptist. But this was the regular LDS church not one of the fundamentalist groups. I quit when I broke up with him but got interested a few years ago and have been doing research out of curiosity. It is such a marketing system and you would not believe all the church owns. They have stock in so many companies and own a great deal of others. The high profile members such as the Osmonds tithe upwards of 25% of their income. If I am not mistaken they are the richest church in the world with holdings and land all over. They own a good part of Hawaii.

Sorry to get so long there but it really is interesting when you dig deep. The statement has been made that in several years Scientology will just as accepted as the Mormons are now. And they are pretty much told not to read what the church considers anti-mormon literature. Anyway from what I have learned I consider both Scientology and Mormonism to be just f**ked up cults. But don't get me wrong I don't consider all mormons that way. I believe most have been spoon-fed what the church wants them to know.

Hear hear Shadow,thanks for posting that! I was brought up around Mormon's and went to their schools when I was young; once I was old enough to start asking questions, my biggest beef was that a woman can't have her own personal relationship with god, now what kind of effed up crap is that? Make no mistake, Mormonism is a CULT that separates Mormons from all others; they're just a little more palatable [but not much, once you dig into their background] than the scientology cult.

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