Treo 650 - Smartphone


Well-known member
Does anyone have any tips about using the Treo 650. Suggestion? Free downloads? Please put them here.
I love mine.


Well-known member
One suggestion I have for all Treo users is to place any applications on 1 at a time, make sure the Treo functions, then add another. That way, if your phone begins to act up, you can pinpoint the problem.


Well-known member
Has anyone tried Target Assistant Lite for Treo 650? It's free (not a free trial) and I want to know if it's safe before I download it. TIA!


Well-known member
Never heard of that app. I love the program backup man that thing has saved me a few times. Lightwave is cool for managing your ringtones. I need to look through my Treo CD to see what programs I have.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Has anyone tried Target Assistant Lite for Treo 650? It's free (not a free trial) and I want to know if it's safe before I download it. TIA!

That one's safe. I don't use it, but it's available on the Palm site.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
my husband accidentally threw away my installation disk for the software for my treo

Aww. Not good. I haven't used mine yet. What does it do?


Well-known member
It has applications for the phone and the info needed for computer syncronization. You need to run the disk so that your device will have backup support.


Well-known member
yeah I got most of it, but it doesn't have the realplayer and a couple of "extras" that the disk does.
I've got the basics, but that's ALL I had until I downloaded google maps yesterday.
I need an SD card too.


Well-known member
My boss (who I thought hated me) just gave me an SD card for free! I have a question though. I just did my Hotsync and I want to know does it compromise information from your computer to other sites? I know this may be a silly question, but I guess I'm just paranoid cause I'm not used to it and it's new, lol.


Well-known member
Hello everyone! I odered my Palm 750 and it should be here tomorrow. I'm so excited!! Are there any tips or tricks i should know before I get it??!?!?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Indigowaters
Is there a site I can go to to download ringtones?

I'd use Cingular, if you have their service. The tones are good, reasonably priced, and won't mess anything up.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by meaghan<3
Hello everyone! I odered my Palm 750 and it should be here tomorrow. I'm so excited!! Are there any tips or tricks i should know before I get it??!?!?

Don't drop it and read the instruction booklet. Also, you can find online tutorials / tips / tricks that will give you a hand.


Well-known member
Thanks, Shimmer! I know, I couldn't believe that the PDAs are not insurable! So, I better not drop it! Is there any particular place that you go to find these tutorial websites? TIA.


Well-known member
I use it for everything

Yeah, I know, and I was like...WTF YOU'RE KIDDING ME!?!??!

Nope. They were serious.

Dammit. I want a BlackJack this summer. I wonder if I can convince husband I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed one.