True or False! Let's get to know each other!


Well-known member
True, I only ever got to watch the first 8 episodes then I kept forgetting it and couldn't get back into it but I'm going to just buy the box sets and get back into it.

TNP hates flies!


Well-known member
False - my favourite is penne. i like lots of sauce with my pasta

TNP is going to get a spectacular haul in july


Well-known member
I little bit...if it comes in the mail by then haha.

TNP loves accessories (ie. Jewelery, hats, belt, & shoes) more than clothing!


Well-known member
True! I love customising clothes haha, I don't know where I'd be without my sewing machine, but I can hand sew too.

TNP is going on holiday/vacation at some point this summer


Well-known member
False for now... all though I am starting to wonder if the face mask I bought from lush is actually doing anything!

TNP loves pasta


Well-known member
False.. Unless walking to the store counts lol

Been my day off, so I've spent it grooming
no more hair on my legs!!

TNP has a random allergy (i'm allergic to bananas for some very random reason)


Well-known member
Absolutely!!!!!!!!!!! It's kinda difficult to find quality items at good prices nowadays in regular retail stores so I definitely LOVE to shop in second-hand stores!!!!!!!!!

TNP is just eating breakfast.


Well-known member
Guess I should answer the question before my post....didn't know we were answering @ the same time LOL

False, I am not planning a move any time soon.

TNP is wearing bright eyeshadow today


Well-known member
Falseee! I'm in the midst of moving & relocating so really busy. Today was crazy packing day so no makeup!

TNP has painted finger nails now!