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Tutorial Contest Winner February 2007: ~LadyLocks~


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Fabulous tutorial!
What lashes are those? I have to have them!

I forgot so I had to look it up lol. Their Ardell 109 I think but don't quote me. I have a few pairs so I like to keep them together in one container casue my train case is packed lol.


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

I still can't get over how wonderful this look is... You're very talented, and the combo of colors is just wonderful.


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

This is wonderful, you are so talented. Very thorough and informative tutorial, thanks for taking the time to do it


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Thank you for taking the time to do such a GREAT tutorial!!

What is the "Crease Brush" you use?


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin, TUT for the very first time!~

Originally Posted by natalie75
Thank you for taking the time to do such a GREAT tutorial!!

What is the "Crease Brush" you use?

Umm...I got it from Sephora, it's similar to MAC's 219.


Well-known member
Congratulations to Specktra member ~LadyLocks~ for winning our very first tutorial contest!!! Your votes decided she was the winner for this month. ~LadyLocks~ will receive the prize of a $25 gift certificate to an online e-retailer, and a 4 month upgrade to a Premium Member subscription to Specktra.net.

Thank you so much, ~LadyLocks~, for your tutorial, and to all who participated. You have all made our first tutorial contest a huge success!

We hope for another great turn-out to next month's contest! So get ready for another round...

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