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Tutorial Contest Winner February 2007: ~LadyLocks~


Well-known member
Re: ~Like a Virgin~ February 2007 Tutorial Contest Winner

OMG...thanks so much to everyone who voted for me! I wasn't even aware of the contest while making the tutorial, I found out right before I was ready to post and what do you know, I ended up winning.

Thanks to everyone who has supported my work from the beginning, your sweet comments and encouragement is truly what keeps me going and striving to get better. Aww...I love you guys :loveya:


Well-known member
OMG...thanks so much to everyone who voted for me! I wasn't even aware of the contest while making the tutorial, I found out right before I was ready to post and what do you know, I ended up winning.

Thanks to everyone who has supported my work from the beginning and boy have I come a long way! Your sweet comments and encouragement is truly what keeps me going and striving to get better. Aww...I love you guys :loveya:


Well-known member


Well-known member
OMG probably one of the best tutorials I've ever seen
Great job, great look! I love how you went into detail about how you do the wing with the liner because I can never do it... but I've never tried how you showed, so I'm going to practice that way from now because it seems so much easier!


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