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Tutorial Contest Winner February 2007: ~LadyLocks~


Well-known member
awesome colors! u know u can have those little dots on ur face burned off? i had mine removed...


Active member
Wow! This is probably one of the most helpful tuts I have seen. Thanks so much for the detailed explanation on the winged liner and doing the crease...I love it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xolovinyoo
nice tut. are those moles or freckles :]

Sorry all late. I haven't been on in forever but to answer your question, their alittle of both


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lucky13~
wow *_* you might just be the most gorgeous person ive ever seen!

Aww...that's one of the sweetest I've ever heard! thanks alot luv!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by .k.
awesome colors! u know u can have those little dots on ur face burned off? i had mine removed...

Thanks but no thanks! Those little dots make me who I am and I'm fine with that!

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