UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
Extra Dimension is up now as well. I was not expecting ED today. What is the chance of these new collections launching on Debenhams while they have 10% off?


Well-known member
Temperature Rising is launching 2nd May on Debenhams so I'm guessing the rest of the collection will do too.


Well-known member
Noooo, I don't get paid until tomorrow and I bet the fashion set lippiies will be sold out by then! I'm on nights now so cant even stalk debenhams. Sighhhh evil bay it is!


Well-known member
Noooo, I don't get paid until tomorrow and I bet the fashion set lippiies will be sold out by then! I'm on nights now so cant even stalk debenhams. Sighhhh evil bay it is!
Think positive - I haven't seen an email come out yet so you might be ok!


Well-known member
Noooo, I don't get paid until tomorrow and I bet the fashion set lippiies will be sold out by then! I'm on nights now so cant even stalk debenhams. Sighhhh evil bay it is!
You could always pay via paypal linked to your bank account which works like a direct debit (as long as it is your bank account not your card) so the money doesn't come out for 3 or so days and doesn't even show as pending. That's what I've done as I also don't get paid till tomorrow


Well-known member
You could always pay via paypal linked to your bank account which works like a direct debit (as long as it is your bank account not your card) so the money doesn't come out for 3 or so days and doesn't even show as pending. That's what I've done as I also don't get paid till tomorrow :macwallet:
Woah wait what?! How do you this magic?! How do you link to an account not a card? I managed to lend a little, and got Silly ls Embrace me ls Heroine ls Heroine liner Embrace me lg


Well-known member
You could always pay via paypal linked to your bank account which works like a direct debit (as long as it is your bank account not your card) so the money doesn't come out for 3 or so days and doesn't even show as pending. That's what I've done as I also don't get paid till tomorrow :macwallet:
Woah wait what?! How do you this magic?! How do you link to an account not a card? I managed to lend a little, and got Silly ls Embrace me ls Heroine ls Heroine liner Embrace me lg


Well-known member
Embrace me lg
:) if you log on to PayPal then go to my profile > my money > bank account and you can pop your details in there.

I went a little crazy today I got:

  • Each lipstick, lipglass and eyeshadow from fashion sets
  • Caliente & Feel My Pulse lippies
  • Banafsaji eyeshadow
  • Lavender Whip
  • Éclair, Mooncake & Fancy Frosting paint pots
  • Hot Nights & Ripe For Love blushes
  • Soft Serenade, Underdressed. & Rhythm lipglasses
  • Bare my Soul quad
  • All 4 of the Powerchrome chubby shadow pencils

it's the most I've ever spent


Well-known member
:) if you log on to PayPal then go to my profile > my money > bank account and you can pop your details in there.

I went a little crazy today I got:

  • Each lipstick, lipglass and eyeshadow from fashion sets
  • Caliente & Feel My Pulse lippies
  • Banafsaji eyeshadow
  • Lavender Whip
  • Éclair, Mooncake & Fancy Frosting paint pots
  • Hot Nights & Ripe For Love blushes
  • Soft Serenade, Underdressed. & Soft Serenade lipglasses
  • Bare my Soul quad
  • All 4 of the Powerchrome chubby shadow pencils

it's the most I've ever spent
Woah! That haul does sound fantastic though!


Well-known member
I'm hoping since mac released temperature rising on its website first, it will give some time for swatches to build up before I make a decision on what to buy when the collection turns up on HoF or debenhams.

I have no idea what blush or lipglass to get


Well-known member
Hi I'm new to Specktra and loving it so far! I'm from the UK so this thread seemed like a good place to start. I stalked Mac all morning waiting for the new collections to be put up and can't wait for my things to be delivered. I got Ablaze l/s and l/p, Embrace me l/s and l/p and Silly l/s, l/p and e/s from Fashion sets, Raspberry Swirl l/s from Baking Beauties, and from Art of the Eye I got Process Magenta pencil, Banafsaji e/s and Parrot e/s. I'm nervous about Parrot though because it sold out just minutes after completing my order, I really hope I get it. I'm also planning on getting Hi-def Cyan pencil but it still says coming soon. Does anyone know when it's likely to be in stock? I had wanted alot more stuff but I jus couldn't afford it all. I am still debating Smoky Mauve e/s from Extra Dimension and Lavender Whip and Heroine l/s. I have Blooming Lovely from Liberty of London collection so I'm thinking with a pink lip liner it might be close to Lavender Whip. Heroine I think looks gorgeous but I'm very pale and I just can't see it working for me. I'm also trying to be sensible by reminding myself its a colour I probably wouldn't wear very often anyway so it makes more sense to spend my money on something else. I think its because of all the hype surrounding it that's making me feel like I NEED it in my collection lol. I hope everybody was able to get the things they wanted! I couldn't believe how fast Parrot sold out, it was crazy. Fingers crossed they restock for those that missed out.


Well-known member
I hope everybody was able to get the things they wanted! I couldn't believe how fast Parrot sold out, it was crazy. Fingers crossed they restock for those that missed out.
Welcome to specktra :)

I feel the same with heroine too.
I probably will never wear it out and I'm pale too so I don't know how it will suit me. The hype makes me want it too unfortunatly.
I'm also questioning Raspberry swirl too. It might be too bright/white for me


Well-known member
Thank you for the welcome! I'm actually really excited about Raspberry Swirl because from the swatches I've seen it looks alot like Saint Germain which I have. Saint Germain was actually my very first Mac lipstick and I love the colour but hate the formula on my dry lips. Cremesheens usually work alot better for me though so I'm hoping Raspberry Swirl will be the colour I love but in a better formula. In terms of it being too white, these kinds of colours tend to suit me quite well, maybe because there isn't that stark contrast you sometimes see between darker skintones and light white colours? So it might look alot nicer than you think :)


Well-known member
I'm really torn about getting the BB Paint Pot Eclair. I've read some reviews that say its similar to Ebloui from Chanel and I know I really want that. :(


Well-known member
Is it weird that I'm not really excited about the new Mac collections? I have placed an order today, but if I didn't get any of them I wouldn't be too upset. I still want the Extra Dimension stuff, but the rest is so samey. Eh, I don't know, I've really been into nail polish lately and haven't actually got excited about make up that much.


Well-known member
I thought I'd be more into them than I am, I haven't even placed an order yet. Everything is in my basket but I haven't pulled the trigger; it's like some weird MAC related Russian roulette.


Well-known member
Is it weird that I'm not really excited about the new Mac collections? I have placed an order today, but if I didn't get any of them I wouldn't be too upset. I still want the Extra Dimension stuff, but the rest is so samey. Eh, I don't know, I've really been into nail polish lately and haven't actually got excited about make up that much.
I'm not even that interested in ED anymore! I think I want a couple of EDES, but I'm just feeling a bit meh on everything else. I think having so long between Archie's and these collections has put a dampener on my enthusiasm for MAC. I'm going to be selling of bits of my collection tha I don't wear much, and I've started focusing more on other brands :(


Well-known member
I saw live swatches of ED and most of them looked blergh. I changed my mind against bB stuff in the end too. I'm getting a lipstick in the Chanel movie collection tomorrow which has me way more excited.

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