UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
That was quick! Hopefully my Vault will arrive today. Although having said that, I'd prefer Tuesday as hubby is home today and I'm not even there to hide it!
Have you had a dispatch notice for it!? Congrats on getting it! :) Tell me about it, I pretended I had to sign for a parcel for next door. How bad is that!?


Well-known member
You're going to have to buy him something the same size and shape now
I'm scouring Debenhams now as we speak


Well-known member
Mine arrived this morning via normal postie though you have to sign for it. It's huge! I can't open the package yet as my fella will go mad if he finds out how much I paid. It's awful but I've pretended it's something for his birthday in a few weeks so he can't look :devil:
Eek! Mine must have come then! Is it very big? Luckily we have loads of birthdays coming up in June/July, so will just say it's a surprise. ;)


Well-known member
No-one here has really posted anything about the BB collection? I wasn't that impressed with it - seems like everyone else feels the same. I have been more distracted with ED and TR.

I need a bigger house to hide more packages. :S I used to hide a lot of purchases in the boot of my car. :S


Well-known member
The only thing I got from BB was eclair paint pot :) I'm excited to use it but I've not had chance yet as little one is having a growth spurt & feeding constantly! I got a few bits from TR as well but was quite restrained although I got a bronzer I didn't need so I could have a compact :)


Well-known member
You are all making me laugh hiding your make up from your partners lol. I do the same thing, my bf wouldn't believe it if he knew how much I really spent! About BB, I got RS l/s and have ordered Eclair p/p. I said in the BB thread how upset I am about RS, it's a gorgeous colour but the formula is absolutely terrible on my lips! It's one of the worst lipsticks I've tried. I used mac prep n prime lip and tried it with a lip liner which helped a little but it's still a complete mess. I had wanted LW too but from reviews and photos it looks like it would be just as bad on me, so I've had to leave it as much as I love the colour. I've actually been looking at the glitters, how do people like them? And how do you use them?


Well-known member
No-one here has really posted anything about the BB collection? I wasn't that impressed with it - seems like everyone else feels the same. I have been more distracted with ED and TR.  I need a bigger house to hide more packages. :S I used to hide a lot of purchases in the boot of my car. :S
I didn't get anything from BB. It looked so pretty at first, but in the end nothing really appealed to me. I also only got Caliente (?) l/s from TR.


Well-known member
lol the most ridiculous thing now that I've spent all this money is I've got no cash to even go out to wear it

I got the 3 paint pots that were new from BB and Lavender Whip, all the other things didn't get me excited. I'm such a sucker for paint pots though, fluidlines as well.


Well-known member
I am loving hearing what everyone else got. I am so silly - I too got the paint pots - but for some reason - my head does not associate them with BB. I think maybe because they just come in the usual MAC packaging. I am going to make 4 final purchases on payday next week I think from these collections and then try and resist until the next set of collections come out. I don't think I will even buy anything from the permanent lines for a while either. :s

I agree. I have spent all this money on cosmetics but I now can't really afford to go out and show all the pretties off as a result! Haha!


Well-known member
I got Eclair and Lavender Whip. I also got samples of Mooncake, Cheery Cherry and the teal glitter. Just about to post swatches in the BB thread (and TR and ED...)


Well-known member
I got Eclair and Lavender Whip. I also got samples of Mooncake, Cheery Cherry and the teal glitter. Just about to post swatches in the BB thread (and TR and ED...)
I'm stalking you around the forums to look at your swatches - thanks for posting. I'm so happy I purchased the Bare my Soul quad - You're fair like me - and the colours look really pretty.

Trying to decide between Sun Dipped and Nude on Board.....


Well-known member
Holy mackarel, the Vault is HUGE! I don't even know where to hide it!
Luckily it came with some Amazon stuff which are similar size, so will try and pass it as one of them. Sneaky.


Well-known member
Urgh remind me not to go to a mac store again. The makeup artists are so effing grumpy and talk to you like your stupid.
I ended up picking zestful from extra dimension.. I wasn't planning on doing so but its so gorgeous. I hope it suits me.
Also got eclair paint pot.


Well-known member
LOL! Hope that works out for you! My Boyfriend just found a pesky packing slip and saw that I spent £30-odd on two eyeshadows and suggested I have a cosmetics ban for a few months. He couldn't understand how I had spent that much money on two small items... I am SO glad he hasn't found my last two packing slips. He would DIE! I must remember to hide the bank statement when it rolls in. The Debenhams one is fine - I can pass that off as gifts for relatives birthdays and so on. Not quite sure how I would pass off the £155.50 Mac Cosmetics Transaction...

I much prefer shopping online for MAC though, I can't say I have ever had a good experience with a Mac MUA in the UK...


Well-known member
Urgh remind me not to go to a mac store again. The makeup artists are so effing grumpy and talk to you like your stupid. I ended up picking zestful from extra dimension.. I wasn't planning on doing so but its so gorgeous. I hope it suits me. Also got eclair paint pot.
The ones in Leeds spoke to me lie dirt last year when I asked if a mascara was water based. She said "I think you mean water proof" really patronisingly lol.


Well-known member
Yup - mine arrived too - when I wasn't in :( Luckily my daughter is 18 on Tuesday, so it's been passed off as that. Now to find her something that size for Tuesday.......


Well-known member
The ones in Leeds spoke to me lie dirt last year when I asked if a mascara was water based. She said "I think you mean water proof" really patronisingly lol.
Do you mean the one in Harvey Nichols? It's always really crazy there in a busy way and stuff sells out really fast there too. I go to the one in Nottingham, they really need to resize, there is not enough room there for 5 collections and all the crazy mac girls that come along with them :p


Well-known member
LOL! Hope that works out for you! My Boyfriend just found a pesky packing slip and saw that I spent £30-odd on two eyeshadows and suggested I have a cosmetics ban for a few months. He couldn't understand how I had spent that much money on two small items... I am SO glad he hasn't found my last two packing slips. He would DIE! I must remember to hide the bank statement when it rolls in. The Debenhams one is fine - I can pass that off as gifts for relatives birthdays and so on. Not quite sure how I would pass off the £155.50 Mac Cosmetics Transaction...

I much prefer shopping online for MAC though, I can't say I have ever had a good experience with a Mac MUA in the UK...
Lol, lol! I so have to hide my bank statements :) Luckily my 18 year-old knows, and hides anything that comes in from her father! Actually - I might pass it off as a box that I've bought to store some of my makeup in (strictly speaking true!). I'm always being told to get my makeup stored away - if I put some of it in another box and put it away it might, just work???


Well-known member
I've just managed to get a few minutes to myself and opened my Vault and oh my word it's a beautiful thing
It's been hidden behind a bookcase for now I really don't want to throw the box away!


Well-known member
Lol, lol! I so have to hide my bank statements :) Luckily my 18 year-old knows, and hides anything that comes in from her father! Actually - I might pass it off as a box that I've bought to store some of my makeup in (strictly speaking true!). I'm always being told to get my makeup stored away - if I put some of it in another box and put it away it might, just work???
Ha! I love it!! I could do with hiring someone to hide my purchases. Or renting a PO Box somewhere. :S I think the trick is to slowly bring out purchases one at a time and use the old "Oh this? I got it aaaages ago" line. Sometimes it's actually true because I've had it hidden that long!

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