My bedroom is like that, but there was one free-standing small set of drawers (I guess supposed to be bedside drawers) which is next to the wardrobe, and wasn't really being used effectively. About 3 weeks ago I took it out and replaced it with a 9-drawer Alex. The Alex has a slightly smaller footprint and is less than twice the height, but with 9 drawers instead of 3 my storage has improved dramatically! I keep the stuff I use every day either on my dressing table - skincare, foundation, loose powder, current perfume, pots of brushes and pencils - or in the top drawer immediately next to it. This drawer is all organised using boxes from perfume sets or simliar, just like Alisha does. Within those I also cut my Mac boxes in half and tape them together to make divided organisers. Left hand side has: back - foundation, primer, highlighter, concealer and a couple of non-Mac blushes; then high-end palettes. Front is Mac eye products, and Mac face products.
Right hand side - back: my one Mac Pro Palette on top of a box of random bits and bobs, need a better home for those and will replace that once I'm under pressure for more space; small drugstore eye palettes and single eyeshadows. Front: mascara and lesser used/short eye pencils; Mac and other high-end lippies.
Then my Alex. Top drawer is Lancome Juicy Tubes/Clinique lippies, and spare nail swatching goodies.
Next 2 drawers are my nail polish - 1 drawer with the ones I've worn, one with the unworn (the fuller one!) I'll probably switch to fully organising by brand before too long.
Then more lippies/glosses/balms (all drugstore). These are in IKEA trays, I think they were called Godmorgen or something like that. They came in a pack of 3. They also do lidded boxes in the same range which looked like they'd be great for in these drawers but I couldn't see any in my store

Also in this drawer are my drugstore and lesser used large palettes.
Then I have a few empty drawers - space to grow

The bottom two deep drawers have assorted hair stuff, and skin care back-ups / samples. In these drawers and some of the empties I have used the folding Skubb boxes (Ikea again). They come in a pack with large, medium and small. The ones you can see with the hair stuff are the medium and small - large is square, twice the size of the medium. You can fit a large and a medium; two medium & two small; or any similar combination quite neatly in these drawers.