UK Release Dates Discussion - All Brands Welcome!


Well-known member
HoF has the MM collection up properly now, albeit without 2 of the lipsticks, one of the eyeshadows and one of the blushes.

Debenhams have the MM collection main picture up (it has been there since 2:30am when I looked before going to bed) but none of the items


Well-known member
I went to debenhams yesterday to look at the UD stuff, they had the vice palette and the smoked liner kit, but no OL, I want the OL pencil set, soo fustrating, she said it would be online, but it hasn't gone up yet.

I really wanted perversion and mushroom!

Oh well will have to keep looking and hoping, I am in London next week so might try HoF and Debenhams in oxford street for it.

I haven't picked up any marilyn yet, going to check the swatches today and might walk to the counter at lunchtime!


Well-known member
Did you manage to get them? LG is out of stock now! Argh :/
no, i have been on the phone with them, it seems the stock levels have not been updated. They are not even all showing up on their system. They have taken my order and will keep trying to put it thru when everything is updated and call me back. Think I will head to my local counter this morning and get love goddess tho, just in case. wanted my 1000 debenhams points tho! been waiting patiently all week for debenhams to release it


Well-known member
I can't even see the Marilyn lipsticks on the Debenhams site.

When I click on the collection picture, I get "Sorry, we found no product results for '"

If I just go to lipsticks, there is no Marilyn lipstick pictured. I can't see any Marilyn stuff at all. I've cleared my cookies, and even tried a different browser, but nothing.


Well-known member
I'm pissed off with Yodel now.. I came home yesterday about 5 ocklock and was in the the house all night and according to yodel they tried to deliver at 5.12!? My boyfriend was in the house too so at least one of should have heard at last somthing.. Then it also says that card has been left and nothing has!!!! This has not happened to me before..


Well-known member
Love Goddess is showing as in stock on Debenhams again. I have gone from wanting maybe one of these lipsticks to buying 4 of the 5 lipsticks. left out pure zen


Well-known member
Love Goddess is showing as in stock on Debenhams again. I have gone from wanting maybe one of these lipsticks to buying 4 of the 5 lipsticks. left out pure zen

Now showing as out of stock - that was quick!

At least I can see the Marilyn stuff on there now

Only Pure Zen and Deeply Adored left on the HoF site now


Well-known member
Just a little rant, but does it seem that UK mac sales people never know anything about anything ... was asking them about glamourdaze, they said its just a USA line, we are not getting it here. I was like, um hello, it is the holiday line how is it not international. They told me they don't even know what the holiday line is yet, so i could not possibly know ...


Well-known member
all i wanted was love goddess and i missed it on the mac site, missed it on HOF and now it's bloody out of stock on debenhams! deary me :(


Well-known member
I've just come back from Kingston. Swatched everything in the collection and I have to say I don't get what the big hype is about. The lipsticks are pretty nice, but we've seen those colours before, and everything else is just meh. I didn't even pick up Legendary, it didn't show up on my hand at all.

I did go a bit crazy in Boots and Superdrug, there are loads of new nail polishes which are my addiction at the moment. Rimmel and Miss Sporty both have new duochrome polishes out, so I bought the lot (4 Rimmel and 3 Miss Sporty), plus a very pretty glittery one from MS. I also found some new Models Own polishes, a lilac glitter and a pink glitter, bith with very fine holographic glitter like Juicy Jules, called Southern Lights and Nothern Lights, and a duochrome called Hayley's Comet. Strangely these aren't even on the Models Own website yet. There was a silver/holo glitter with bigger glitter particles as well. I also got 4 Barry M magnetic polishes and a free croc effect one. Luckily TK Maxx didn't have anything interesting for me lol.

Lou, have you got Gesina from the first Marcel Wanders collection? According to Temptalia it's dupe for Love Goddess. Shame I'd already left Kingston when you posted, I could've picked it up for you. :(


Well-known member
Just got back from my walk to the counter in my lunch hour.

The only sell outs on the counter were the dazzleglasses? That took me by surprise!

I picked up the clear brow definer and Love Goddess Lipstick. Nearly picked up Charmed im sure but decided I have something in a Lancome colour that will dupe.

I also picked up 2 prolongwear lipliners to Kiss Me Quick and More to Love to work with Love Goddess and my reds I already had.

I was going to pick up the perfect cheek, but it just didn't do it for me, I think Lovecloud will produce the same effect.

I may have turned a corner in my mini addiction, I appear to be considering what I already have before I just buy, buy, buy!

I have to confess that I don't love the packaging but, I did love the colour of the lipsticks, but they could be duped in other brands.


New member
Hello, a lurker here!

Posting as I know you will understand and sympathise! Yodel have lost my order!!!! I order DA, CIS, LG and the two blushers.
Their online tracking claims I signed for it but I was at work at the time and there has been no card left or anything telling me where they put the parcel.
I have complained to both Yodel and Mac and they are looking into it.
I managed to get to Selfridges earlier and re-purchase. I have put those products aside as I have 14 days before I have to return them. Hopefully by then I should know if I get a refund from Mac for the lost order.

If somehow I wind up with 2 of each, I am happy to pass on to other UK people at cost price.


Well-known member
I've just come back from Kingston. Swatched everything in the collection and I have to say I don't get what the big hype is about. The lipsticks are pretty nice, but we've seen those colours before, and everything else is just meh. I didn't even pick up Legendary, it didn't show up on my hand at all.

I did go a bit crazy in Boots and Superdrug, there are loads of new nail polishes which are my addiction at the moment. Rimmel and Miss Sporty both have new duochrome polishes out, so I bought the lot (4 Rimmel and 3 Miss Sporty), plus a very pretty glittery one from MS. I also found some new Models Own polishes, a lilac glitter and a pink glitter, bith with very fine holographic glitter like Juicy Jules, called Southern Lights and Nothern Lights, and a duochrome called Hayley's Comet. Strangely these aren't even on the Models Own website yet. There was a silver/holo glitter with bigger glitter particles as well. I also got 4 Barry M magnetic polishes and a free croc effect one. Luckily TK Maxx didn't have anything interesting for me lol.

Lou, have you got Gesina from the first Marcel Wanders collection? According to Temptalia it's dupe for Love Goddess. Shame I'd already left Kingston when you posted, I could've picked it up for you. :(
Thats good to hear! I can't afford any of the l/s this month anyways. Might just get Moxie from By Request if I'm fast enough


Well-known member
I've just come back from Kingston. Swatched everything in the collection and I have to say I don't get what the big hype is about. The lipsticks are pretty nice, but we've seen those colours before, and everything else is just meh. I didn't even pick up Legendary, it didn't show up on my hand at all.

I did go a bit crazy in Boots and Superdrug, there are loads of new nail polishes which are my addiction at the moment. Rimmel and Miss Sporty both have new duochrome polishes out, so I bought the lot (4 Rimmel and 3 Miss Sporty), plus a very pretty glittery one from MS. I also found some new Models Own polishes, a lilac glitter and a pink glitter, bith with very fine holographic glitter like Juicy Jules, called Southern Lights and Nothern Lights, and a duochrome called Hayley's Comet. Strangely these aren't even on the Models Own website yet. There was a silver/holo glitter with bigger glitter particles as well. I also got 4 Barry M magnetic polishes and a free croc effect one. Luckily TK Maxx didn't have anything interesting for me lol.

Lou, have you got Gesina from the first Marcel Wanders collection? According to Temptalia it's dupe for Love Goddess. Shame I'd already left Kingston when you posted, I could've picked it up for you. :(
no i don't have that lipstick either although perhaps it will be easier to get hold of than love goddess!! i can't get over how quick the collection is selling out. and you do make me feel better by skipping it too! i was thinking there was something wrong with me - the eyeshadows i can dupe many times over with all i have... blushes and such aren't that special looking... i'm just not feeling the collection i guess.

at the moment i am really wanting the ud vice palette and the too faced return of sexy palette. oh and the chanel quad coming out next month :) i haven't even been buying nail polishes lately (although reading what you just bought makes me want to get some!!). i keep having the gelish polish done on my nails so it lasts about 2.5 weeks without chipping.


Well-known member
My HoF order with the UD Vice Palette, Ocho Loco and Smoked 24/7 eye pencils, only managed a quick peek but the Vice Palette is amazing! I bought the Too Faced Return of sexy palette from BeautyBay and I've swatched it already, it's really lovely. I haven't used it on my eyes, keep forgetting, but I will asap. :) And I'll be buying that Chanel quad too. :)

Lou, I just bought you the last Love Goddess from my MAC! Hope you still want it

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