Uk seller designercosmetics2007


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Xqueeze_me
Any chance of taking some pics for us to look at? They're probably updated fakes like the ones I saw and posted.. and took down. Might put it back up again. By the way, does the inner cover lid have the raised letterings just like the authentic ones??

It'd be helpful if you could take the pics of the:
  • Top of the box(es)
  • Front face of box(es)
  • Back of box(es)
  • Bottom of box(es)
  • Label(s) on bottom of the jar(s)
  • Front face of jar(s) - So we can also see the thickness of the jar(s)
  • Inner plastic cover lid
Thank you!

ps: Does the Rose and Cornflower pigments look like this? These 2 pics are from an Aussie seller who called me a deadset idiot because I told her that her MAC Pigments are counterfeits. Then the seller, its_a_hair_affair, changed her eBay user ID today. Dodgy? YES!


Pictures sourced from

I recently saw these pigments on Australian eBay too. The sticker on the bottom of the jar rang alarm bells for me and I ran in the other direction. The funny thing is that the seller has information listed in her auctions on: How to spot fake MAC.


Active member
This morning I filed a dispute through PayPal. I've just checked and she has fully refunded me.
I will be sending the pigments back to her next week. I'm still doubtful over whether or not they're fakes, but hopefully this is the end of the matter. I won't be buying from ebay again as it's getting too hard to tell if things are real or not. I think I'll stick to buying from the MAC website or counter!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bybs
I recently saw these pigments on Australian eBay too. The sticker on the bottom of the jar rang alarm bells for me and I ran in the other direction. The funny thing is that the seller has information listed in her auctions on: How to spot fake MAC.

I talked to that seller quite a bit because I was doubtful too - when I was curious I asked for details like batch codes for the colours - she actually gave me not only the correct batch codes but she ALSO gave me CORRECT barcodes for them as well (I have a few new ones myself and the barcodes were corresponding!!).... Now I dont know how she knew that without having authentics to see, but the labels on the bottoms of the jars made me look twice too and then turn the other way - if you look carefully at her cornflower there is rather a large space between the w and the er on the end, and the cornflower box looks like the poor quality card associated with most fake pigments - its all scratchy....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss.vampira
This morning I filed a dispute through PayPal. I've just checked and she has fully refunded me.
I will be sending the pigments back to her next week. I'm still doubtful over whether or not they're fakes, but hopefully this is the end of the matter. I won't be buying from ebay again as it's getting too hard to tell if things are real or not. I think I'll stick to buying from the MAC website or counter!

Thats excellent news for you, and you must be glad that she refunded without major dispute. I thoroughly agree with you - picking the fakes USED to be easy.... now it is getting much harder to tell


Active member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Thats excellent news for you, and you must be glad that she refunded without major dispute. I thoroughly agree with you - picking the fakes USED to be easy.... now it is getting much harder to tell

Yes, and I'm so relieved about it! It has become far too difficult and confusing to pick out which are counterfeit pigments. It seems like even good sellers can end up getting some fakes, they really are too convincing.

I hope everyone else who bought from this seller gets their money back okay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
returned items are supposed to be thrown away - there are plenty of threads here discussing what happens to returned items regardless of whether or not they have been used or even left the store. If your MA put returned items back on the shelf then you should have made a complaint to the manager.

Returns normally go to one of the factory staff shops where they are inspected and binned if they turn out to be substandard


Well-known member
Right, sorry I've not updated before now but have been on vacation...

Before I went, I got a response from designercosmetics2007, she said she would refund me without a problem.

She said that she usually gets all her stuff direct from the MAC store, but the cornflower and rose pigments (and only those two colours) were bought in bulk from another seller and she was p!ssed off herself at having been "conned".

I sent a message back to her saying I was sorry she'd been burned too by her own seller, and I appreciated her helpfulness and was looking forward to receiving my refund.

The *only* thing that seemed less than entirely honest about her response was that she claimed I was the first person who'd brought the problem to her attention - which we know not to be the case from what halocaustic has said here.

Today, when I got back from vacation - no refund, and she's asked me to return the pigments to her before she'll give me one.

Opening a PayPal dispute tomorrow with her.

Will keep you all updated, Sho x


Well-known member
Good Luck!! Hope you get your refund as well... this woman is obviously lying though, only those two colours??? what crap... they are all fake!


Well-known member
Unfortunately I had to harass her for a refund too. I just kept hounding her with messages and threatening to report her to e-bay as she still had fakes up for sale. I did finally get my refund though.


Well-known member
My ROSE pigggy which I bought at Mac a while back has the name on top and number on the bottom, just an observation.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by red
My ROSE pigggy which I bought at Mac a while back has the name on top and number on the bottom, just an observation.

And your point is?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
And your point is?

in this pic its just the opposite [number on top, name underneath]



Well-known member
The names/numbers can be top OR bottom, there is no problems there
HOWEVER - I think you are right - I had a conversation off forum with another specktrette a while ago who noticed the same trend in her piggies too - all these fakes have numbers ALL on top (which is not the issue) BUT they (numbers) are ALL printed on the label. Someone here has already argued that numbers can be printed or stamped so thats not the issue either, HOWEVER I went through my own pigments, I have over 80 full sized, and of all the ones with numbers on top they are ALL STAMPED, not printed like these fakes, not even one of mine with the number on top is printed, so you have probably noticed the same inconsistency
I found that by looking through other listings of known fakers with these very good fakes the inconistency is the same - they all have PRINTED numbers on top, and they are ALL from 2006 batch codes, all either from 7 or 9 month and nearly all are A run.


Well-known member

You got me curious and went to look at my piggies
You're right

Good detective work



Active member
hiya everyone i am quite new to mac after being introduced by my brothers gf xvanityxwhorex and for my 21st i treated myself(so i thought) to 8 pigments ,all the colours mentioned above in one lot and have just sent a message asking for a refund
the funny thing is i was bidding on the same 8 colours with designercosmetics2007 but lost out so quickly pressed buy it now on some others
i am really gutted and hope they refund asap so i can get another bday pressie- think will just go into mac shop now! thanks everyone for this thread otherwise i wouldnt of had a clue!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinky_lady
hiya everyone i am quite new to mac after being introduced by my brothers gf xvanityxwhorex and for my 21st i treated myself(so i thought) to 8 pigments ,all the colours mentioned above in one lot and have just sent a message asking for a refund
the funny thing is i was bidding on the same 8 colours with designercosmetics2007 but lost out so quickly pressed buy it now on some others
i am really gutted and hope they refund asap so i can get another bday pressie- think will just go into mac shop now! thanks everyone for this thread otherwise i wouldnt of had a clue!

Was it the same seller designercosmetics2007 that you BIN the piggies from or was it another seller?


Active member
no sorry it was from charleyandemily the auctions were both for the same 8 colours she has agreed to refund once i send the pigments back. any advice?

good luck on the pregnancy btw i had mine 2 weeks ago


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pinky_lady
no sorry it was from charleyandemily the auctions were both for the same 8 colours she has agreed to refund once i send the pigments back. any advice?

good luck on the pregnancy btw i had mine 2 weeks ago

Um, you might want to reconsider sending back the items before you get a refund. You paid for them before you received them, right? So she should refund you before you send them back. Otherwise once they are gone you may never see the pigments or the money again. Play it safe - lodge a claim with paypal if she wont refund you first.

Ooh thanks - this is baby number 4 for me, and my littlest baby is only 5 months old


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Um, you might want to reconsider sending back the items before you get a refund. You paid for them before you received them, right? So she should refund you before you send them back. Otherwise once they are gone you may never see the pigments or the money again. Play it safe - lodge a claim with paypal if she wont refund you first.

Agreed with panda0410!!

NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER send anything back until you've received your FULL refund including postage! If the seller wants you to send the stuff back to them on YOUR expense, tell them to dream on! File a dispute with eBay and Paypal!

Counterfeit sellers can be really cunning and are known for their dishonesty. If you do send the stuff back before you receive your full refund, you may never see your money again. For all you know, they're all nice when they get you to send the stuff back to them but once it's back in their hands, they'll ignore all your messages and emails then resell those crap again!