Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
.....Well...maybe you personally don't see it as an incovienience...But I personally do. And I am sure millions of other Americans do as well.
I believe there are many downsides. One of them being personal freedom. Okay...this is considered 'acceptable' today. Twenty...thirty years ago this would've been abhorred....Now they're taking SCANS of people's PRIVATE PARTS. What will it be ANOTHER twenty years from now??? Our rights as private citizens just keep getting a little more encroached upon every ten years or so. In the next two generations, will it be acceptable to take every five or six people into a strip room without suspect? Simply put, this is just a VERY BAD sign. Of course, I guess it's true that freedoms are changing with the times...But still....I would like to live as a human being......
Conversely I am sure millions of Americans don't mind. We are on different sides of the issue and that's fine (makes for good conversations
I don't know that I necessarily agree with the notion that we are on this destructive course where select strip searches will become common place. Americans have a threshold for what they will put up with. The American voice is very large through media, internet and their vote.
The idea of invasive strip searches actually just highlights the fact that TSA took the time to develop and impliment technology that does most of the same things as a search, but is much less invasive.
I don't know that I agree about attitudes being different 20-30 years ago. Personally, I think most would be amazed and embrace the technology, as the 70s and 80s hosted some infamous hijackings: Entebbe and Lockerbie come to mind.
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
......If you read my paragraph carefully, I never said there haven't been other HIJACKINGS. I was specifically referring to the incident which spurred the 'extra security precautions' on...Which is 9/11......
I did read it carefully. You asked this question and that was what I was answering:
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
...........HOW many commercial flights have taken off and landed safely since the beginning of commercial flying?? I couldn't even imagine how many. OK..Now..exactly HOW many incidents like this have there been? One. Yes....one horrible, terrible, country-altering event..BUT none-the-less, ONE....
My point was that there has been more than one. Whether it's with bomb, gun or crash is semantics, as the end result is the same: Dead people. Personally, I don't like the thought of doing nothing and waiting for the next one.
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
.....Yes. That was a spur-of-the-moment example. But what about when I get behind the wheel of my car everyday..? THEN, I am responisible for more people than just myself. Everyone we encounter on the road that day is taking a risk. What if (just an example, I don't make a practice of this), I slam into someone applying my mascara, for instance? Sure, there ARE police officers, Hiway patrol men, etc. overseeing safety, but they are not there with you behind the wheel all the time. Or, they don't set up 'stations' (not talking about speed traps) to stop everyone just to check if they are carrying weapons, drugs, or...body lotion (ahem...airport security) If they were, or did, it would surely be an infringement of rights...but I am sure some people would make arguments that it's for the safety of everyone, driver included......
The government makes you wear a seatbelt when you drive. A measure for your own safety, just like airport security is. Police do stop you when they feel you are not being safe. They do search the car for guns and drugs if they have a reasonable cue to do so. Do you know how easy it is to conceal an explosive in a bottle of lotion? I am willing to not fly with lotion if that means arriving at my destination alive.
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
.......I wonder about this. I am not so sure if I said to them "Sir/Ma'm, I have a severe distorted-body image. I am also anorexic/bulemic (btw, I'm not..just an example)...If you scan me today, I will obsess about this for weeks. My disease will worsen. I may even end up in hospital", that they wouldn't just say "Sure, sure", and laugh. After all, *I* may be the one carrying on the bomb that day. And, the "religious" exception (if there were to be one) would be HIGHLY scrutinzed. Middle Eastern people are already a suspect people in the eyes of MANY airport security (DISCLAIMER: I don't personally think this way...but I know there are still many ignorant people out there). It may actually be a probable cause for MORE suspicion if the 'wrong' security guard is there. I could see her (woman whose religion would be against the scans) possibly being targeted.."Oh, sure....it's against your religion....c'mon, let's go..you're probably the one with the bomb!" Racial/ethnic targeting? Sure. But it exists. It's out there, as we all well know.....
Do we even know that you have to give a reason? Is it as easy as saying, "I prefer to be searched in another manner."
When I fly with my MAC traincase as a carry-on, I always get searched. At first I thought it was a bit of a hassle, but the more I thought about it: my traincase is a big box with metal parts and it's full of a lot of little pieces that are hard to discern through an x-ray. It makes sense that they searched it and me. I have yet to sue TSA for them profiling me due to my love of cosmetics. Ohhh..maybe I should. Think of all the MAC I could buy with the proceeds!! lol
Profiling has two components in my mind. Threat profiling and discriminatory profiing. Threat profiling is a very helpful tool. It is how agents look for threats when starting with nothing. The police use profiling to help catch serial killers. Discriminary profiling is another matter. Whether you are black, white or anything in between, you will most likely experience it and it will most likely always be there and it's unfortunate. I really think that these two types of profiling are different issues from the scanner though. If someone is profiled, they will be given a security check regardless of what methods are in place, i.e. scanner, wand, etc.
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
......Meanwhile, while they were busy with my poor hubby whose pants were falling down (yes...dignity issue)...the one with the bomb already went thru the gate.....
I'm guessing that didn't happen (the bomb), as we haven't heard about it in the news. Until the TSA is able to teach their agents to have ESP, we will have to stick to random screenings.
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
.....Why SHOULD we HAVE to adjust our clothing. It was winter. My husband was wearing boots. He didn't even have a thought when we got up at 5am the morning of our trip that he'd be asked to take them off. It was the first time we flew with the 'new' security measures in effect. We were prepared for most everything...Except for that. In fact, the next time we flew (in the spring) he did wear flip-flops. But he should not HAVE to alter his dress for anitcipation of a strip-search. THAT is when we know things are going 'bad' for us as Americans...when we must alter our dress, or not carry our cream blush in our purse for FEAR we are going to get targeted...
You don't have to. I was just making a point of suggestion for ease in future travelling. There is a happy medium between lace-up boots and flip-flops. We aren't talking about strip searches, we are talking about the scanner.
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
.....My thing isn't with the TSA...it's with the government in general who are putting all these 'securities' in place. I believe (that's me, I.) that there are PLENTY of measures in place. For crying out loud, you can't even fly with a SWISS Army Knife anymore. A long-standing male accessory. And, when you can't bring your hand lotion in your purse, in MY mind, there's something wrong.........
A box cutter has a smaller blade than a Swiss Army knife. A box cutter was used as a weapon on 9-11. Again, it's really easy to put explosives in a bottle of lotion.
Originally Posted by YvetteJeannine
....Bottom line for me: How far will it go? This is just yet another example of our civil liberties being whiddled away. Our founding fathers would be mortified. Of course, I'm sure they'd be mortified at the state of this country in the first place...But, still...how far will they go?? Marshal Law? Police State? When they're taking photo's of our naked bodies (and, I really don't care why), it's gone, in my opinion TOO FAR.
They are not taking photos of your body. They are viewing a scanned image that isn't stored.
I think our founding fathers would appreciate that this is a necessary measure. They realized with rights come duty. Duty to do what is necessary to maintain this good country. The birth of this nation is steeped in sacrafice. So I have to walk through a scanner. I think this is pretty slight compared to what our founding fathers went through.
Don't get me wrong. I appreciate where you are coming from, but I just see it differently. It is our government trying to protect us in a war where our enemy is invisible. An enemy with no set geography, no nationality, and little consistency in weapons and message. Where does the gov't start? Any little step is a good one, IMO.
I guess the airlines could start providing flights exclusively for passengers who want little or no security measures. I imagine it would be hard to find an airlines or crew that would want to take that on though.
Damn...I loooove to type!
I hope you don't mind this discourse. I am enjoying exploring the issue.