Originally Posted by Lapis
There is so much wrong with this they are trusting that terrorist will always use vest of some sort since it can't see thru body cavities, this really does nothing for the person who swallows or sticks something in their anus, anyone who's watched a prison show has seen how creative people can get sticking stuff up their behinds if there's a will there is a way....
This scanner isn't supposed to eliminate the theat, just aid in that quest. No one is saying their aren't ways around it. True, the scanner doesn't eliminate the issues of body cavities, but it does address a lot of other threats. The only way we eliminate the body cavity threat is to have everyone submit to a fingering. Doubt that will happen.
This just goes back to my question of just because we can't eliminate the threat, should we not take all reasonable measures? As it stands now, metal detectors and wands do not catch everything. Not everyone is wanded. Why not add the scanner as another tool to aid in eliminating the possiblity of danger?
Originally Posted by Lapis
....Not only that but TSA agents have let thru guns and explosives just in the last year they clearly have issues with doing their jobs.......
I was able to screen fake luggage and passengers in a training simulation for the public to see how well they could do in picking out threats. It was hard as hell. Granted, I am not a trained agent, but it really gave you an appreciation for the complexity of it.
If you think TSA agents have a hard time now, then clearly another method of checking is a good thing.