US soldiers torture a little dog


Well-known member
OK but this guy who threw a dog across the mountain and videotaped it was not over there. He is stationed in Hawaii which is United States of America.


Well-known member
My feelings exactly. Those videos just make me hate mankind. 'Boohoo' is right, way to use your time and ammunition productively and then VIDEOTAPE these things. I have no remorse for the soldiers that do this whatsoever, don't care what they've been through, hope they get the torture back, threefold.

Originally Posted by FullWroth
The dog off a cliff one is, I'm sad to say, not the only one.

QuizLaw: No Fucking Wonder They Hate Us in Iraq

(BIG HUGE WARNING for any animal lovers. I finally worked up the guts to un-scriptblock the youtube screens and then immediately had to close them just seeing the first frame of each one.)

Yeah yeah yeah, war is hell, whatever, boohoo, it's hard. I realize they're in hell over there, but as far as I'm concerned, it does not justify their actions. A war crime is still a crime.

It makes me endlessly sad that jerkoffs like these guys are not only alive and well but apparently have the free time to torture dogs, while wonderful, caring men like this guy (NPR: Grieving Family Fetches Soldier's Dogs from Iraq), who SOMEHOW managed to be on the front lines of this war without turning into a sociopath so apparently it ISN'T an excuse, die.

To all the non-sociopath, non-fuckhead soldiers out there who are more like Guy #2 (RIP) than Fuckhead Group #1, I am truly sorry, because it's going to be your reputation that suffers.

To those who want to sympathize with these oh-so-tormented soldiers, those dipshits will probably get off with a light slap on the wrist, if anything. More importantly, they're going to remember that it's okay to torture living things for their sick amusement, and they will bring their new disposition home with them when this war ends. Maybe to your neighborhood. Maybe to your dog.



Well-known member
I know what you are saying. It is wrong. What Fullwroth videos showed too are horrible.

Knowing another soldier that never saw combat, he was sorta different. This guy was - "A trained killer." He went,strictly so he could kill. He wanted to kill. I wouldn't doubt that he killed dogs too. He would have been trigger happy. Some people go into the this to kill "the enemy." They sit for months on end in the heat with no sleep and they want to use their skills to kill the enemy. They don't get to, so I guess they do this horrible stuff.

I am trying to make sense out of the senseless.

The men that do come back as that article stated are changed from combat and their training. Scary. It's like -who is coming back home? They aren't the same.


Well-known member
This is what I don't understand: I know that people do sick and disgusting things everyday, but WHY do they have to record it? I'm in no way dismissing what happened (I MEAN COME ON, A PUPPY? ASSHOLE). I'm saying that if you are effing retarded enough to record yourself being a dickhole then you deserve what you get. My reaction would be the same if they weren't soldiers, but it really scares me to see that sort of behavior from those in the military. Think about it- this is just what we know happened, lord knows how many other horrible things that ass has done.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by FullWroth
The dog off a cliff one is, I'm sad to say, not the only one.

QuizLaw: No Fucking Wonder They Hate Us in Iraq

(BIG HUGE WARNING for any animal lovers. I finally worked up the guts to un-scriptblock the youtube screens and then immediately had to close them just seeing the first frame of each one.)

Yeah yeah yeah, war is hell, whatever, boohoo, it's hard. I realize they're in hell over there, but as far as I'm concerned, it does not justify their actions. A war crime is still a crime.

It makes me endlessly sad that jerkoffs like these guys are not only alive and well but apparently have the free time to torture dogs, while wonderful, caring men like this guy (NPR: Grieving Family Fetches Soldier's Dogs from Iraq), who SOMEHOW managed to be on the front lines of this war without turning into a sociopath so apparently it ISN'T an excuse, die.

To all the non-sociopath, non-fuckhead soldiers out there who are more like Guy #2 (RIP) than Fuckhead Group #1, I am truly sorry, because it's going to be your reputation that suffers.

To those who want to sympathize with these oh-so-tormented soldiers, those dipshits will probably get off with a light slap on the wrist, if anything. More importantly, they're going to remember that it's okay to torture living things for their sick amusement, and they will bring their new disposition home with them when this war ends. Maybe to your neighborhood. Maybe to your dog.

I watched the final video and wow. You can hear them laughing.

This really, really makes me mad. Purposeful killing of animals is often seen as a symptom of psychosis. I get it- it's war, it's horrible and messes with your head, but I've had friends and family stationed in Iraq for years and none of them ran around shooting dogs and blowing them up in "self-defense".


Well-known member
Has the military released any statements about it? I've heard that they were investigating whether it was a live puppy or the body of a deceased one, have they established that yet? My Google-Fu skills aren't up to par anymore and I can't find anything.

If the pup was alive, I'll have a problem with this. If it was the pup was already deceased (by means having nothing to do with the people in the video), I'll find it distasteful but that's it. Either way, I'm thinking this guy's career is ruined and he's probably facing some disciplinary measures.

Originally Posted by eastsidesunset
My reaction would be the same if they weren't soldiers, but it really scares me to see that sort of behavior from those in the military.

Just because he's in the military we should hold him to higher standards? Bad apples (or, in this case, fucked up apples) are everywhere, but you've also got to remember that cases like this are not indicative of the entire military. It's an asshole with issues showing off to his buddies, using an innocent puppy to do it. It's fucked up no matter what his occupation is, but you should be no more afraid of them than you should be of any Joe Schmo walking down the street.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
ok, i love animals more than anything. However, I think people are rushing to judgement saying that the guys are assholes and blah blah blah. You all have to realize that these men are slightly unstable over there fighting for their life and your freedom. Their judgement between right and wrong is completely blurred. They are sleep deprived for weeks on end.

No they're not. They used to be, but not so much now. Now in most places they're looking at a solid 3square and 5-8 hrs a night. That's more sleep than I usually get.
their morals are constantly challenged, they see so much shit they are going through major post traumatic stress disorder and all sorts of horrible mental stuff.

I agree with you to a point.
Im not saying what they did was wrong, but I dont understand why everyone is so quick to be outraged at these guys. Most people on this board don't understand the daily mental struggles these guys go through...some of them literally come back out of their mind.

And I'll be honest, the guys who do, shouldn't have been in the military in the first place.
I love dogs, but theres just not much of an excuse for the disgust that is being spewed at them, especially since they are over there fighting for you so that you can continue living the life that you are.

I'm not interested in the patriotic mess. Anyone who takes glee, regardless of circumstances, in the torture and death of a small animal is disgusting.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
OK but this guy who threw a dog across the mountain and videotaped it was not over there. He is stationed in Hawaii which is United States of America.

He can be stationed in Hawaii but deployed to Iraq, Afgh, Bosnia, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Knowing another soldier that never saw combat, he was sorta different. This guy was - "A trained killer." He went,strictly so he could kill. He wanted to kill. I wouldn't doubt that he killed dogs too. He would have been trigger happy. Some people go into the this to kill "the enemy." They sit for months on end in the heat with no sleep and they want to use their skills to kill the enemy. They don't get to, so I guess they do this horrible stuff.

That's completely and totally horseshit. Sorry. It is.
There's such a difference in mentality between the view taken of the 'enemy' and the view taken of the 'protected'. We're not talking hitmen (generally definition I'm a 'trained killer' and I have zero interest in throwing a pup off a cliff).
I am trying to make sense out of the senseless.

The men that do come back as that article stated are changed from combat and their training. Scary. It's like -who is coming back home? They aren't the same.

No kidding.


Well-known member
ugh this makes me sad


Well-known member
I refuse to watch this video because I cannot stand people who think it's OK to torture animals. People who torture animals should have the exact same thing done to them - an eye for an eye. A society is judged on the way it treats its elders, infirm and helpless (young and animals). These "soldiers" should be stripped of their armor and left in the desert with no map.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
That's completely and totally horseshit. Sorry. It is.
There's such a difference in mentality between the view taken of the 'enemy' and the view taken of the 'protected'. We're not talking hitmen (generally definition I'm a 'trained killer' and I have zero interest in throwing a pup off a cliff).

Would some throw a pup, shoot a dog, and blow up a dog and want to for fun? Yes. Is it ever right? Hell, no. Just, because you don't doesn't mean obviously as the videos illustrate there are those few individuals that want to kill for amusement.

I don't know what you are calling "horseshit". Because in your mind, you wouldn't do something, does not mean another person would do so with a smile on their face to an animal, a person, or whatever and justify it in their own mind. Call them a psychopath, evil or whatever. They exist everywhere in all walks of life.


Well-known member
that video was so disturbing... what ass HOLES!!!! :mad: people like that make me so mad
i love animals so much i would never hurt them at all, i even love my bfs cat and i never used to like cats
people who do this deserve something bad happen to them



Well-known member
Additionally, I want to say that I do not believe these individuals on these tapes represent the mass majority serving our country.

Lastly, I would like to clarify about the man that stated wanted to kill. After 911, this man went absolutely batty to kill "the enemy". That's all he discussed day in and day out. He did become a Marine. I didn't think he was just right, because he appeared obsessed about "killing" and "wanting to kill." He came back even more obsessed, because he didn't get to "kill a person." That was he goal. According to him, "I want to take out as many as I can before I die."

I know many people that serve and have served within my own family. They don't talk that way. He is as I said - "was sorta different" even before he got in the Marines.


Well-known member
Ok I didn't see the video but I did read the story. My husband is a US Marine. He has gone to war and he will be deploying again soon. The reason this guy did what he did is not because he's in the service. Its because he's a sick person! Yea things do happen in Iraq that no one who hasn't been there can understand. My husband will never be the same and our family won't ever be the same.Still we don't go around kicking puppies. This just sucks because evertime a service member commits a crime we as a family suffer.there's protesting, crazy nuts yelling at us and our children.outrageous flyers'physcho people throwing themselves at our cars.This just sucks


Well-known member
That was very painful to watch; whether the pup was already dead [which is extremely poor taste] or whether they tortured the poor little thing [which borders on sociopathic/homicidial behaviour] either way was very disturbing. And these guys put it up there on their own, as if the rest of the world would enjoy this sick joke.

What really pisses me off [other than the atrocities committed in this video] is the knee-jerk reaction that these assholes reflect the military as a whole. They don't. These are assholes, plain and simple. They're not a reflection of humanity, America, the military or anything other than a reflection of sick behavior.

And it really pisses me off how this is being used as a political weapon to undermine efforts in Iraq. It's not, these are just some sick kids that are too unstable to be in the army and should be court martialed.


Well-known member
This is absolute disgust on the soldiers part. I can admit I am not an animal lover, but I am not an animal killer or torturer. This shows how their morals and compassion are to living animals and people. No wonder why our world is so f*cking screwed up.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Torturing a helpless, trusting animal is deplorable. While everyone I know who has served is a respectable being, I can imagine that there are some bad people in the military. I don't believe that it is ALL of them, but it doesn't surprise me that some cruel people get in. It is voluntary, after all.

Holding the military to a higher standard- I don't have a problem with it, although there is no real higher standard to not torture animals, IMO. Torturing animals is a sociopathic behavior, and it's difficult for me to think it's less bad for civilians committing torture is worse than military. However, we hold plenty of people to higher standards, due to their profession. If I blab my friend's health business, I look like an asshole. If her doctor does that, she's in serious violation of ethics.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Additionally, I want to say that I do not believe these individuals on these tapes represent the mass majority serving our country.

I don't think anyone here thinks that these poor excuses for "human beings" are reflective of the military at all. The military is an excellent place to learn respect for others, and apparently these two morons missed that day in basic training.

There are assholes in every profession, but these two were stupid enough to post their sickening behavior. The world would be a better place if these two (and the countless others like them) weren't sharing our oxygen.