US soldiers torture a little dog


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
Would some throw a pup, shoot a dog, and blow up a dog and want to for fun? Yes. Is it ever right? Hell, no. Just, because you don't doesn't mean obviously as the videos illustrate there are those few individuals that want to kill for amusement.

I don't know what you are calling "horseshit". Because in your mind, you wouldn't do something, does not mean another person would do so with a smile on their face to an animal, a person, or whatever and justify it in their own mind. Call them a psychopath, evil or whatever. They exist everywhere in all walks of life.

I'm calling this statement horseshit.
He went,strictly so he could kill. He wanted to kill. I wouldn't doubt that he killed dogs too. He would have been trigger happy. Some people go into the this to kill "the enemy." They sit for months on end in the heat with no sleep and they want to use their skills to kill the enemy. They don't get to, so I guess they do this horrible stuff.

It's misleading, it's generalizing, and it's just wrong.
Guys like the one you're talking about...the majority of them talk some serious smack, and haven't the foggiest idea of what taking a human life is like (as is evidenced that he never went to combat).
The guys who go over there and are trained to kill and yes, when their friends die WANT to kill, they don't get frustrated and decide to kill puppies just to 'use their skills'. That's ridiculous.


Well-known member
its disgusting how there are people that consider the lives of animals to be incredibly inferior. i'm very ignorant with war and such, but I've read some books and heard some lectures from a professor i highly respect. i suppose he knows some veterans or something, but i really liked his life stories.

i can't help it but think that being a soldier can definitely change you. my prof was telling me how there are many soldiers that have to let go of their humanity so they can kill another person. the stories i was reading was about groups of men on the frontlines and having to throw away all their sentimental values. it was very, very sad. my prof was also telling us about how the men that are fortunate to survive have major difficulties adjusting back into society. it's frightening. i would never be the same person if i had to kill someone or witness people being killed etc.

i'm not defending anyone and indeedm hucking a poor puppy is pretty dam sick. i love animals as well.

but if i were to be a soldier, and at some point i would have to kill somebody, the only way for me to be able to take a life of another person at gun point would be that my state of mind would ahve to change. my mentality would have to see a puppy like a mosquito or i would somehow have to have a major paradigm shift and not respect life.

i'm also very disgusted by how they chuckle at the puppy. i cant help it but also wonder if they were in someway kinda like how i was when i was a kid and loving to put salt on slugs and ripping legs off spiders and burrying bees under piles of rubble. bad example i know, but im definitely not surprised by the video.

that puppy was cute... i wonder where they got it from?...


Well-known member
That was horrible!
I know the military does psych testing to try and weed out the insane people. It's not a perfect system but they do try to prevent this kind of thing and this incident should not be a reflection on the entire u.s. military.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CaraAmericana
yeeeeaaah ok but he is stationed in the Hawaiian Islands

yeah but the thing about war is you can leave the war but the war doesn't leave you. just because he's physically out of the battle zone doesnt mean he is mentally out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
yeah but the thing about war is you can leave the war but the war doesn't leave you. just because he's physically out of the battle zone doesnt mean he is mentally out.

Yeah, so he's coping by killing innocent animals. Bullshit. I don't pretend to know what's it's like, nor can I even imagine, but there are plenty of soldiers that have come back and they haven't taken their mental anguish out on innocent animals, all the while laughing about it, and then posting it on the internet.


Well-known member
like i said, im an animal lover. I dont agree with torturing animals. Im just saying have some compassion for men who have been stripped of their humanity. not all marines are military service men are like that, and most that are didn't arrive to bootcamp like that. And Im sorry i think its sad when people are like oh stop with the boo hoo or patriotic shit. Im against the war, I just support the troops. I am very close to many marines who are finding every day simple tasks hell. I have heard their stories that there have been times where they have absolutlely lost their mind in some situations. I dont think its right to automatically assume they are assholes. They totally could be, they might have been the biggest jerks before ever enlisting. That is different. But I think it is only fair to see all sides of the story. What if it was your son or bf or husband that came back destroyed. And for all those who dont think its a big deal to come back, then obviously you dont have anyone extremely close to you that has been through it. And if you have and they are fine, man they have balls of iron because face it, these are KIDS being thrown into a situation where they are forced to end the lives of other people, sometimes innocent, sometimes not. At some point it has to mess with your mental well being. I remember thinking my sisters fiance would be totally fine and the same when he came back from Iraq because he is one tough ass guy. And for a few months he was just a shell of who he used to be, afterall he not only was subjected to open fire all the tine, but he saw his friends die, and even one burn to death in a tank. A car backfired and he had the most intense flashback to the point he had no idea where he was. And honestly it took a long time for him to admit he had PTSD, because most men find it embarassing to admit it. Thats why you see so many Vets getting into so much trouble when they come back, because they wont ask for help. I think that many are confusing my post, I never said it was ok to torture or kill a dog. Just that there may be bigger issues concerning this incident. Disagree or not, at least explore other explanations before giving a knee jerk reaction. Thats all im saying


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Babylard
but if i were to be a soldier, and at some point i would have to kill somebody, the only way for me to be able to take a life of another person at gun point would be that my state of mind would ahve to change. my mentality would have to see a puppy like a mosquito or i would somehow have to have a major paradigm shift and not respect life.

Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
yeah but the thing about war is you can leave the war but the war doesn't leave you. just because he's physically out of the battle zone doesnt mean he is mentally out.

My father did over 20 years in the US Navy and my oldest brother is currently active-duty in the Air Force. They don't speak to me about what happens/happened during their deployments short of funny stories, and I don't ask. Both have been deployed multiple times, neither came back the same as when they left.

I know for a fact that neither of them would ever commit despicable acts like the events in the video.

Just because he is in the military/has military training/has been deployed/etc. isn't an excuse for disgusting and inhumane behavior. Not everyone who signs up kills someone. Not everyone who joins does so with the motivation to 'kill' someone; those who do are often weeded out. This is an example of a person with a mental problem who needs help, not one who has had his problems caused by his service.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
like i said, im an animal lover. I dont agree with torturing animals. Im just saying have some compassion for men who have been stripped of their humanity. not all marines are military service men are like that, and most that are didn't arrive to bootcamp like that. And Im sorry i think its sad when people are like oh stop with the boo hoo or patriotic shit. Im against the war, I just support the troops. I am very close to many marines who are finding every day simple tasks hell. I have heard their stories that there have been times where they have absolutlely lost their mind in some situations. I dont think its right to automatically assume they are assholes. They totally could be, they might have been the biggest jerks before ever enlisting. That is different. But I think it is only fair to see all sides of the story. What if it was your son or bf or husband that came back destroyed.

Mine did, he came home and 4 weeks later his best friend died, and it put my brother in a place no man should ever have to be. Ever. What if it was mine? I'd still say the exact same thing I've said in this thread previously.
And for all those who dont think its a big deal to come back, then obviously you dont have anyone extremely close to you that has been through it. And if you have and they are fine, man they have balls of iron because face it, these are KIDS being thrown into a situation where they are forced to end the lives of other people, sometimes innocent, sometimes not. At some point it has to mess with your mental well being. I remember thinking my sisters fiance would be totally fine and the same when he came back from Iraq because he is one tough ass guy. And for a few months he was just a shell of who he used to be, afterall he not only was subjected to open fire all the tine, but he saw his friends die, and even one burn to death in a tank. A car backfired and he had the most intense flashback to the point he had no idea where he was. And honestly it took a long time for him to admit he had PTSD, because most men find it embarassing to admit it. Thats why you see so many Vets getting into so much trouble when they come back, because they wont ask for help. I think that many are confusing my post, I never said it was ok to torture or kill a dog. Just that there may be bigger issues concerning this incident. Disagree or not, at least explore other explanations before giving a knee jerk reaction. Thats all im saying

Of course there are bigger issues. Psychopathic/sociopathic behavior must be examined.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by DominicanBarbie
Ok I didn't see the video but I did read the story. My husband is a US Marine. He has gone to war and he will be deploying again soon. The reason this guy did what he did is not because he's in the service. Its because he's a sick person! Yea things do happen in Iraq that no one who hasn't been there can understand. My husband will never be the same and our family won't ever be the same.Still we don't go around kicking puppies. This just sucks because evertime a service member commits a crime we as a family suffer.there's protesting, crazy nuts yelling at us and our children.outrageous flyers'physcho people throwing themselves at our cars.This just sucks

Yup. I could tell you guys stories about being harassed by anti-military protesters that would make you cry. On to the topic at hand...


First things first. Army = soldier, Marine Corps = Marine.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, these two (?) idiots are Marines. Whether or not this video is authentic, in the sense that the dog may have been dead before being tossed of the cliff, these two fine gentlemen do not represent the absolutely AMAZING honor, courage and resiliency I see daily. I live 5 minutes from "the Crossroads of the Marine Corps." I can't go anywhere without tripping over Marines. (Not including the one I trip over on a daily basis in my house.) They are, simply put, the best people I know. If it turns out that these two (or however many) idiots did, in fact, abuse this animal, don't expect them to remain in uniform very long. The Marine Corps does not take kindly to people who make the rest of them look bad and disgrace the uniform.

As far as the effects of the battlefield, well, just be glad if you don't ever have to deal with a loved one with PTSD from war. My husband will never be whole again. I have to monitor his video game playing and what he watches on television to prevent him from seeing things that will cause him to have night terrors. He's a 29 year old man with 3 children and I have to treat HIM like a child to protect him. I have to remind him that he doesn't have to drive down the middle of the street to avoid IEDs. I have to break it to him when another friend or colleague dies. We're fortunate in the sense that my husband's PTSD hasn't manifested itself in violence but I still wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Mine did, he came home and 4 weeks later his best friend died, and it put my brother in a place no man should ever have to be. Ever. What if it was mine? I'd still say the exact same thing I've said in this thread previously.

then more power to you, you made an informed conclusion and really that was all i was asking people to do. Theres no need for everyone to get so heated, we all have different opinions. I just wish people would have faith in other human beings and give them a chance by trying to understand what led up to their behavior. Im just asking that noone quickly dismisses this without playing devils advocate.

And for the record to everyone, I KNOW that killing and torturing a dog is sick and disturbing. Its not like I disagree with that fact. Unfortunately I have to sit their and consider the other side because when my father came back from the vietnam war he almost killed someone who was trying to hook up with my mom. And to this day he says that at the time he was literally crazy by the time he got back. It took him about 5 years to return to the way he was and is now. Other friends of mine from the war in Iraq have told me similar stories that I would rather not mention and it breaks my heart. All of these people are GOOD people. but this comes from MY experiences. that is why I choose to defend them until I know the entire story (which i probably never will). Like I said, just consider everything and if you still come out thinking the way you did then I have no problem with that. I just wish people would realize that every soldier that reports to Iraq and wherever is a hero in some regard. That doesn't make them an angel, and they are still humans who make mistakes, some worse than others.


Well-known member
and ps. i never said it was an excuse, thats putting words into my mouth and not understanding what my argument is.


Well-known member
i couldn't bear to watch the videos.

i think it's sickening, and there is no excuse for such behaviour if the dog was alive.

if the dog was dead - i still find it stomach turning that someone could think that was funny.


Well-known member
It's not a single occurence, if you follow the links on youtube there are many more videos of soldiers torturing animals whilst on deployment, like one where a soldier just aimlessly blows up a kitten, or one where a soldier mows down a bunch of sheep from his jeep.

It's totally deplorable and it's no wonder the soldiers are hated so much there if things like this go on. Killing sheep just for fun is also destroying the livelihood of farmers who depend on those animals for income.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxsgtigressxx
and ps. i never said it was an excuse, thats putting words into my mouth and not understanding what my argument is.

I took your point as people will act in ways out of character to their usual self when they are put into situations of extreme stress, intense fear, out of their of their normal conditions for months or years on end, lack of contact with love ones for months on end to name a few.

Yes, I do believe people do and to what degree is very individual. I know things happened in Vietnam that the vets didn't admit to for decades. Like you, I don't want to mention it on the board.

I don't know what the devil is going on with this throwing of this pup, killing dogs, etc. It makes me want to throw up, but I do know some people don't have the same regard for creatures that do. I am still in shock with the whole thing.

I was actually hoping that was a stuffed animal that looked like a pup. I guess. I am wanting it to be some sick joke to just shock people. That wouldn't be much better either. I just don't want it to be an animal.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SparklingWaves
I took your point as people will act in ways out of character to their usual self when they are put into situations of extreme stress, intense fear, out of their of their normal conditions for months or years on end, lack of contact with love ones for months on end to name a few.

Yes, I do believe people do and to what degree is very individual. I know things happened in Vietnam that the vets didn't admit to for decades. Like you, I don't want to mention it on the board.

I don't know what the devil is going on with this throwing of this pup, killing dogs, etc. It makes me want to throw up, but I do know some people don't have the same regard for creatures that do. I am still in shock with the whole thing.

I was actually hoping that was a stuffed animal that looked like a pup. I guess. I am wanting it to be some sick joke to just shock people. That wouldn't be much better either. I just don't want it to be an animal.

couldnt have said it better myself