Valentine's Day Plans?


Well-known member
So, what's everyone got planned for v-day with your significant other? Any special surprises or gifts for your honey?

I'm gonna give him his gift tomorrow since it's my day off. I'll get out shopping early, find a sexy little something to wear for him, clean up the apartment, and make some yummy lasagna. He's so easy to make happy. Hell, I could just wait for him in bed naked when he comes home from work with a frozen pizza in the oven and he'd be stoked. about everyone else?


Well-known member
Making dinner at my place, I'm not sure what yet but it will be yummy. Then lots of sex.
He just moved to my city, so I don't want for us to do anything expensive and just spending time together is awesome.


Well-known member
Well considering I'm single...

I'll be buying a big box of chocolates just for myself and just maybe even flowers lol.
Going to buy some sexy lingerie maybe some VS even haha (I'm so horribly cheap!) for myself to wear.
Taking myself out to eat and then watch a movie.


Well-known member
i have absolutely no idea what my hubby's plans are... he says its a secret... on valenties day i kind of just want to grab all the pillows and blankets in my house, make a little nest, snuggle my daughter and hubby, watch a romantic comedy, and make toonssss of butter popcorn!!!


Well-known member
My boyfriend and I are getting a hotel room.. which I guess isn't that special considering we practically live with each other anyways and could be alone at either of our places, but we're trying to do something new.. and tons of take-out from our favorite sushi joint and some champagne. Pretttty sure we're gonna get drunk and eat yummy sushi and have lots of sexy time, it's gonna be awesome.

We're paying 50/50 so we're not getting each other gifts, this is our gift to each other. Whooo.


Well-known member
I'm not a Valentine's day person, but my man kinda brought the subject here and there, so I guess he'd like us to do something. We'll probably have fondue, and we'll go to the casino for fun. Between it, SECRET!


Well-known member
man, i think god hates me.

i honestly think im about to get my .

and that would really fucking suck. so im hoping its just gas.

anyhoo, my plan is to cook him a very sexy meal...then im gonna let him give me a bubble bath. dry me off. i'm gonna get all dolled up, slap on the hooker heels, give him a lil song n dance, and ride his sexy ass into the wee hours of sunday morning. rawr.

but if my . comes, i'll be on the couch crying talkin about how much my life sucks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
man, i think god hates me.

i honestly think im about to get my .

and that would really fucking suck. so im hoping its just gas.

anyhoo, my plan is to cook him a very sexy meal...then im gonna let him give me a bubble bath. dry me off. i'm gonna get all dolled up, slap on the hooker heels, give him a lil song n dance, and ride his sexy ass into the wee hours of sunday morning. rawr.

but if my . comes, i'll be on the couch crying talkin about how much my life sucks.

helloooo? shower sex!! get dirty and clean at the same time! or you could just celebrate a little early or late.


Well-known member
nothing. me and my boyfriend don't even say happy valentines/give each other cards or presents which we both agree on.

i don't see why there should be one day out of the year to show someone that you love them. it should be every day. waste of bleedin' money.

*sucks on some humbugs* hahah.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vocaltest
nothing. me and my boyfriend don't even say happy valentines/give each other cards or presents which we both agree on.

i don't see why there should be one day out of the year to show someone that you love them. it should be every day. waste of bleedin' money.

*sucks on some humbugs* hahah.

I'm not a fan of ''we need to spend money because it's...'' but I love the fact that we can use this day as a reason to have fun, cook a special meal that you would normally not cook, something like that.

Me and my man tell each other ''I love you'' everyday


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Willa
I'm not a fan of ''we need to spend money because it's...'' but I love the fact that we can use this day as a reason to have fun, cook a special meal that you would normally not cook, something like that.

Me and my man tell each other ''I love you'' everyday

we do too


Well-known member
well i'll be at work on v day and my hubby will be waiting for a big ass cabinet to be delivered for my make up to be stored in! and i hope he'll clean the house up too! how romantic!

seriously though when i get home from work we'll swap gifts - i have bought him some ps3 games and he's bought me some mac stuff out of a big ass list i gave him to pick from! then we'll either cook food together or get take out. i'm not a fan of going out to eat on v day as everything is twice the price it usually is and plus it's overcrowded!

and then later on in the evening after we've drunkenly played abba and disney singstar we'll have sexy times!


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The bf & I are supposed to go to Rockefeller Center & go ice skating & then dinner afterward!
But, I dunno since I have class and the weather is calling for rain. *ugh* If that does happen, then we'll go out for dinner & a movie & then some sexy time later in the evening <3


Well-known member
Well im single so me and my only other single girlfriend are going to Sheffield for the weekend for a burlesque night


Well-known member
hmm .. webcaming w/ the hubby on the other side of the world. at least i hope he can by that time! *sigh

past vdays we went to disneyland!

we were at knotts on valentines day about 5 years back and thats the day we met<3


Well-known member
Well, I was suppose to be going to a nice restaurant, a hotel stay, and an acrobatics show... but we decided to jointly shift the money elsewhere. It would have been a gift to each other. I don't care for Valentine's day if it makes you feel like it's the only day of the year you have to be sweet/special to each other... but we're totally not that way and I'll take any excuse as a reminder to celebrate that we love each other.

Now, we're planning on getting a dining room table so we can enjoy dates at home more often. I'm making goat cheese tarts, lobster pot pie and mascarpone cheescake and getting a few bottles of wine. I got some lingerie and I'm making our bed... then enjoying messing it up.


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Not really in the mood for celebrating it this year, there might be an imminent death in the extended family of my bf so....


Well-known member
we really aren't suppose to be doing anything for Valentine's Day because our 2 year anniversary is the 19th and we both said that we would celebrate that day buttttttt.....

I placed an order to have a teddybear and mrs. fields cookies sent to his job (he works saturday) that says to save some room for later then after i'm decorating the whole house in valentine's day decorations and cooking a 3 course meal for him (i never EVER ever cook) and presenting him my hand made valentine.

Its a deck of cards whole punched to be made into a book and on the cover it says 52 things i love about you and the inside on every card is a reason. he has no idea about anything.

im such a sap, i LOVE holidays like this


Well-known member
Heh. I left him a cute note on his pillow when I left this morning (he was already at work). I just like to use V-day (or VD-day as my ever so romantic bf calls it) as an excuse to have a nice date.


Well-known member
Sigh. Last V day sucked...I mean we got eachother something and ate chinese and had sex (I think) but then broke up a week later

So we just recently got back together....Im like, weird about V day. I love the holiday, I think its a romantic day and just a perfect day to snuggle, have sex, eat, and do nothing.

Sadly....Ill have my period. But at least I get to spend the day with him. I have to work Saturday morn and afternoon, but they are gonna celebrate my bday at work Saturday, and Illhave cake and stuff. It wont be a bad day.

Ill probably: Go to work. Then spend the evening with him. Im not expecting anything, he hasnt had work for awhile. Ill probably get him something small, like a personal cd player (he needs one)

MissResha-just do like me, and have sex on ur . Haha its disgusting but...f it. I need sex and he certainly doesnt mind it. Am I being too gross here guys, sorry

Anyways I love this weekend. V Day then my bday
Whooooooo! I always feel so special