Very Important Nude Lip Video


Well-known member
Originally Posted by seymone25
I am saying that you dont have to call people names to get your point across.. Point blank. It has nothing to do with racism.

Did he make references to black women through out the video? Yes. Does it bother me that he made references to black women? No. Does it bother that he made up degrading terms in reference to black women or any women for that matter? Yes.

Exactly what are you referencing when you say that he called people names or made up degrading terms in reference to women?

Are you referring to jizzlip or something else? I mean, I know the term may not be the most flattering for lighter lips. However, I fail to see this as a degrading term for women. I've seen boys in the so called "jizzlips".

Just wondering. I could have just missed it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
I find the video really helpful as i have been finding it hard to find a nude lip that would suit me. turns out, all you need is concealer and lipglass and voila

He was just telling people what looks right and what looks wrong. It is a video at the end of the day, either listen to it or not, it's your decision.



Well-known member
He is in t he video saying silver is not a natural color but dang, I think those who wear it know it is not a natural color...Condescending as hell

If he wanted to help, talk about how to get a neutral/nude lip instead of telling people that what color they picked is NOT a neutral or nude color.

He is projecting a lot in this video. Assuming that darker people wearing pink lipstick is not neutral/nude is silly. Hell, who said that is what we thought?

As for the "sistahs" he did say to the "really, really, dark" so yeah, he is talking about black women...sweep over it all you want.
To tell someone else that they are over reacting is silly. That is how Seymone (and a few others, myself included, feel) He wasnt talking about white ladies...Sorry....

Red, Fuschia, Purple are not natural either, wear what you like!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oyindamola87
im sorry to be ignorant but what does jizz lip mean?

I don't want to get all graphic, but it's a sexual term. What you look like after a certain act is done. Google it.

Candee Sparks

Well-known member
Honestly I didn't see anything wrong with the video. I can see where black women might be a bit tiffed by what he said but its not like he was trying to be racist. I mean he's so dark himself that if compared to how white I am, you'd think he'd be black but I guess I only say that because I wish I could have some kind of skin tone besides pastel white. (I'm allergic to the sun's UV rays.)

But all kidding aside, I am a little bothered by what people have been saying. I'm not looking to pick a fight, mind you but not every opinion that flies out of a person's mouth is going to be accurate or comply with others. I realize its not going to count since I'm not a big YT guru myself but I have said some things that other people have disagreed with heavily in several of my videos and I wound up just putting them on private. Why he said what he said is beyond me but I know what its like to be in front of a camera unscripted or trying to keep a conversation going, so maybe he just all-around said it wrong? It wouldn't be the first time a message has been misinterpreted in a video and I highly doubt he meant any disrespect to women of color in general. Having over 100,000 subscribers doesn't make you 100% accurate all the time.

Its also bothering me that people are disrespecting him as a guru and an artist and not just on this forum. He's not one of those titan gurus with an overabundance of subscribers that were obtained solely by making haul videos and talking about himself to the point where the haul video ratio compared to actual tutorials fell at 15:1. As bizarre as that sounds, I know quite a few of the biggest gurus who do this. Do I believe they deserve their huge subscriber count? No, but if that's your cup of tea, then that's fine but don't disrespect someone who is actually trying to push the envelope in the artistic department and not just some bold shadow and big lashes. If you don't like watching someone who pushes comfort zones, there are thousands of other gurus who can definitely fulfill your needs.

You can be annoyed by what he said, I'm not saying your wrong to feel that way, but when people start disrespecting artists who have substantial, respectable skill and don't make endless videos droning on about every little haul, the claws come out. Wear makeup the way you want to and for your own reasons, there's never anyone telling you what you can or can't do -- all just suggestions with the intent of being for your benefit.


Well-known member
I did a really pretty nude lip by pairing peachstock l/s with just superb cremesheen glass just yesterday. Came out really nice.


Well-known member
Well the point is that some folks were offended and if he can voice what looks so wrong, we can definately voice our feelings as well. I don't see anyone disrespecting him here. Those who did not like the video stated why they didn't. Period.


Well-known member
It's pretty interesting to see all of the discussion and borderline hostility that came up over this.
Semanics? Maybe. Maybe not.

Seymone brings up an excellent point about lip liners, they can add just enough colour to make a pale shade work or entirely change a particular colour. As a MUA or makeup aficionado, that is somethign worth the investment and appreciated on a different level.

It's been my experience that for the average consumer, liner is seen as just another product that someone wants to sell you. Many people just want a gloss or a lipstick they can put on and go. I can't begin to tell you how many people have visibly zoned out as I sung the virtues of liner and their versatility.

To each their own, as was said in the video.


Well-known member
Kanye Shrug @ petrilude, LOL. i wear revealing and peachstock with cork l/l for natural lips b/c my lips are actually not as dark as my skin- shocker! i'm an nc50/nw45 mix- but my lips are mauve, not brown like my skin & if i wear a color that matches my skin i look like a tootsie roll- real talk.

i saw the vid a few weeks ago & i much prefer koren's videos anyway- he is very tactful and gives excellent advice.

i've seen petrilude out of pocket before, he has a snippy attitude and i am not impressed. jmo. the "sistah" thing was just not neccessary- based on his explanation of his ethnicity (or whatever word you may use) in prior vids he does not consider himself to be black so he should have left it alone.

as i tell haters in real life... he can keep talking, it just makes us dark skinned women famous


Well-known member
Originally Posted by she
Kanye Shrug @ petrilude, LOL. i wear revealing and peachstock with cork l/l for natural lips b/c my lips are actually not as dark as my skin- shocker! i'm an nc50/nw45 mix- but my lips are mauve, not brown like my skin & if i wear a color that matches my skin i look like a tootsie roll- real talk.

i saw the vid a few weeks ago & i much prefer koren's videos anyway- he is very tactful and gives excellent advice.

i've seen petrilude out of pocket before, he has a snippy attitude and i am not impressed. jmo. the "sistah" thing was just not neccessary- based on his explanation of his ethnicity (or whatever word you may use) in prior vids he does not consider himself to be black so he should have left it alone.

as i tell haters in real life... he can keep talking, it just makes us dark skinned women famous

Koren is EnKore Make-up on you tube right? If that's the person I'm thinking of then he is much better than petrilude in my opinion because on another board I'm on I've noticed in a make-up thread that a lot of people like petrilude, but I could really care less for petrilude. I prefer people like EnKore Makeup to him anyway (if that's who I think you're talking about?)

And I agree with your statement on making us dark-skinned or WOC more famous. But he didn't really have to pull the "sistah" thing in my honest opinion but I think he had the mindset of "That no black women would watch that video." I think that was a foolish mindset on his end for pulling that off. But I was really not too offended by his comment. Because I've stated this earlier in another post and I'm going to say it again: Petrilude probably doesn't care about what people think about him.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by seymone25
To each his own.. I am no longer a fan of his. I dont think the video was helpful at all. It felt more like a parody than anything else. It was crazy how he kept focusing his criticism on dark women. A true artist would have told you, what to do to help fix the color if it didnt work.

If someone were to go to light on a nude lipstick then tell them to use a deeper brown lipliner whether cool or warm depending on the person skintone. To alter the shades, not make up silly names to call people. (side note: Petrilude and Xsparkage really need to come down off the high horse because I seen both of them not looking too hot.)

Anyway, you would think he would be more sensitive to the situation. Especially when people can think of numerous names to call him since he is a man wearing makeup.. Rant done.

I totally agree. I wasn't paying that much attention to what he was saying until he was like "lemme give a special shout out to all my sistas who do this...." then i was like wow....

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