
Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I lost mine at 16. I have no idea why I had sex then (I feel now that I was too young). From what I remember I wanted to know what the big deal was, and I was not even impressed with the experience, lol!


Well-known member
Update: Hehe I finally lost mine August 9,2009 my wedding day and I'm happy so happy to have waited. I salute of of you just waiting for it to be special to you I think it's def not something to takel lightly. Us women are too emotionally attached. It was a wonderful experience that I'll cherish forever :)


Well-known member
Well, i lost my virginity to a silly boy and i regret it. However to be really honest i just wanted to lose my virginity and kind of "get rid of it" and move on if that makes any sense? I wouldn't marry someone i'd never had sex with i'd be too scared he's rubbish in bed. I wholly subscribe to the try before you buy theory.

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