

Well-known member
Still a virgin at the age of 19 and have no problems with it. I hope my 1st time is a good one though although I completely doubt it. CANT WAIT LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
I guess some people like to live damngerously
All part of the thrill I imagine.

Haha yes the thrill is the best part! But I'd hate to have to deal with the cops again lol

I still enjoy it in the car from time to time, reminds me of the good old young days (haha when I was like 15!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by X4biddenxLustX
Haha yes the thrill is the best part! But I'd hate to have to deal with the cops again lol

I still enjoy it in the car from time to time, reminds me of the good old young days (haha when I was like 15!)

Hmm, I wonder what I meant by "damngerously"
- I think it must have been damned dangerously


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Hmm, I wonder what I meant by "damngerously"
- I think it must have been damned dangerously

Lol, I did too at first until I tried saying "damngerously" out loud. It's such a new cool word, I'm gonna steal it off of you and use it if thats okay with you lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
You're welcome to use it royalty free in perpetuity
Now to invent another word

Lol, thanks hun
! Every time I say "damngerously" I say it with a lisp, its funny haha! I can't help it though that's how it sounds whenever it comes out of my mouth.

Word inventing is fun!


I totally wish I would have waited. I have had some fun but I haven't actually had sex with a guy I've really cared about or who has really cared about me. I've actually been celebet for like 2 1/2 years or so...could be longer, I honestly don't remember...and yeah it's really hard sometimes because I have a really high sex drive (I masterbate twice a day) but I'm kind of at a point in my life where i want sex to be meaningful. I hear it is soooo much better that way.

Hang on to that V-card!!!


Well-known member
I lost mine last October about 2 weeks before I turned 19.I think it's funny how when I was younger I had a certain idea of how my first time would be like, and in reality it turned out completely different. It was on a couch at about 3am at somebody else's house with a jerky guy who wasn't my boyfriend. It probably lasted less than 10 minutes and hurt like HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
However, I don't regret it.I knew what I was doing and who I was doing it with. I haven't had sex or even kissed someone since my birthday which is about 5 months ago. I know it's a long time but I'd like the next time i'm physical with someone to be with a person i really care about. Sexuality is a very personal thing, whether you decide to wait or not you should do it because YOU want to...and be responsible!!


Well-known member
Virginity was never important to me, and I lost it at about 15 or 16. I LOVE sex and as a teen I was not going to "save" myself for a man I didnt know that I might marry down the road. I figured it was my right to do what I want and be safe with my body. NO ONE should have a say in what I do with my own body, not my parents, the government, anyone or anything. And now that Im an adult I dont regret a thing. My husband had a wild past as well and I like that we are both experienced and have a lot of tricks up our keeps married sex exciting.


Well-known member
LOL v-card... xD
I lost mine when I was 14, I really have no clue why people honour virginity. Hmmm... I'm from Finland, everyone is pretty open about sexuality there, cause of the saunas I guess haha.

I just wanted to get rid of mine as quickly as possible cause I knew it was probably going to be totally shit the first time round anyway! *it was xD*


Well-known member
I'm still a virgin and I'll probably stay a virgin for some years. Simply put I've got high expectations and I'm not going to have sex with someone who turns out to be a jerk in the back of a movie theatre. And, when I have kids I don't want to be like "oh well I lost my virginity when I was 15, but don't you go do it!"

What's really irritating is that 99% of the time when people find out I'm a virgin, they they either laugh in my face and/or insist I was lying. Why would you ask if you already determined the answer for yourself? They say things like "you can't possibly be a virgin", "well I just assumed because of the way you talk", or my personal favorite "you dress experienced". Just because I'm comfortable talking about sex and I wear clothes that flatter me, that doesn't mean I MUST be having sex.


Well-known member
I lost mine at 18. I wish I would of saved it for the guy that I am with now. The other guy was lame and my current one is great in the sack lol ha ha


Well-known member
I don’t believe that making the choice to have sex or to wait should be part of someone’s morals. For me, morals are ideas that help you be a “better person”, or at least guide you into being good to human kind. The only person you have to be good to regarding sex is yourself. You have to listen to your wants and needs and respect them. I think there are two ways to go with this, 1) you want to feel safe, be loved, love, respected, etc or 2) you love yourself and your body and know that you can partake in sexual activities without it being emotionally detrimental to you. If you aren’t hurting someone else and you’re not hurting yourself then why does it matter. Which is the reason I respect someone else’s choice to have sex or not. Sure, sex can be dangerous, but you make a choice to take precautions or not. It’s the same reason people still continue to drive race cars, and go scuba diving with sharks, and climb mountains- they weighed the risks versus the pleasure they will receive and chose on the side of pleasing themselves.

I also don’t understand the concept of saving it for my husband. I don’t understand why I would give anyone something so personal. I should be deciding to have sex when I want to, not because I finally got a piece of paper. I hope all of you with your “v-cards” cash it in when you feel ready, happy, and loved (even if it’s self-love and understanding). I think that’s when you can truly have regret-free sex and begin to enjoy it for what it is.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kaliraksha
I don’t believe that making the choice to have sex or to wait should be part of someone’s morals. For me, morals are ideas that help you be a “better person”, or at least guide you into being good to human kind. The only person you have to be good to regarding sex is yourself. You have to listen to your wants and needs and respect them. I think there are two ways to go with this, 1) you want to feel safe, be loved, love, respected, etc or 2) you love yourself and your body and know that you can partake in sexual activities without it being emotionally detrimental to you. If you aren’t hurting someone else and you’re not hurting yourself then why does it matter. Which is the reason I respect someone else’s choice to have sex or not. Sure, sex can be dangerous, but you make a choice to take precautions or not. It’s the same reason people still continue to drive race cars, and go scuba diving with sharks, and climb mountains- they weighed the risks versus the pleasure they will receive and chose on the side of pleasing themselves.

I also don’t understand the concept of saving it for my husband. I don’t understand why I would give anyone something so personal. I should be deciding to have sex when I want to, not because I finally got a piece of paper. I hope all of you with your “v-cards” cash it in when you feel ready, happy, and loved (even if it’s self-love and understanding). I think that’s when you can truly have regret-free sex and begin to enjoy it for what it is.


miss sha

Well-known member
I'll be 21 in a month and I've still got my v-card--although I've only got one point left on it before it gets taken away!

I'm not saving it for marriage or anything. I don't consider it to be anything worthy of being on a pedestal and cherished and protected. The only thing I'm waiting for is to get into a relationship with a good guy that'll last longer than a month or two. I'm a really sexually charged person and if the guy I'm with was sexy, there's no way I could hold out for very long.


Hah, I'm 16 and still a virgin but I guess that's not much of an accomplishment. I'm not saving it for marriage, I'm saving it for the right guy to come along. I'm still young and I've got time, har har.

Farthest I've gone was phone sex though. I was 15 and he was 19. I mean it's not actual intercourse but I kind of still considered that to be well.. something. I regretted that so much. I'm not gonna lie, it was fun and he had his way with words but it always felt wrong. We loved each other but the love wasn't equivalent. I had strong feelings for him but he just loved me as a friend. I felt used because I'd obey once he called for it on the phone. He even considered us being friends with benefits at one time. Can you say heartbreaking? Oh gosh this is turning into a rant, LOL. Better stop.


Well-known member
21 in Aug, graduating from this sexually charged environment that is college and still holding strong. I'm not waiting for marriage, I've had 3 serious relationships and currently serial dating. Going in detail about men, sex and dating wooo! I'll just say don't be easily impressed and make sure relationships are mutually beneficial to you before you give of yourself. Concise.

Originally Posted by .k.
Are there any virgins in the house proudly holding on to their V-card?? Feel free to post comments, thoughts, experiences, etc. I want to hear feedback

With that said, all you Debbie downers taking up damn near 7pgs of this thread with essay long "I don't see what the big deal is sex", in your opinion, is unwarranted. Go find like "spread 'em wide" minds elsewhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tahti
LOL v-card... xD
I lost mine when I was 14, I really have no clue why people honour virginity. Hmmm... I'm from Finland, everyone is pretty open about sexuality there, cause of the saunas I guess haha.

I just wanted to get rid of mine as quickly as possible cause I knew it was probably going to be totally shit the first time round anyway! *it was xD*

I think most European countries are more open about sex. Also, the true love waits movement is not very popular here. Even in mostly catholic countries (like mine, Austria) people don´t really follow all the rules, and I don´t know a single person who saved themselves for marriage....not even the ones who are active church members.

I lost mine when I was 18. I felt ready when I was 16 and it almost happened, but then it didn´t lol. I felt like such a late bloomer being a virgin at 18!
I believe in losing your virginity to the right person, but I definitely don´t believe in waiting till marriage. I think it´s best to try before you buy lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by __nini
With that said, all you Debbie downers taking up damn near 7pgs of this thread with essay long "I don't see what the big deal is sex", in your opinion, is unwarranted. Go find like "spread 'em wide" minds elsewhere.

So what you're saying is that you don't want to have a discussion about virginity, you want 7 pages of people agreeing with you and patting you on the back. Just because some people feel differently doesn't mean that they think you are wrong, or that non-virgins should go congregate elsewhere lest we offend you with our opinions and our "spread 'em wide" minds.

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