Visuals you HATE and visuals you LOVE.


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Pop Mode
Perverted Pearl
Star Vegas
Tease Me


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What is there to dislike about the Naturally Eccentric visual? Because the lady is single eyelidded and Asian? I actually love how fresh her make up is in that visual!

Other loves are: Sundressing, High Tea, Rebelrock, A Muse, Raquel Welch, Barbie
Dislikes: Beau - her eye make up seems a tad messy!


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Eden Rocks
Lady Danger
Snow Girl
Viva Glam 5 with Missy, George, Linda, Pam and Christina


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Originally Posted by oddinary
What is there to dislike about the Naturally Eccentric visual? Because the lady is single eyelidded and Asian? I actually love how fresh her make up is in that visual!

I will assume you are asking me as I am the only one who posted that I disliked the Natually Eccentric image:

Why did you assume that I disliked it because she is "single eyelidded and asian"? Please stop making assumptions and please stop looking for something that isn't there.

I dislike the Naturally Eccentric visual because it is uninspired, just like I thought the collection was. It is a picture of a lady with a ball of twine on her hair. It looks boring, IMO. It is a matter of personal artistic preference. I have my tastes and you have yours. That's all.

Now, back to the topic.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oddinary
What is there to dislike about the Naturally Eccentric visual? Because the lady is single eyelidded and Asian? I actually love how fresh her make up is in that visual!

I just saw it and it's so busy with the ropes and stuff. I didn't like it. I didn't even notice the makeup until I looked at it for a while, everything in the picture takes away from her makeup in my opinion. It's cool, but I noticed everything but the makeup.


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Up the Amp
Prep + Prime, clumpy lashes & all
High Tea
Love Matte
Studio Fix Fluid
Star Vegas

Some Dislikes:
Lustre Lips
Black Tied
Sweetie Cake
A Muse


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
I will assume you are asking me as I am the only one who posted that I disliked the Natually Eccentric image:

Why did you assume that I disliked it because she is "single eyelidded and asian"? Please stop making assumptions and please stop looking for something that isn't there.

I dislike the Naturally Eccentric visual because it is uninspired, just like I thought the collection was. It is a picture of a lady with a ball of twine on her hair. It looks boring, IMO. It is a matter of personal artistic preference. I have my tastes and you have yours. That's all.

Now, back to the topic.....

I think my assumption is possible and I'm not looking for something that "isn't there". Since out of all the visuals MAC have created, how many Asian ladies have they ever used? Even in Asia, we've probably gotten about 1-2 visuals with Asian ladies herself. The Lightful colour collection visual wasn't even Asian, when it was aimed at an Asian market. I don't mind though, knowing MAC is a Canadian company.

I'm not trying to drag this thread down, you see. Your explanation is fair, but regardless of your "artistic preference, you should take note, that you might offend a few Asian ladies here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oddinary
What is there to dislike about the Naturally Eccentric visual? Because the lady is single eyelidded and Asian? I actually love how fresh her make up is in that visual!

Don't try to create an issue where one doesn't exist. People don't like the image because the composition was insanely busy and looked like the product of a high school photography class, not because the model was Asian.

The image is being criticised, not the model. There is no content in any of the posts here that can be deemed offensive to anyone who isn't being a tad bit precious.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
Don't try to create an issue where one doesn't exist. People don't like the image because the composition was insanely busy and looked like the product of a high school photography class, not because the model was Asian.

The image is being criticised, not the model. There is no content in any of the posts here that can be deemed offensive to anyone who isn't being a tad bit precious.

Why would I try to start an issue all of a sudden? Looking back at my previous posts, I never come off this way. I'm just trying to stand up for something I felt offended for, whether or not you classify me as "precious". The balls of string don't exactly stray my attention away from the makeup; I don't consider it as busy as "claimed". With that said, the Ornamentalism image is just as busy as Naturally Eccentric.

No more sidetracking.... so I'll get back on topic. I really love Belle Azure!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oddinary
I think my assumption is possible .....

Of course it is possible. It is also possible that I may sprout wings and fly away, as well. I just don't understand why you put that possibility on me? It was highly offensive.

Originally Posted by oddinary
II'm not trying to drag this thread down, you see. Your explanation is fair, but regardless of your "artistic preference, you should take note, that you might offend a few Asian ladies here.

Why would it offend them? Should I worry about offending the blondes because I didn't like the A Muse visual? Perhaps you should say something to the person who didn't care for the Sparklize promo? (please don't say anything to her, I am just trying to make my point). I mean are making something out of absolutely nothing.

As I said, the promo is boring. It is a ball of twine on the models head. Her expression is lifeless. So what that she happens to be Asian? Good Lord. I am so tired of this garbage, and that is exactly what it is, coming up in threads that have nothing to do with it. Just tired of it. For the record, I am from a mixed race family, so kindly think about your comments before you type as I am taking this quite personally and I find it highly offensive.


Well-known member
First of all, the post by Mac_Whore cracked me up big time...the "balloonacy lady" at the gym..LOL! I absolutely hated Balloonacy and Danse has to be the one I despise the most. I didn't buy even one piece of it. Dolled up, Viva Glam and Merry MacMas are my faves because you can wear these looks IRL.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
Why would it offend them? Should I worry about offending the blondes because I didn't like the A Muse visual? Perhaps you should say something to the person who didn't care for the Sparklize promo? (please don't say anything to her, I am just trying to make my point). I mean are making something out of absolutely nothing.

Think what you like, delete my post if you wish. I'm not going to bother stressing over this, when I don't need to. And yes, you already mentioned the ball of twine. I understand... there is no need to reiterate... Plus, to be objective, your A Muse and blondes example wasn't a very good example either.

On another note, I would love to see MAC use some more Asian models.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by oddinary
Think what you like, delete my post if you wish. I'm not going to bother stressing over this, when I don't need to. And yes, you already mentioned the ball of twine. I understand... there is no need to reiterate... Plus, to be objective, your A Muse and blondes example wasn't a very good example either.

On another note, I would love to see MAC use some more Asian models.

Why would anyone delete your post? It's nice that you don't bother stressing about it, but you could extend a bit of courtesy to another member and not dump your judgements on me. You have made up your mind from the very beginning that no matter what I said, you decided it wouldn't matter. That's unforturnate. I am just a little confused about where your attitude towards my beliefs, or actions or whatever you want to call it came from? I just feel like at this point you just want to argue anything I say for the sake of arguing, as you are convinced you know what is in my head. IMO, you're just being rude and close-minded at this point. So, say what you wish, I'm done here.


Well-known member
There have been no posts deleted in this thread, nor will there be.

Oddinary, you've gone past a polite misunderstanding and are currently skirting dangerously close to accusing people of racism. If you wish to take this further, please PM myself or an administrator and inform us clearly where someone has issued an offensive or racist comment and we will deal with it in an appropriate matter.

Back on topic, I also never liked the postcard image from Salsabelle. It always seemed amateur, like something you'd see on an xXxCreAtiVEmaKEuPxXx Myspace group.


Well-known member
I liked the Balloonacy visuals if you're talking the gal with the psycho curly hair, but it sounds like I'm the only one, lol! And I quite liked Danse, Strange Hybrid, Nocturnelle... The Slimshines artwork's good too...

I don't like Moonbathe, Sundressing (love the fact the model's a guy, but hate the fact he looks just drenched with yucky goldish powder), and I thought the visuals for the Chromeglass made me want to run a mile from the stuff, it looked horrible and cakey, whereas these glosses are actually quite nice and don't look like that "on" at all in my experience.

Am I the only one who disliked the Barbie imagery, then? I thought the models had been photographed to look as "plasticy" as possible, presumably to look a bit "barbie esque", but I didn't think the photography showed off the products as well as it could have: Barbie WAS bright and zingy, but also quite pretty, and I feel the pics made it look a little harsh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
.... I also never liked the postcard image from Salsabelle. It always seemed amateur, like something you'd see on an xXxCreAtiVEmaKEuPxXx Myspace group.

Yeah, I feel the same way about the Technacolour and Shadesticks visuals.

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