Visuals you HATE and visuals you LOVE.


Well-known member
I liked jewelescent. Maybe just because I like sparkles so much...

Strangely, I didn't favor naturally eccentric either.

The braids are just way too much.


Well-known member
Is it just me or did the Moonbathe promo pic remind anyone of the lucha libre wrestlers?




Well-known member
^Haha, yes!!!!!!! Thank you for pointing it out and finding the name I had been looking for since Moonbathe came out., it just wouldn't roll out of my mouth.
I adored, and had as a desktop for quite a while:
Perverted Pearl, Sleek Chic, Snowgirl but above all...
SMOLDER!!! That visual was amazing, and lured people in like there's not tomorrow.
With that said, Ornamentalism, Aquadisiac, and Naturally Eccentric weren't exciting, in my opinion. The problem with Naturally Eccentric was the makeup. Very bleh, as if they had taken one color and just slapped in on, without trying to create a crease or anything. They could have easily brought out the models features, while adding a bit of creativity to the mix.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
There have been no posts deleted in this thread, nor will there be.

Oddinary, you've gone past a polite misunderstanding and are currently skirting dangerously close to accusing people of racism. If you wish to take this further, please PM myself or an administrator and inform us clearly where someone has issued an offensive or racist comment and we will deal with it in an appropriate matter.

Back on topic, I also never liked the postcard image from Salsabelle. It always seemed amateur, like something you'd see on an xXxCreAtiVEmaKEuPxXx Myspace group.

No, thanks. Specktra isn't intended for that purpose, nor should I take it to that level. I enjoy viewing the swatches threads and FOTDs threads the most and I'd like to stick around there. Thanks!

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