Waiting for Fafi!


Well-known member
and i had a feelin it was gna get put up early lol
just my luck!!


Well-known member
Lol glam8babe poor boyfriend, I only spent 51.50 wasnt really feeling this collection (well I had no money for this collection lol) I also got hipness blush.


Well-known member
got my scarf and dolls, yay

I'm going in on Thursday so can have a proper look at the l/s and the beauty powders


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
Lol glam8babe poor boyfriend, I only spent 51.50 wasnt really feeling this collection (well I had no money for this collection lol) I also got hipness blush.

i would of probably spent that or less but i wanted to try paint pots and i couldnt decide between nice vice, perky or cashflow so i added them all to my list lol also the doll i want for my car and i havent had a mac haul in ages so i thought it was a good reason for me to stock up lol

im wayy more excited about heatherette... just think girls, in like 5 weeks it will be here (and hopefully online)


Well-known member
I spent £91 including postage, I could have spent a lot more. I may buy more in a few weeks if they still have what I want in stock.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHheartsMAC
Argh! My bags £138!!

I really want everything but can't bring myself to order! lol!

just go for it!!! you will probably regret it if you dont lol.. i regret not getting much from barbie


Well-known member
Remove a blush-Ended up revising my list a bit didn't want to spend £150!

Not so innocent
Cult Fave
Sugar trance (backup)
fafi eyes 1
cash flow
shy beauty

and want to get true romantic bpb if they have it at my counter saturday!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
just go for it!!! you will probably regret it if you dont lol.. i regret not getting much from barbie

I didn't get anything from Barbie and regret it now
I remember getting the email saying it was out then just forgot about it.That's why I've bought nearly everything I want from this collection.


Well-known member
mine done that then I refreshed the page.
If it's not that maybe you need to change the cookie or privacy settings to allow it to redirect you to the worldpay page.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
I wonder how long it will take to sell out?

I don't think it will take long, I think the scarfs will sell out first.


Well-known member
Argh! I don't know what to get... really don't want to get caught up in moment and end up regretting my purchases.

I was going to get the scarf but if I put my sensible head on, after a couple of weeks I think it'd end up in a drawer and not get worn. I spent loads at the Pro Store on Sunday and know for def' I want lots from Heatherette so I might just wait for that. I already have Fafi Eyes 1 from Ebay.


New member
I have ordered:
fafi eyes quad 1
lipstick: fun ´n sexy and high top
and BPB sweetness

I think I will get my order tomorrow.here in germany it was possible to order since friday night...I´m really excited.

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