Waiting for Fafi!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by KawaiiPrincess
I got a Fafi mailer this morning
The one with the stickers. Its so cute!

I want a mailer, too


Well-known member
I still can't pay. I will have to try on the work computer in the morning.

I've tried everything-I'm so upset

I hope everythings still left in the morning.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHheartsMAC
I still can't pay. I will have to try on the work computer in the morning.

I've tried everything-I'm so upset

I hope everythings still left in the morning.

Last time I tried to order it wouldn't accept any of my cards (I try on several computers over several days), I think the system is a bit faulty!


Well-known member
Yeah-has it always been this worldpay?

I have been fine on all my previous orders!!
I keep trying but I know it's not going to work!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SARAHheartsMAC
I still can't pay. I will have to try on the work computer in the morning.

I've tried everything-I'm so upset

I hope everythings still left in the morning.

I think this is happening to alot of people, the girls over at handbag.com are having problems to.


Well-known member
Grr that's really bad it was a couple of weeks ago I tried to order, you'd think they'd have it sorted by now!!

Not sure if they have changed there payment method, I've never really paid attention to who it went through before to be honest.


Well-known member
It worked fine for me toniht but I have had problems in the past. I hope you get your things ordered!


Well-known member
Thanks girls!

Looks like some orders are getting through and some aren't I have been trying for so long now though.
May have to give up soon


Well-known member
Yay. I gave in and ordered the scarf. Figured i may as well cough up for next day delivery too - in for a penny in for a pound x


Well-known member
Re: Mac Fafi UK

Whats a CP?

It would probably cost around £4 ($8) to send a paint pot to the US from the UK if that is what you mean. I would be willing to get one for you and send it over..?


Well-known member
I got my pro card just in time! I will be giving them a ring tomorrow first thing in the morning! Fafi here I comeee!
(Oh and also the beauty powder blushes! :p)


Well-known member
i ordered:
hipness blush
utterly frivolous l/s
strawbaby l/s
cult fave l/g
sugar trance l/g
girls will be girls n/l

and im considering getting:
sassed up ipp
not so innocent l/s
boom n/l

but il see what i think when i go to the counter on thursday during my lunch break as im not quite sure :-S
i was going to get the scarf and a doll but i decided against it. id rather get some more makeup than those.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jot
Figured i may as well cough up for next day delivery too - in for a penny in for a pound x

Ha ha, me too.

I ended up spending way too much money, but only a couple of things were Fafi, even after all my deliberations. I ordered Strawbaby and Sassed Up. I really have no idea if that was sensible, but I reckoned I'd never wear the scarf and I didn't really like the bags or T-shirt.

I was really disappointed that True Romantic was still appearing as 'Coming Soon' though as it was the nicest looking of the Beauty Powder Blushes, I thought. However, ever the idiotic spendthrift, I couldn't wait any longer to see if it would appear, so I ordered Feeling instead. I also thought I'd try one of the Strobe Lip Conditioner sticks so I'm getting Strobe Current too.

Oh well, the rest of my order was stuff I'd been meaning to get for a while - a 182 brush, MSF Natural in Light, travel bottles, puffs, sponges etc. I'll be very pleased to get it all on Thursday.

Dani California

Well-known member
I get up to where its gonna direct to worldpay and it just crashes. Won't let me near that damn checkout page!! Might just wait til thurs!!


Well-known member
It sounds as if I was quite lucky to avoid problems with Worldpay. My laptop went completely rubbishy just as I clicked on the Fafi link on the MAC website and I thought nothing was going to work, but it was fine after that.

I hope you ladies can get your orders through soon!


Well-known member
Ow... its online!!

I still haven't managed to got my Warmed MSF yet and its gone offline *sobs* so i am going to nip to the shops on Thurs on my lunch break and spend, spend, spend!
(Although i need to be good as its Estee Lauder bonus time from Thurs as well, and there's some not-so-cheap things i need to get - and i gotta pay for my holiday, but n/m).

But i will be getting:
Fafi Eyes 1.
Cash Flow or Layin Low or Perky p/p. (or nice vice as i really like the Sassed up looks on the mac site) - must restrict myself to one though.
- And i want to get Warmed MSF, neutral pink or modest tone e/s from the N Collection.


Well-known member
ahh im gutted again.. warmed msf has been taken down
along with the other N stuff... i was gna get that too
ahh well hopefully there will be more MSF's out this year


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
ahh im gutted again.. warmed msf has been taken down
along with the other N stuff... i was gna get that too
ahh well hopefully there will be more MSF's out this year

There have to be other MSF being released this year! I love MSF - thoses couldn't have been the first and last ones in 2008

I am lucky and got Light Flush and Warmed.

Girl about town

Well-known member
YAY fafi is up
just bought
iridescant powder in sassed up (hope this is nice)
Hipness blush
utterly frivilous ls
sugar trance lg

nearly bought a scarf but decided i would never wear it!!!
was also going to get a quad but thought £29 was too much for samey colours i already have, was hoping viva glam iv se was going to be out xxx

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