

Well-known member
It isn't silly though...because if you checked into the accounts of what WM and their policies have done to small business, and how their payscale affects the towns they're in you could see that yes, indeed, WM does drive people out of business and bankrupt small business owners.


Well-known member
I never said that It didnt. Although Im the type of person who needs Hard facts to believe. Not storys roaming the internet. But I was only saying that if there is going to be a downfall of america. It probably wont be wal-mart. it will be something of a larger scale.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by joytheobscure
Everything is a big corporation, look at health care, and healthcare costs, thats a whole other vent. My feelings on medicaid is there are serious issues with medical costs - overinflated costs in many ways...Foodstamps my feelings are they should be seriously reregulated and basically made into commodity type subsistence, (but thats my personal opionion)- a bag of potatoes, beans, flour, sugar, butter etc, are a lot easier to make last the month than frozen pizzas and chips. I felt that way when I had to be on foodstamps - yes I've been there.

Medicaid is a great program, but an abused one. It's true that the problems with health care stem from the privatization of it -- drug companies drive the industry, and they PROFIT from people being ill. Medical doctors in this country aren't educated in simple nutrition, which IMO is the root cause of all illness in this country. Which brings us to the Food Stamps program, which has come a long way in the past few years, allowing the funds to be used at local farmer's markets, which is a whole lot healthier and smarter than spending at the local Pak'n'Save or whatever, even if the dollars don't go as far. Furthermore, to stay on topic, Wal-Mart is making an effort to stock more and more natural and organic foods, including fresh (sometimes even local) produce! Which is a huge leap forward for those families who live in the boonies and wouldn't otherwise have access to nutritious whole foods, thanks to the now utterly corrupt Ag industry.

I also have to say, it is funny to me to hear the above complaints about programs like Medicaid and Food Stamps, because as far as the rest of the world is concerned, these programs are jokes -- they don't go nearly far enough to solve the problem of poverty and ill health. France, for instance, is a broke-ass socialist state, but at least its citizens enjoy good health and a relatively high quality of life. Some may argue that that is what matters most, and I wouldn't disagree. But it's all relative, I guess... presuming that most of us are of the middle class, we get burned the most via taxes in the long run... I can certainly understand the bitterness


Well-known member
I like Target's items better. It's just a shame that I live in such a small town that Super Walmart is all we have. I have to drive an hour and a half to get to a larger city with more shopping choices.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
I never said that It didnt. Although Im the type of person who needs Hard facts to believe. Not storys roaming the internet. But I was only saying that if there is going to be a downfall of america. It probably wont be wal-mart. it will be something of a larger scale.

I don't remember anyone making any dramatic proclamations about Wal-Mart being the end of America. It just happens that they're an example of capitalism gone amok, which in the larger scheme of things, IS contributing to a lot of what is wrong with America.

And if you need "hard facts" regarding Wal-Mart and their bad behavior, there are literally thousands of articles documenting these facts online. If you can take the time to argue on here, you can take the time to look up some information yourself. Just my very humble opinion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mac_goddess
I like Target's items better. It's just a shame that I live in such a small town that Super Walmart is all we have. I have to drive an hour and a half to get to a larger city with more shopping choices.

This is so true of so many people.. *hug*



Well-known member
Originally Posted by lemurian
I don't remember anyone making any dramatic proclamations about Wal-Mart being the end of America. It just happens that they're an example of capitalism gone amok, which in the larger scheme of things, IS contributing to a lot of what is wrong with America.

And if you need "hard facts" regarding Wal-Mart and their bad behavior, there are literally thousands of articles documenting these facts online. If you can take the time to argue on here, you can take the time to look up some information yourself. Just my very humble opinion

not arguing.. i know about wal-mart and its ways.. I was ONLY saying that I think the downfall of this country.. will be something Other than wal-mart..this..is..ALL.


Well-known member
I dont think the problem is so much Walmart, as the majority of Americans demanding the lowest possible price on anything and everything.

So it seems only natural, that a business would take advantage of that by providing the lowest prices. And as a result of that, you get unreliable benefits, and minimum wage. If Walmart starts paying benefits and higher wages, the prices of items are going to go up to compensate. And business is just going to go elsewhere. Walmart is only a problem because Americans are willing to shop there.

Dont like Walmart? Dont shop there, simple as that. I dont. But it's not because i care about them not paying benefits or anything higher than minimu wages. In reality, there not the only store that does that, MANY stores do. Walmart just happens to have more employees, so it's more visible.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
I mean ive only heard about wallmart and what its ike and how it treats its workers as obviously no wallmart here. But the thing is that people complain and complain . Even whole towns say they are against them. But then if there is this dislike of the store why the heck does everyone keep buying there?...

I suppose low prices win out against will.

Exactly. Whole towns "say" they are against Walmart, but apparently they dont mind shopping there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Exactly. Whole towns "say" they are against Walmart, but apparently they dont mind shopping there.

Actually, in the case, for example, of my hometown, it doesn't make sense to shop anywhere else because to get to an alternate grocery store or general merchandise store it is an hour's drive each way. In times of 3 dollar a gallon gasoline, that is really not an option. In the smaller towns, walmart's business practices basically choke everyone else out until there are no small business grocers for customers to shop at.
When one major player in the town is undercutting everyone else pricewise, the little man is going to lose, everytime.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by quandolak
I mean ive only heard about wallmart and what its ike and how it treats its workers as obviously no wallmart here. But the thing is that people complain and complain . Even whole towns say they are against them. But then if there is this dislike of the store why the heck does everyone keep buying there?...

I suppose low prices win out against will.

I've only seen these places once or twice, never been in one... they were trying to build one around here somewhere I believe .. or that was the story that was going around... but the city wouldnt let them because we already had a few targets.. and there colors didnt comply with whatever it was they were suposed to. (we had a k-mart) but that went out of bus. cause people here never shopped there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
Actually, in the case, for example, of my hometown, it doesn't make sense to shop anywhere else because to get to an alternate grocery store or general merchandise store it is an hour's drive each way. In times of 3 dollar a gallon gasoline, that is really not an option. In the smaller towns, walmart's business practices basically choke everyone else out until there are no small business grocers for customers to shop at.
When one major player in the town is undercutting everyone else pricewise, the little man is going to lose, everytime.

If your entire small town didn't shop there, and continued to shop at the Mom and Pop grochery stores that were in business b4 Walmart came to town, Walmart wouldn't be there.

So Walmart can't be that bad, your town obviously enjoys the low prices.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bebs
(we had a k-mart) but that went out of bus. cause people here never shopped there

Exactly what would happen to Walmart if people stopped shopping there. I refuse to shop at Walmart.

My neighbors nextdoor are section 8. Basically 4 kids, stayhome mom, dad works the graveyard shift. I asked their younger daughter if she wanted to go to the mall with me. Wanna guess what her reply was?

She asked me if I was going to Walmart.

I can count on 1 hand the times I've been into Walmart, and it wont take all 5 fingers to do it. I just hate the shopping expierence there. But considering those stores are packed every time I drive by them, most people dont share my opinion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
If your entire small town didn't shop there, and continued to shop at the Mom and Pop grochery stores that were in business b4 Walmart came to town, Walmart wouldn't be there.

So Walmart can't be that bad, your town obviously enjoys the low prices.

So once the mom and pops are out of business, because the number of people who do shop there vs teh number of people who don't aren't enough to keep the M&P's open, what then?


Well-known member
Seriously meant to quote on this one, not thank.

Anyway, the way I see it, the poor are being exploited. Although shopping at Wal-mart and supporting this corporate swine may go against all that one believes it, do you really think the poorest of the poor will be able to pay and extra $5 on maybe a pack of diapers? This is part of the reason why I believe Wal-mart is going to be safe from large scale boycotts.

Originally Posted by quandolak
I mean ive only heard about wallmart and what its ike and how it treats its workers as obviously no wallmart here. But the thing is that people complain and complain . Even whole towns say they are against them. But then if there is this dislike of the store why the heck does everyone keep buying there?...

I suppose low prices win out against will.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by shimmer
So once the mom and pops are out of business, because the number of people who do shop there vs teh number of people who don't aren't enough to keep the M&P's open, what then?

Then it seems your town prefered Walmarts, "Everyday Low Prices" to the prices at their local M&P's.

I'm not saying it's a good thing. But ultimateley i think the average family prefers a higher standard of living due to being able to buy more for less, than the morality behind keeping the M&P store thats been around for the last 50 years in business.

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