We built a house!!...a gingerbread house!


Well-known member
here is the house we built...kinda messy!



And here is our tree!!

my dudesy




Well-known member
That's a cute gingerbread house, and tree, too! Sooo many memories, my family used to do one every year. We'd do a haunted gingerbread house for Halloween and then the traditional Christmas gingerbread house. So much fun!!


Well-known member
cuties!i did a gingerbread house last year haha it was a pain all my candy kept faling off my chimney too but it was so much fun! Goodtimes!


Well-known member
Gingerbread houses are so cute.

I've never built one in my life and I keep wanting to, but I wouldn't know where to start. (I'm Jewish, and we do have some of our own fun things, but building a gingerbread house just seems so fun.)


Well-known member
Ohh it looks great, I've always wanted to make one! I usually just eat little pieces of the ones my sister makes until she notices lol


Well-known member
Aww, looks good!

The last time I tried building one with my bf, we got into a fight because I am a perfectionist and he thinks because he is a carpenter, he can build gingerbread houses. I think I ended up doing it all myself because I didn't like how he decorated.


Well-known member
Y'all are silly!! However, i wish i had had as fun as a night as you. Still doing good though, in spite of. We talked. He still loves me! Should make it harder, but it doesn't. He still has the ability to make me feel 100% better. EVEN OVER OUR BREAK UP!!!!!!