We have experienced a grave loss *UPDATED*


New member
Oh wow, I didn't even know she was sick. My condolences go out to her family... this must be unbelievably difficult for an eight year old child to cope with. My thought will be this her and her family. She was so nice, every time I had a question, she was so quick to answer me and in such a nice way too... this is so sad. It is incredible that life can just slip between your fingers. So sad... may she rest in peace.


Well-known member
This is very sad news, I know she'll be missed in the specktra community, my condolences go out to her friends and family, my thoughts and prayers are with them in this tragic time.


Well-known member
Even though I don't think I ever corresponded with her, I remember seeing her posts and she seemed so sweet and open. My thoughts and prayers will be with her family, especially her little girl.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Although I didn’t know her, I feel so sad upon reading the news.

My heartfelt condolences to her daughter, loved ones and friends.

Rest in peace beautiful lady.


Well-known member
Wow, that's a shocker. I had no idea she was ill. We only corresponded briefly but I would never have known she was ill.
My thought and prayers go to her loved ones.


Well-known member
oh my gosh, i don't even know what to say or where to begin..... like a lot of members here, i didn't even know she was ill. the first thing i thought when i read the announcement was oh no, her daughter.... because i know what a proud and devoted mom she was to that little girl. and i agree with everyone that she was one of the nicest, sweetest and most helpful people here. i never knew her but this news has deeply saddened me... she and her family will definitely be in my prayers.


Well-known member
Like several other members, I didn't know Janice that well, but now I wish I had known her a little better. She was absolutely such a wonderful woman, and her devotion to her daughter was just incredible. What a shock this is... My deepest condolences to her family and I will definitely say an extra prayer for her tonight and every night.


New member
i'm mostly a lurker here - who am i kidding, i only lurk. but i felt compelled to offer my condolences. i read a few of her posts and saw how much she loved her daughter.

such a shame, but at least there will be no more suffering.

rest in peace.


Well-known member
I hope she rests in peace and someone is able to her baby cope. It is a sad loss, but a wonderful memorial to have so many strangers leave her well wishes. I don't even know what else to say...


Well-known member
Such sad news
My thoughts and prayers will be with her family and loved ones. May she rest peacefully.


Well-known member
I'm just curious, could we pool together some money for flowers or for a donation to a foundation that does research or some such for the ailment she suffered from in liu of flowers? Any of you see her obituary and see a mention of such a preference? There's so many members here, Im sure we could do something??


Well-known member
i'm still a newbie and i didn't know her but every loss is a horrible thing, she'll be in my prayers tonight...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vloky
I'm just curious, could we pool together some money for flowers or for a donation to a foundation that does research or some such for the ailment she suffered from in liu of flowers?

Originally Posted by Janice
Ciara's relatives are in the process of setting a trust fund up for her. When I get that information I will pass it along so that those who wish to contribute will be able to.



Well-known member

Janice is in my prayers.... she is in a WAY better place now and probably has TONS of makeup
her family is in my prayers.. i know how it feels...


Well-known member
I had no idea she was even ill! I'm stunned.
Her young daughter and family will be in my prayers.


Well-known member
Oh my goodness, I had no idea she was even sick! She always seemed so happy and joyous. Her posts and pictures of her daughter showed how much she loves her and how close they are, they were really sweet. I feel so sorry for Ciara and her family. I can't imagine what it must be like. I just don't know what to say.