We have experienced a grave loss *UPDATED*


Well-known member
Oh wow, I'm so sorry. She was such a sweet person and I wish I had gotten to know her better. My condolences go out to the family. She will be missed...


Well-known member
Oh no. I only found out when I read this thread. I speak to her once in a while over MSN, and I couldn't get to speak to her recently because of school.
Janice is a very wonderful person, and she always lent me a hearing ear everytime I needed one...she's that beautiful. I just don't know what to say.


Active member
Wow, that's so sad. I don't mean to be rude, but why does it say someone was on her account yesterday?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stella.
I don't mean to be rude, but why does it say someone was on her account yesterday?

It's possible someone sent Tom, her SO, this thread for him to view.


Well-known member
Janice has touched everyone on Specktra, and I'm sure who ever has been lucky enough to have met her, with her kindness and ability to embrace and love unconditonally. It's sorrowful that she has had to leave everyone so early in her life at the same time comforting that she will no longer be suffering.

My deepest sympathy and prayers goes out to her family. Janice will be forever in our hearts and forever with the Lord.


Well-known member
This is definitely a shocker being that my aunt has just died unexpectedly also......I'm so deeply saddened by this because I know she had a beautiful little girl......I remember I was looking at some of the photos she had put up of her little girl and something just stuck out to me about them......her eyes are so full of life and happiness and I know that can only come from having one of the greatest mothers a girl could have.....it was clear that Janice absolutely adored Ciara and would have gave her the moon if she could......I just feel so horrible that something this devastating had to happen to such a beautiful little girl......I know that Janice has been sick for a long time and that her family had been preparing for this but, nothing can ever prepare a child, that's in some of the greatest stages of her life, for losing her mommy........I'm just at a loss.......I'd like to type a few words to Ciara here in hopes that they will find their way to her somehow.....

Even though I do not know you or your mommy I just want to tell you that I'm so sorry about your loss. I can't really find the right words to explain how sorry I am. I just want to tell you that I've seen some of the pictures your mom has posted of you and you are absolutely beautiful. Always remember that. Please don't lose that happiness in your eyes because one day that little sparkle will get you very far. I know that this must be a hard time for you but just think, your mommy can be with you everywhere you go now. She loved you more than you will ever know and I can tell that she will never leave your side. Your birthday's coming up soon right? Well, I wish you a very very very very Happy Birthday!!!! and I hope you have a blast. I know that may seem hard to do but you and I both know that your mom would want to see
that big pretty smile of your's. And what a pretty smile it is! I hope that this might have cheered you up maybe a tiny little bit at least. You are a very special girl and I wish you the best in your future. Someday I know I'll see your face in lights somewhere. Give yourself a big squeeze from me and know that your in my prayers.

P.S.~If you ever need someone to talk to I'm just a few taps on the keyboard away.....my email address is [email protected].....I wish you the best Ciara!

Your friend if you ever need one,

To Janice's family.....I wish you all the best and I'm very very sorry for your loss.....please know that you're in my prayers.......


Well-known member
ok now that i stopped crying. im so sadden by this. i wish her daughter and family well. this is really just so sad....


Well-known member
I know reiterating how bad this is doesn't make it any easier....but I can't help it. Every time someone near me leaves us, it still hurts the same.


Well-known member
I am so sorry to hear this news, even though I didn't personally know her just seen her posts I felt like I did know her. My heart and prayers go out to her family, friends and especially her lil girl I know just like everyone else how much she loved her. She will be missed.


Well-known member
I have mixed emotions right now. Saddened, because of the loss. Happy, because her soul is finally free.

See you next lifetime, honey. At a MAC counter, getting gloss!

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
I am shocked and saddened by this news. My prayers go out to her family and daughter. Her soul is finally at peace...


Well-known member
Wow, I'm just speechless at the moment. I have never imagined we would lose a member here, I'm just lost for words right now. Eventhough Janice and I never got a chance to chat on this site, I'm sure she had been helpful to the majority of the people here. She, her daughter Ciara, her family and friends will be in my prayers.

Janice, sweetheart, I'm sure you're in a much better place now, feeling much better. You'll my in my prayers.


Well-known member
my heart is filled heavy with meloncholoy to hear such news its hard to loose a beloved once - all i can say is my prayers go out to Janice's family

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