Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Just to say that I read you girls
I'm doing good

Girl about town

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
If anyone knows how to avoid bloating, I would be very happy to know too! I swell up something awful when I ovulate. I guess it has to do with water retention (amongst other things)?

I'm sorry your bf said that... a little unsensitive. I hope you feel better soon.

green tea is great for bloating it really gets rid of water weight!!!


Well-known member
Felt a bit guilty this week as I've had a pizza at pizza express sunday and a few chocolates at work!! But went shopping and got some more fruit and veg. It's hard counting calories as I live in the UK but have been brought up with teh US system and the nutrional systems differ slighlty. I also find it's hard to figure out how many calories I burn. I think I need to incorporate excersize into my 'healthy' regime to get rid of some fat!

Does anyone know if you would conisder Philidelphia Cheese Light Spread healthy? I've been trying to find something yummy to put on those rice cake thigns as they taste like cardboard on there own! xx

Just want to eat chocolates at the mo. I could totally be the man in the film CHOCOLATE (w/ Johnny Depp) when he stuffs his face at the end and rolls around in all the chocolate powder and chocolate sauce!

Girl about town

Well-known member
low fat soft cheeses are fine for you, i love the laughing cow light its really tasty!!! they are not very high protein but they are low fat and good for adding flavour i put them on pitta breads with chicken or tuna!!

i love hoummous on crispbreads too.


Well-known member
Hi all! I hope everyone is having a nice Saturday. Me, I am relaxing after a completely crazy work week. But I've been doing pretty good exercise and food wise! Yesterday was terrible but so what. I went swimming on Monday, strength training on Wednesday and did some biking and running at the gym on Thursday. Other than yesterday, which was full of waffles and ice cream (yum!) and only yougurt and a banana for lunch, I have been eating pretty decently. Home cooked meals all the way, no cereal dinners for me! Yay!

Now I am going to drag my ass out of bed (hubby brought me breakfast in bed today, how lovely and sweet) and go for a walk.


Well-known member
I just did about an hour and a half of cardio. *snicker* My boyfriend just showed up.

Good luck guys! Keep up the good work.


Well-known member
I did good this weekend!

Last night for superbowl too
I ate some small sandwiches and macaroni salad, some fresh nachos dip (I made it with avocado and fresh vegetables, you know a 7 layers dip)

Yesterday I went to my makeup class (in a big building with lofts in it) and the escalator didnt work, I climbed all the way up. My legs were DEAD! It was the first time it happened to me, like they didnt want to work anymore... and I wasnt this much ''out of breath''. What a shame


Well-known member
Oh gosh I have to start posting on here again- when I stopped, I started eating terribly again! UGH!!

/reads all 81 pages to get motivation


Well-known member
Hey guys, I just wanted to see how everyone is doing.
I've been really busy and haven't been on specktra much lately. And since I'm not contributing, I must announce my hiatus from the weight loss group. But when I see a delicious looking pastry, I'll hear all of your voices in my head telling me to walk away!

Good luck everyone!


Well-known member
Can I join in too?
I've been lurking this thread and it has helped me so much.

I've decided it's time to take control of my health and weight.
A lot of the cliches about making lifestyle changes rather than dieting, and staying away from the bastardly scales are starting to sink in with me now.

I'm not counting calories, just watching portions, oil and trying to eat well. I've been eating oatmeal for breakfast for the past three weeks and I'm starting to like it, it makes me less likely to crave shitty things cos it's so filling.

It feels good to have a bit of self control and I feel like I have more energy when I eat this way. I've lost about 6 pounds this month!

I have learned to let go of obsessing over the scales, because when the number isn't 'right' it's like it fuels any excuse to have a binge. And I'm trying to be gentle with myself because I know I retain a lot of water.


Well-known member
Just a quick check-in! I've been doing pretty well but I think I'm coming down with a cold so I haven't really been able to exercise as much as I'd like to. I've kept my sweet intake to 1-2 days per week though which is really good for me!


Well-known member
OK, I'm completely starting over. Again.

I can do this. I will check in more regularly as well. Not going to do any "diet" persay, just going to make the lifestyle changes I have made in the past and have taken the weight off before. I just need to get in a new groove and get those good habits ingrained again.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Septemba
Totally about mindset, isn't it!! It can be so hard to get into that place mentally.

Exactly. I've been trying to get back into that mindset for the last couple of months, I have done it before very successfully, so I thought I could just "switch it on" again. Not that simple at all.

I'm determined though - I will just pick myself back up when I falter. I am so unhappy inside my skin, I really need this.

Here's to all of us on this journey.


Well-known member
Hey guys. My diet's been decent, and I've been doing tons of power walking. My bf moved to the city a couple of weeks ago and the last bus I have to take to get there is very unreliable so I usually walk the last 15 blocks. It's been great for my calves.

I haven't been doing what I would call "real" exercise. I'm a little annoyed with myself about that, but I haven't been feeling myself for a few weeks. It's been weird, lots of headaches, always tired, and I've been kind of feverish. So while I wish I'd been working out, because I've been doing so much walking I'm not too upset.


Well-known member
Meg - with all that walking, you are getting tons of exercise. I hope you are feeling more like yourself soon, feel better!

We are having tons of rain this weekend (we need it) but I am not going to let it stop me from getting out and moving my fat bum.


Well-known member
Hi all! It's been a while since I've checked in, but I've been doing pretty good with exercise and stuff.
I joined a weight loss webgroup that sort of works like WW, but they don't have points, it's based on calories. It's very sensible, where nothing is forbidden, you just need to stay within your daily cals. Every kind of exercise counts - the important thing is that you move, not how you move! I joined this site two days ago after having been to try on underwear and I realize I am sick of having 10-15 extra pounds to drag around. I need to check my portions as I have the feeling I am underestimating them.


Active member
Hi there! I'd love to join you all if I can?!

I'm currently 5'2" and 232lbs, so I can't ignore the issues any longer! I turned 30 last week, and now all my parties and celebratory meals are out the way, I feel ready to go for it. I didn't want to be a fat 30, but I was and so instead of being miserable about it, I'm just gonna take one day at a time and be a heathier 31 instead!

My downfalls are lack of exercise and wine, so I really need to tackle those areas as well as food.

You all seem to have loads of positivity and I'd love to share it as I know I could use some!

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