Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
Ok! I just ate a bunch of chocolate chips. Bad Meg!

For breakfast I had scrambled eggs (3) with mushroom, cheese, orange pepper, onion, and garlic. Yum.


Well-known member
It went pretty well. I had an avocado sandwich, greeklies for a snack, and something else which I can't remember. I've been sick, so I'm a little out of it.

How about you?
Hi everyone!!!

I hope it's ok if I join this thread. I guess I'll brief you all on my goals and such. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant and I've gained about 33 pounds so far. I'm 5 ft 3 and my prepregnancy weight is up and down from 95 pounds to about 118. I've been one of those yoyo dieters. My goal after I have the baby is to get down and stay between 105 and 110. Right now I'm going to limit my calorie intake to 1800 since I'm pregnant and I'll be brestfeeding that way my baby will still be healthy. I'm currently walking everyday and after I recover from childbirth I plan on running/swimming and strength trainning. I really want to work on firming my body and staying healthy. Since I'll be starting the 1800 cal meal plan tommorow, I guess thats when I'll start posting daily. Wish me luck and good luck to you with your goals!
A weight group, how exciting! This is a great idea to motivate each other to achieve our goal.

After reading many posts here, I decided to start a daily plan for myself.

What I've done so far over the past 3 days:

- no pop (not that pop was ever a problem for me, I never liked pop)
-drink LOTS of water (I've discovered my love for plain water recently even though I used to hate water cause it was so plain)
-at least 30 minute exercise everyday
-make sure I eat breakfast every morning, usually just fruits

I am 5"2.5 weighing 104lbs. I'm not really trying to lose weight, but instead, I'm trying become more healthy since I have bad habits such as waking up way too late to eat breakfast, eating right before I go to bed and not never exercising. But I guess we all have one goal in common, and that's to make a change in our lifestyle.

*hops on the bandwagon*

Good luck everyone!


Well-known member
"Hi, I'm SMMY and I'm a chocoholic."
Actually, I just saw this thread and thought it was a really great idea. I've been working on making something less of myself for the last several months. I'm just shy of my half way point and have stalled out a bit. I need someone to metaphorically kick my arse and get me going again.

I started back to working out at least four days a week again. I'm also back on my proper eating after a weekend of pizza and birthday cake.

So, um, hi everyone.


Well-known member
Hey my girls, where are you?

A lot of us disappeared

We have to be more active in here

I've lost 5 pounds since christmas, here and there, eating a little better

Let's just forget about easter chocolate...


Well-known member
Congrats on losing 5 pounds Willa!!

I think that i am finally coming back to this thread..I will do 20mins on the treadmill and my ab work out.

No fizzy drinks.


Well-known member
We're going to Nice next september
No need to say that I don't wanna look like hell over there on the beach?

My bf convinced me that if we take a walk after diner, he will massage my legs as a reward. The fact is : my legs hurt and are ''bloated'' because of water retention. It will help me a lot

Welcome back Nunu!


Well-known member
I just want to say Hi & I hope all you ladies are doing well with your diets/workouts...I have been really doing good...I still run/walk or workout at least 5 days a week and my weight is finally on track. I have my occassional slip days where I eat crazy but I try to get right back on track the day after. I am basically concentrating on toning at this time and just trying to be healthy and make wiser food choices.

I hope you all continue to do well...Good job Willa on the 5 lbs!!!


Well-known member
I'd like to join this thread. Im back to trying to get healthy and toning. i am 25 yrs old, i am 5'6 and i weigh about 148lbs. I would like ot bring down the pounds just a bit, but honesltly it would be great if it just came off from my belly and by lifting my ass back up.

Ive invested in this new dvd by Kim Kardashian, which is a ultimate butt sculpting workout, that im hoping will work out. I also have been going to the gym and doing ab workouts. and the difference btwn my past workouts and this one is my diet. I love to eat, but i dont want to feel i must give into everything to look like a barbie. i think barbies eat bad sometimes too. so Im trying to have 1-2 bad days, which consist of one bad meal that day. and workout 5-6 days a week for about an hour. i want to slow it down a bit after having worked out for 2 months. so far ive been trying my routine for two weeks now and ive noticed ive become a little stronger.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Breanne Angelo
Hi everyone!!!

I hope it's ok if I join this thread. I guess I'll brief you all on my goals and such. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant and I've gained about 33 pounds so far. I'm 5 ft 3 and my prepregnancy weight is up and down from 95 pounds to about 118. I've been one of those yoyo dieters. My goal after I have the baby is to get down and stay between 105 and 110. Right now I'm going to limit my calorie intake to 1800 since I'm pregnant and I'll be brestfeeding that way my baby will still be healthy. I'm currently walking everyday and after I recover from childbirth I plan on running/swimming and strength trainning. I really want to work on firming my body and staying healthy. Since I'll be starting the 1800 cal meal plan tommorow, I guess thats when I'll start posting daily. Wish me luck and good luck to you with your goals!

I'm 5'3 as well....118 is really not big or overweight at all for this height..but pretty ideal by most standards...I try to stay around 115-120...However if I was 95lbs I would look like I was sick. But I guess it depends on your frame...


Well-known member
My eating has been fine, but my exercise needs to be kicked up. I've got the craziest week, so you might not hear back from me until Sunday. Love you all, and congrats Willa!


Well-known member
I love my lunch today

I have a Garden Cocktail vegetable juice, 2 servings of vegetables
A crab meat pasta salad, 1 carrot
An Activia Fibre Strawberry and kiwi yogourt


Well-known member
I had brought food to work. A grilled piece of chicken with a very small portion of white rice and i put it in the frig at work in the break room.the maintenance guy decided to clean out the frig and single my lunch out and throw it out withouth asking or anything. hes supposed to clean out the frig friday!!! its WED!!. so he felt bad and will be buying my lunch tomorrow!

Anyway, I had to find lunch for today so instead of the boring salad i usually eat, i got a small clam chowder soup. thats it. didnt really have breakfast unless you count the strawberry yogart and tea i had this morning....so im hoping the calories i had in the small soup wont be that bad....

off to work out today again, only today im focusing on abs..ive been so focused on my gluts...i totally forgot to keep up on the abs and arms..


Well-known member
Today, two mini bagels with cream cheese. For lunch and dinner I have no idea, I have an exam in three and a half hours, another tomorrow morning, and another Friday afternoon, and I'm moving on Saturday so I don't want to stock up on groceries until after I move... So I have almost no food in the house. Lunch will probably be some frozen beef and barley soup I have in the freezer, and supper? I may go study at an all night cafe that has a kitchen and get something there.

Exercise.. Hah! I think not.


Well-known member
Hey guys, I'm trying to lose a bit of weight for the summer, prob about 20lbs. Mainly, because I want to wear daisy dukes.

I'm currently 5'2 and the last time I weighed myself I was about 130 odd lbs, I'm still wearing the same clothes (about a size 6-8) but I'm guessing I'm closer to 140lbs now, if not actually 140. My middle portion is pretty good, my main problem is chunky legs and booty lol.


Well-known member
Woohoo! I finished all my exams and I'm moving today. I've been running around packing all morning, so I've had a decent workout. My diet still hasn't been great, but once I'm moved into my new place I can focus on eating well again.

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