Weight Loss Group


Well-known member
hey girls, I'm uber depressed right now, I can't seem to get that feeling of dread/sadness/uselessness away. My dad is leaving to go back home today which is good for him, i'm jealous I want to leave too! lol
Right now thoguh I don't think I'd enjoy much of a vacation I feel... hopeless...

That said I'm going to try not to let the hopeless feeling interfere with my eating. I am defrosting a chicken breast to cook for supper so at least I have that planned out in my head. And I will try to stay offline tonight and use the treadmill while I watch lost or something tonight to get a bit of excercise.

I hate feeling this way with no real valid reasons. I FIND reasons but I'm sure they're just things that I'm latching onto to explain the way I'm feeling. Argh! I'm going to rock it DESPITE being all wierd emotionally. lol

Half N Half

Well-known member
Cheer up girl! I know it's hard not to let your emotions affect your eating, but you can do it. You already have your dinner planned out, so that's a good thing. And hitting that treadmill will definitely make you feel better. Keep your head up!


Well-known member
Thanks Half N Half
I didn't make the treadmill but I did dinner and hung out with a friend. So social contact = good for me. LOL
Developing a SOLO routine, had lunch planned out in advance so made it, ate it, already did the dishes with time to spare before I run back to work (in like 2 minutes
) Hopefully tonight goes as well.

I had a turkey sandwhich with some cheddar shaved onto it, and pickles (weakness for salt) and those lovely baby carrots on the side. I'll grab some of those and a yoghurt for a snack this afternoon. Talk to you soon girls!


Well-known member
Swim 275 yards, Bike 11 miles, Run 3.1 miles

The only thing I am worried about is the swimming...I am a good swimmer..I am not the Best so that is what we are training on...I have the Bike and running down....Also, know ladies we are in it to finish not to win or place by any means.

My husband and I currently ride 7 miles and run 4 so we have that part good unless the last 4 miles of the biking kills me dead......But You can stop for short breaks ....you just have to finish


Well-known member
A small win for me here : Last week, it took me about 1 min 30 seconds to climb ''the hill'' between my job and my home. I HATE that hill, I hate hate hate it. Can I be honest? I sometimes (often) took the bus just to avoid walking it because I hate feeling all sweaty... pathetic isnt it?

Anyway, I realized that if I fix myself some small goals, it seems to work.

So, yesterday it took me 1 min 13 seconds!
My next goal is to climb it in 50 seconds... I wonder how many days it's going to take me!

I didnt eat bad during the last days, went for a walk 2 nights this week with my man. Good good girl

Gotta reach the goal for this summer travel to Nice... !


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I would hate to feel/smell sweaty going to work as well...I don't blame you

I didnt explain myself well, shame on me, the hill I have to walk by is when I come back home. When I go to work, luckily, I walk it down


Well-known member
Hey ladies, I still don't have the internet in my new house (until Monday), so I am writing this from a cafe (while eating a lemon cheesecake square, my weakness!). I've been doing well, moving and unpacking is a workout.

Snowflake, it's great to hear from you! I've been wondering what a lot of you guys have been up to, love you all!

Kisses, and I'll be back on Monday or Tuesday.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Rpmgtgirl
"Swim 275 yards, Bike 11 miles, Run 3.1 miles"

That would kill me Im so out of shape...Good Luck!!

I'm sure I will need intensive care as well....


Well-known member
Oh Tish wow.

Me I've been slackening, hanging out with a friend but we made a healthful supper not the best, but not bad, chicken wraps, and went out for drinks, i just had a diet coke sans alcohol. And danced a bit it was just good to see people. We're going out for lunch soon, must get ready.

Was nice just dolling up and relaxing I don't do that enough. ~L~


Well-known member
im so grumpy...grrr...and FAT FAT FAT.Hearing of all this sucess is pissing me off. Ihave nothing good to report...Im as fat as ever. F*ck ! O well I'll just work my 14 hour shift ...try not to eat bad food all day then cave at at like 2 in the morning...when nothing but denny's is open. Then after my shift I have 2 drive 4 hours to Reno....oohrah 24 hours without sleep !!!


Well-known member
i'm so lazy today I don't even feel like ready, I'm watching cheesy sunday TV and drinking coffee and eating. Though I'm trying to keep the eating to healthy choices. LOL


Well-known member
HO MY GOD, I had one of these day you just want to forget about, last saturday
I was at my parent's place, my man needed some space to study his papers, and I wanted him to work well, since we have such a small condo, I went over there. I realized how quickly your bad habbits can come back...

My parent's eat very bad, that's how I was raised...
And nothing changed really. I ate sooooo bad that I almost got sick (saving details here) during the night.

Yesterday, to help this bad stuff get out of my body, I ate good stuff. For diner I made sushis, it was #1. I'm still having some for lunch, leftovers.

Bad bad bad girl

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