Welcome Back!


Well-known member
Huge thanks to everyone who worked to make this move as painless as possible, and thank you to everyone who continues to make Specktra better! We really appreciate it.


Well-known member
Thank you so much! Rob and Adrienne, you have made me very happy. I was having serious withdrawl. My morning coffee just wasn't the same without my Specktra family.


Well-known member
Hail to Rob and Adrienne. I was seriously missing this place. Thanks for the great job!



Well-known member
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH. i can't tell you how many times i checked the site to see if it was back up. i know other people have said this, but specktra is my drug of choice.


Well-known member
Oh thank you Rob and Adrienne! I was so bummed that I couldn't go camping, but i was like at least I'll have Specktra!! Thank you for gettign the forums up and working again. I didn't know what to do with myself for a couple of days :/


Well-known member
Thanks so much Rob & Adrienne. I'm normally patient but must confess was very impatient waiting for Specktra to come back! The wealth of knowledge in this forum is astounding!