What are you going to do today?


Well-known member
I will get my hair done today, finally after weeks. A new cut, some new color...

What are you going to do? What are you looking forward to?


Well-known member
Iam going to have a lazy day
Iam not back at work till saturday. I will proberly go out a long walk with my dog which is what I usually do when Iam of.


Well-known member
work from 9 am to 6 pm, then showing my coworker around jersey city while she looks at apartments, then having us some girl time that we've been meaning to have for months
laundry should be done at some point too, but maybe i'll do it tomorrow..............


Well-known member
I'll be at work until 5 but at least I have a huge window beside me and it's a lovely sunny (though very, very cold!) day here.

Later on, I'm going for a meal at the Hilton with some colleagues as one of them is about to retire. As I live further away from work than the rest of them, I don't have time to go home and come back later, so I have to waste some time before going to the hotel. I think I'll use the time to watch the next episode of Dirty Sexy Money. I
Peter Krause!


Well-known member
Tomorrw I am;
-taking a tour of the beauty college Im starting at on Monday (EXCITING!)
-studying/making notes for a test I have at Uni next week
-cleaning up my room
-organising my traincase

BUSY day! I go back to work on Friday, so lots to do, boo


Well-known member
Today I'm going to work out when my daughter goes down for a nap. After naptime, we're heading to the park for a walk (it's finally 50 degrees here). Tonight is grocery shopping and dinner as a family. Oh, and American Idol.


Well-known member
Do some work and make another youtube video probably. However tomorrow I may well be receive my corset in the post and do a Dread install on someone.


Well-known member
Getting my room back together after getting new furniture, and a huge spring cleaning. Not really something to look forward, just very necessary


Well-known member
A physics lab exam, class, rehearsal, homework, review, and some administrative stuff for the musical that I'm involved with. Opening night is next Thursday so we've got a lot of work to get done.


Well-known member
Today I worked, thats it. I will clean my room later and maybe color my moms hair.

Tomorrow--work. And getting my hair cut at work. Thaaaats all


Well-known member
Today I will catch up on a lot of work, do some more administrative stuff for the musical, go to rehearsal, and talk to my boyfriend. I want to try to do something to cheer him up, he's had a really rough week.


Well-known member
well the days almost over.. recently ive been going to bed at like 7-8PM and waking up at early hours in the morning... my sleeping pattern is f*cked!!! but im going to see my boyfriend in about half an hour and watch katie and peter andre's new tv show tonight on itv2!! im so excited! lol i hope its better than the old ones
and my auntie who lives in belgium rang today and said i have to go get some holiday brochures and book a holiday for me and my bf lol im soo exxcited for that!!! i have no idea where i wanna go though


Well-known member
today i gots work till 6, then going home to do some laundry and relax. i've been running around like a chicken with no head for the last few weeks taking care of my grandmother, so i'm looking forward to some time to relax and get my house in order (it needs to be cleaned ASAP)